GE RA511J Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for RA511J

Page 1: ...ial Numbers 2 Oven E 21 Baking Bating Guide 16 17 BroiJing BroilingGuide 20 21 I Control Settings 15 Door Removal 22 I Light Bulb Replacement 15 22 Roasting RoastingGuide 18 19 I Therinostat Adjustment 23 VentDuct 22 I Prob em Solver 25 Repair Service 27 I Safety Instructions 3 4 Surface Cooking 10 13 I Control Settings 10 Cookware Tips 12 13 models RS46J U4KJ ...

Page 2: ...nt of the range behind the ovendoor These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership RegistrationCard that came with your range Beforesending in this card please write these numbers here ModelNumber Serial Number Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your range If youreceived a dmaged range bediately contacttie dealer or builder that sold you the range k K sav...

Page 3: ...acketwhenyou pushMerwgeback X eep hoodand grease filtem Cleml to maintain good venting and to avoid grease fires Do not touchhmthg elemen or hterior surface of oven Thesesufices maybehot enoughtobumeventhoughtiey aredarkMcolor Duringand af r use donottouch orlet clotig orotherflamable ma ridscontactsutiaceuti areasnearbysurhceutiwor any interiorareaoftie oven allow sufficient timeforcooling first ...

Page 4: ... in theovenexceptasdescribedin thisbook Misusecouldresultin a shock firehazardor damage totherange only Cetiin tyw ofglms9 glms cetie eatihenmre or other glwed Conhinemare Snitiblefor range tip Sertiee othersmaybreakbecauseofthe suddenchangeintem rature Seesectionon Surface Cooking forsuggestions Tomiti ize the possibility f buTm7ignitionofflammable materials and spfllage tie handleofa co hiner sh...

Page 5: ... rduce heat immediatelyto lowestsettingthat WWkmp it cootig Use Rsidud heat with sufice cookingwheneverpossible For example when cookingeggsin the shell bring waterad e s to boti then fiJrnto OFF position and coverwith lid to completethe cooking Use correct heat for cookingtask GH to stafl cooking iftime Wows donotuseWGHheatto start MEDIUM HI quickbrowning MEDIUM slow frying LOW fitishcooking most...

Page 6: ... One surface unit ON indicator light on RA511J 4 on I A513J one over each surface unit control No oven light on RA511J AF ...

Page 7: ...9 Plug InCalrod SurfaceUnit Maybe removedwhencleaning underunit _ 10 Chrome PlatedTrimRings and PorcelainDrip Pans w I 11 Chrome PlatedTrimRingsand AiuininumDrip Pans 2 6 in 2 8 in 4 e e 22 4 22 I12 OvenVentDuct Locatedunder rightrear surfaceunit 22 13 OvenInteriorLight Comeson automaticallywhendooris opened 22 15 20 16 Ii4 Oven LightSwitch Q 5 Broil Unit I I 1 I 16 BakeUnit Maybe liftedgently j f...

Page 8: ... P ...

Page 9: ...3 3 6 in 18 in 9 Chrome Plated Trim Ringsand 22 Aluminum Drip Pans 10 Oven VentDuct Locatedunder 22 right rear surface unit 11 Oven Interior Light Comes on 22 automatically when door is opened 12 Oven Light Switch 15 4 I 13 Broil Unit 20 I14 Bake Unit Maybe lified gently for wiping oven floor 16 15 Oven Shelves 15 2 I 2 2 I 16 Oven Shelf Supports Letters A B C and D indicate cooking positionsfor s...

Page 10: ...ush in I I mGH m m mD J mw Step 2 Turn either clockwiseor counterclockwisetodesiredheat setting control mustbe pushedin toset Odyfrom orF position when controlis in any position other than OFF it maybe To ted withoutpushingin Be sure youturn controlto OFF when youfinish cooking An indicator lightwill glowwhen ANY heaton anysurfaceunitison Quickstart for cooking bfig watertobofl Fastq pm broil main...

Page 11: surface cooking However when canning with water bath or pressure canner larger diameter pots may be used This is because boiling water temperatures even under pressure are not harmful to cooktop surfaces surrounding the surface unit HOWEVER DO N USE LARGE DIAMETERCANNERS 01 LARGE DIAMETER Pms FOR FRYING OR BOILING FOODS HER THANWATER P lost syrup or sauce rnixtures and al types of frying cook a...

Page 12: ...Wtomaintain gentlebut steadyperk LOW Cookonly3to4 minutesforsoftcooked 15minutesforhardcooked Continue cooking at MEDHI untilwhitesurejust set about 3to5 moreminutes LOW thenadde s When bottomsofeggshavejust set carefi lly turnovertocookother side LOW Carefullyaddeggs Cookuncovered about5 minutesat MEDHI MED Addeggmixture Cook stirringtodesired doneness Eggs Cooked inshell Covered Saucepan HIGH Co...

Page 13: ...esslightlylonger time m overpancakes when bubblesrisetosurface MEDHI Heatskillet8to 10minutes Greaseiightly RSb Noodlesorspaghetti MEDHI Cookuncovered untiltender Forlarge amounts HIGHmaybe neededtokeepwaterat rollingboilthroughout entirecooking time Uselargeenough kettleto preventboilover Pastadoubles in size whencooked Covered LargeKettle orPot 31GH Incoveredkettle bring akedwatertoaboil uncover...

