GE Analytical Instruments ©2016
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DLM 68100-09 EN Rev. A
Chapter 4: Installation
Place the other end of the tube into the opening of the Check Standard carboy.
Fill the carboy to the desired level with check standard solution. The concentration of the check standard
solution, should approximate the sample’s concentration, if possible.
Installing the Grab Sample System
To sample from a vial, no special hardware setup is required. Place a 40-mL vial (septum-down) in the Vial Port
and operate the Analyzer in Grab mode (for details, see
“Grab Measurements” on page 139
Step 9: Connect the Reagent and Dilution Water Lines
Locate the pre-cut tubing and the three carboys in the Accessories Kit, and then connect the tubing from these
containers to the appropriate port on the InnovOx according to the instructions in this section:
• Connect the dilution water.
• Connect the persulfate oxidizing solution [30% (w/v) sodium persulfate (Na
• Connect the acid (6M H
or 3M HCl).
To connect the dilution water
1. Attach one end of the tubing to the top port, and tighten the PEEK nut finger-tight.
2. Insert the other end of the tube assembly into the opening of the carboy.
3. Fill the “Dilution Water” carboy with deionized water or the best-quality water available to you.
To connect the persulfate oxidizing solution
1. Pour up to four 1 kg bottles
of the oxidizer powder into an empty 3.5 gallon carboy.
2. Fill the carboy with deionized water (or comparable water) until it reaches the appropriate (1, 2, 3, or 4
bottle) fill mark identified inside the carboy.
3. Shake the carboy for approximately one minute to mix the oxidizer powder with the water.
When handling components that contain sample, standards, waste solution, or
reagents, wear eye protection and gloves.
To prepare a smaller amount of oxidizing solution, 600 g pouches of oxidizer powder are also available.