GE Porta-Cool KTP06 Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Porta-Cool KTP06

Page 1: ... ControlSettings 4 5 ElectricalRequirements 3 Energy Saving Tips 2 ExtensionCords 3 GrilleandCabinet 6 Grounding 3 ModelandSe ialNumbers 2 MoistureRemoval 5 ProblemSolver 7 RepairService 7 SafetyInstructions 2 UserMaintenance Instructions 6 Warranty Use andCare of ports Cool models KTP06 KTM04 KTM05 BackCover 0 TheGEAnswer Center 800 626 2000 ...

Page 2: closed Cool dryairescapeswhen they reopen write down themodel andserialnumbers Keepfirnace floorregistersand coldairreturnsclosed Coldair caneasilyescapethroughthem You ll findthemon a labelonthe frameoftheairconditionerbehind theair filter Don tletdrapesor furnitureblock topor frontofunitandrestrictair flowwhenit is operating Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardt...

Page 3: ...MITTED INCANADA R Thelargerslotintheadaptermust be alignedwiththelargerslotin thewdl outlettoprovideproper polarityintheconnection ofthe powercord CA ON Atichinganadapter groundterminaltowalloutletcover screwdoesnotgroundappliance unlesscoverscrewis metal and notinsulated andwalloutletis groundd throughhousewiring You shouldhavecircuitcheckedbya qualifiedelectriciantomakesure theoutletisproperlygr...

Page 4: ...lautomatically control thetemperatureoftheindoorair Thehigherthenumberselected the coolertheindoorairwillbe The SaveEnergy Wnge isavisual reminderthatyoucanconserve energybyselectingahigherroom temperaturebutstillkeeptheroom coolandlesshumidthanoutside ventilationControi Models KTM04 KTM05 Theventdoorinyourair conditionerisclosedwhenthe VENTpushbuttonisoutandtothe left Whentheventisclosed only the...

Page 5: ...ltoa lowernumber MoMure removal Themoisturethatyourair conditionerremovesfromtheair drainstotherearofthecabinet whereit ispickedupbya fanand dispersedagainstthecondenser Occasionally morelikelyduring start up a pinging noisemaybe heard Thisisnormalfora short timeinlesshumidareas andlonger inveryhumidareas Thismethod ofmoistureremovalimproves the operationalefficiencyofyour airconditioner Note Befo...

Page 6: ...Ifextremelysoiled theymayneed tobe steamcleaned a service available throughyourHotpcint serviceoutlet Thefoamair filterbehindthe inletgrilleshouldbe washedat leastevery30daysor asoftenas itneedscleaning II i m Remove theinletgrillebygrasping thetabatthetopofthegrifle pulling outandliftinggrilleout Placethegrilleona flatsurface andremovethe filter Washthe filterinhot soapywater just as youwoulda sp...

Page 7: ...r L Thermostatclick ametallicsotind maybeheardwhencompressorcyclesonandoff Thisisnormd Fanrunscontinuously whentheSelectorSwitchisinCQOLorFANposition Thisisnormal Excesswatermayoverflow inexcessively hotm dfiumid we a er Thisisno a Airconditioner mustbeinstiled levelortiltedslightly thetitside forprbper waterdisposal Thisisnormalforashortperiodinareaswithlittl htirnidity normalforalonger periodinv...

Page 8: ...r the servicetechnician s travel costs to your home WHAT IS NOT COVERED lmProPer installation Failure of the product resulting from If you have an installation probiem modifications to the product or due to Service trips to your home to or if the air conditioner is of unreasonable use including failure to teach you how to use the product improper cooling or heating provide reasonable and necessary...
