TRLYS#F Relay Output – TMR Contact Voting
The Relay Output with TMR contact voting (TRLYS1F and TRLYS2F) terminal boards provides 12 contact-voted relay
outputs. The board holds 12 sealed relays in each TMR section, for a total of 36 relays. The relay contacts from R, S, and T
are combined to form a voted Form A (NO) contact with TRLYS1F or the voted contacts are Form B (NC) output with
TRLYS2F. Either 24/125 V dc or 115 V ac can be applied. TRLYS#F boards do not support simplex applications and do not
have power distribution.
To reduce confusion in troubleshooting this highly interactive board set and to reduce mean time-to-repair, for first-stage
troubleshooting, the TRLYS#F should be treated as the lowest replaceable unit (LRU) and replaced as a set when the
diagnostic messages indicate that either is involved. If necessary, when time and conditions permit, the individual failed board
can be further isolated using
boards (a board previously known to be good) to match with the individual suspect board.
TRLYS#F Block Diagram
YDOA Discrete Output Modules
GEH-6855_Vol_II System Guide 155
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