Page 14: ...odelsmaysay START and STQPdialsto automaticallystart and stopoven at a later time ofday It takesthe worry out of notbeinghometo startor stop the oven Settingthe dials for TIME BAKE is explainedin detailon page 16 Model RB532GJ clock and Minute mmer Thismodel has a time of day clock andminutetimer but does not have STARTand S P dials needed for TIME BAKE function Qllestions andAmw em Q Howcan I use...

Page 15: ...e oven only when ilLSCeSSaI y JViOSt fOOdS will COOk s tisi actori y witllout preheating j1 you f d preheating IS e ess ry cp all ejleoll the illdic torlight i i Jilifi o I ill tile oven promptiy a j g li goes Oui iiiJl oven Interior Shelves The shelve s are designedwith stop locksso that whenplaced correctly on the shelf supports they a will stopbeforecoming completelyfromthe oven and b till not ...

Page 16: ...Automatic Sbp N E Beforebeginningmake sure the hands of the rangeclock showthe correct time of day Immediate Start is simply setting ovento startbakingnowand turning off at a later time automatically Remember foodscontinuecooking after controls are off step 1 Toset Stop Time push in knob on STOP dial and turn pointer to time you want ovento turn offi for example 6 00 The DELAY STARTdial some model...

Page 17: ... 15minutes A B B B A B Darkmetalorglassgivedeepest browning Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused ain ol s Swee rolls lhinyOblong orMuffinPans Shiny Oblong orMuffinPans A B B A 30 55 10 15 45 60 Two piece panisconvenient Linepanwithwaxed paper Aluminum TubePan MetalJellyRollPan MetalorCeramicPan A B A 325 3500 350 3750 275 3000 350 3750 350 3750 350 45 65 20 25 2 4hrs 20 35 25 ...

Page 18: Remember that food will continue to cook in the hot ovenand therefore shouldbe removedwhen the desired internal temperature has been reached Frozen roasts of beef pork lamb etc can be started without thawing but allow 10to 25 minutes per pound additionaltime 10 minutes per pound for roasts under 5 pounds more time for larger roasts Thaw most frozen poultry before roasting to ensure evendonene...

Page 19: ...Done ToWarm WellDone Approximate RoastingTime inMinutesperFound 3 to5 lbs 6to lbs 24 30 18 22 30 35 22 25 35 45 28 33 21 25 20 23 25 30 24 28 30 35 28 33 35 45 30 40 35 45 30 40 10minutes perpound anyweight Under10 lbs 10to15 lbs 20 30 17 20 Forbonelessrolledroastsover6 inches thick add5to 10minutesperpoundtotimesgivenabove I oultry 3to5 lbs Over5 Fbs ChickenorDuck 325 WellDone 35 40 30 35 Chicken...

Page 20: ...tof aluminum foilon shelf Todo so mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damage to ovenfinish and increase in heat on outside surfaces ofthe oven 3 If desired a sheet ofaluminum foil may be used on floor ofthe oven u zderthebake unit BE CERTAIN FOIL DOES PJOT OUCHBAICE UINJIT Aluminum foilused in this waymay slightlyaffecttie browning of some foods Ci12F ge foilwhen it beconles Soiled Questions Amwers ...

Page 21: ... Time Minutes Time Minutes IBacon lb about8 I c thinslices Upto8pattiestakeaboutsametime l lb 4patties hto in thick I c GroundBeef We Done BeefSteaiB Rare Medium WellDone l inchthick c 1to 1 lbs c c lfi in thick c to2fi bso c c 1whole A 2 02fi lbs splitlengthwise 2to4 slices c 1pkg 2 2 split c 7 9 13 10 15 25 7 9 13 7 8 i4 16 20 25 Steakslessthan1inchcookthrough beforebrowning Panfryingis recommen...

Page 22: ...over the ovenvent located below the cooktop with opening of the duct under the round opening in the drip pan It is important that the duct is in the correct position so moisture and vapors from the oven can be released during ovenuse NOTE Never cover the hole in the oven vent duct with aluminum foil or any other material This prevents the oven vent from working properly during any cooking cycle Re...

Page 23: ... insurface unit plug terminals Do not attempt to clean adjust or in any wayrepair the plug in receptacle Padj wting oven Thermostat Use time given on recipe when ccoldngfirsttime Oventhermostats in lime may drift from the factory setting and differences in timing between an old and a new e en of 5 to 10minut sare not gfiusuaj If you find that your foods i tentljJ brown too little or too n u cl yo ...

Page 24: ...t smatterings etc washwithsoapandwaterwhencooled andthenrinse Polishwithdrycloth N USZovencleane Toremoveovendoorforeasiercleaning sw instructionson d sing powdersor harsh page22 Usesoapandwatertothoroughlycleanboththe abrasives insideandoutsideofdoor Rinsewell N soap left on door linercausesaddtimal stim whentheoven is rekated Coolbeforecleaning FORLIGHTSOIL Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwater esp...

Page 25: ...ecommended Improper shelf positionbeingused Check BroifingGuide Necessary preheatingwas notdone Food is being cookedon hot pan Utensils are not suitedfor broiling Aluminum foil used ORthe broil pan rack has notbeen fitted properly and slit as recommended OVEN SET knob not set on B OVEN TEMP knob riotsetcorrectly Shelf position is incorrect Check Roastingor Baking Guides Oven shelf is not Ievel Inc...

Page 26: ...urther help FIRST contactthe people who serviced your appliance Explain why you are not pleased In most cases this will solvethe problem NEXT if you are still notpleased write all the details including your phone number to Manager Consumer Relations Hotpoint Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblem is still not resolved write Major Appliance Consumer ActionPanel 20 North Wack...

Page 27: ...VICE WHAT ISNOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your USe and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers Failure...
