When EIC 61850 and version is 7.30 or later, the file is added and time stamp is unchanged. When clicking in the
software on the tree element, a device folder is created, the original file moves into it, SCL files are generated there,
and the "Last modified" time stamp on the URS file changes.
3.11 Connect to D400 gateway
A GE Multilin D400 Substation Gateway can be used to collect data from UR devices in a local area network (LAN). It collects
metering, status, event, and fault report data from serial or LAN-based intelligent substation devices, and it pre-processes
the data. The D400 supports up to 16 serial and eight network connections, with multiple devices possible on each serial
connection. Up to 10 concurrent file transfer sessions are possible, meaning data for up to 10 URs can be transferred at
the same time and any additional IEDs are queued on a first-come-first-served basis. The D400 can then upload files to a
demilitarized zone (DMZ) server at the enterprise level.
Setup is as follows. For UR devices with the CyberSentry software option, when there is a need to retrieve periodically the
logs from the UR securely without a human interface, the following approach can be used. See the D400 manual for
configuration details to achieve it.
A UR in the substation can authenticate a user either connecting to a RADIUS server or on the device itself. This depends
on the user name used for authentication on a connection. The D400 connects to the UR device using an Ethernet, USB, or
serial port on the UR. The Ethernet connection can be ST or RJ-45 type. The serial connection can be RS232 or RS485. At
the other end, a cable attaches to the rear of D400. Use the D400 software to configure a serial or network
communication/connection for the UR, then to configure the IED device blocks/clients for the UR, and then to configure
record retrieval. Once configured, the UR and D400 use a keyfile authentication mechanism to establish communication.
For UR devices with the IEC 61850 software option, also use the D400 IEC 61850 Loader software.
When a D400 detects new files available for download from a UR, it connects to the UR and reads the files via sFTP
protocol. The following files can be transferred:
Oscillography files
Event records
Log files
Configuration (setting) files
The D400 information is viewable in its software and in a web browser.
3.11.1 Oscillography files
These are stored in COMTRADE format in the D400 folder system using the UR site and device name.
3.11.2 Event records
These are stored as the EVT.TXT file in the D400 folder system using the UR site and device name.
3.11.3 Log files
Log files can be retrieved for UR 7.0 and later. The following file types are possible, stored in the D400 folder system using
the UR site and device name:
factory_event.txt — Information about change methods and origins. Saved with a "_YYMMDDhhmmss" retrieval time
stamp, for example FACTORY_EVENT_170525183124.TXT.
setting_changes.log — Information on what settings have been changed. Saved with a "_YYMMDDhhmmss" retrieval
time stamp, for example SETTING_CHANGES_170525183124.TXT.