Regular maintenance, irrespective of usage, is essential to ensure that the equipment
will always be functional when required.
Failure on the part of all responsible individuals, hospitals or institutions, employing
the use of this device, to implement the recommended maintenance schedule
may cause equipment failure and possible health hazards. The manufacturer does
not in any manner, assume the responsibility for performing the recommended
maintenance schedule, unless an Equipment Maintenance Agreement exists.
The sole responsibility rests with the individuals, hospitals, or institutions utilizing
the device.
Clean the trolley with the following chemical solutions:
• Isopropyl Alcohol (91%),
• Bleach (10%), or
• Germicidal Disposable Wipe (Sani-Cloth® HB).
These chemicals may not be compatible with plastics on the MAC device. Refer to the
device's service manual for cleaning instructions appropriate for the device.
Required Tools and Supplies
The following table lists the tools that may be required to perform the procedures
described in this chapter.
• #20 Torx
• #25 Torx
• #1 Phillips
• #2 Phillips
• #4 Phillips
Hex Keys
• 1/8" (supplied)
• 3/32"
• M6
Socket Wrenches
• 1/4” (socket, box, open)
• 1/2” (GCX, supplied)
MAC™ ECG Trolley