Range: None, TT6DataSet1,TT6 DataSet2, … TT3DataSet01,TT3 DataSet02, …
Default: None
This setting selects the published data set using the UR Setup software designator for the data set. If None is selected,
no TxGOOSE1 messages are sent.
The IEC 61850 name of the data sets are configured in the Datasets panel, as described later.
Some datasets are designed for the TT6 transfer time class (3 ms), while others are designed for the TT3 class (100 ms).
The performance of a TxGOOSE is determined by its dataset. Use TT6 datasets for trips and blocking applications, TT3
datasets for slow automatic interactions. The 61850 name of the datasets are configured in the Datasets panel.
An ObjectReference to the data set, which consists of the concatenation of the string "<LDName>/LLN0." and the data
set name, is published in the datSet field of TxGOOSE1 messages and can be used by subscribers to discriminate
TxGOOSE1 messages from other GOOSE messages. <LDName> is a syntactic variable that is set to the value of setting
Master functional ldName if one or more characters have been entered to that setting, otherwise the value of setting IED
NAME suffixed with "Master".
To configure a DataSet, select it at the top of the window from the drop-down list. In the lower part of the window, drag
and drop configuration items to the right side. Dataset members configured here affect other Report or TxGOOSE
control blocks that use the same DataSet.
The performance of the TxGOOSE is determined by the performance of the selected dataset. When the selection is
TT3DataSet01, TT3DataSet02, … it is possible that transient events can be missed.
Range: any 12 digit hexadecimal number
Default: 01-0C-CD-01-00-00
When the
setting is R-GOOSE, the
address is set to 00 00 00 00 00 00 and cannot be
changed. Otherwise, the value entered here sets the Ethernet destination Media Access Control (MAC) address in
published TxGOOSE1 messages. As the standard requires that the address have the multicast bit set TRUE, that is to say
the second digit is set to an odd number, messages transmitted have the multicast bit set TRUE no matter its value in
this setting.
The destination MAC address can be used by the network to restrict message delivery to selected devices that need to
receive them, reducing network load. This address also can be used by hardware in receiving devices to filter out
messages that are of no interest to them, reducing processor burden. Different filtering algorithms are implemented by
different devices. The standard recommends that the algorithm used by hardware of the receiving device be considered
when assigning destination multicast addresses.
Subscribers can use this address to discriminate TxGOOSE1 messages from other GOOSE messages.
Range: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5-4, 6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6
Default: 4
When the value entered is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, the User Priority value in the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag included in published
TxGOOSE1 messages is set to that value. When one of the two-digit values is entered, the dynamic priority feature is
selected: the first event message has the User Priority value of the first digit, and User Priority is decremented in each
following message until reaching the value of the second digit. For instance, if the selected value is 7-5, then the User
Priority values in successive messages beginning with the message triggered by an event is 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, and so on.
Do not make a dynamic priority selection when standard behavior is required.
Network devices can forward a message with a higher priority value before a message with a lower priority value, which
speeds delivery of high-priority messages in heavily loaded networks. The standard recommends that higher-priority
messages, such as GOOSE, have priority values in the range of 4 to 7.
Range: 0 to 4095 in steps of 1
Default: 0
The value entered sets the VID value in the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag included in published TxGOOSE1 messages. VID can be
used by network devices to direct messages to only selected devices, reducing network burden. VID values of 0 and 1
are assigned by IEEE 802.1Q to other functions and are not to be used for GOOSE.