Fault Retrieval Mode
Service technicians have a couple of methods for interfacing to the control to aid in finding root
cause to Fault Codes. This is either from using the NewFI tool or from using a separate mode
in the RC15, the Fault Retrieval mode. The following describes the Fault Code Retrieval mode.
Note that this can also be a consumer facing mode for the user to save a call and communicate
issues to a Service Technician
The Range should not enter Fault Retrieval mode if the oven is active.
The user can access Fault Retrieval mode during Fault Display
Mode is activated by pressing the 1+3+0 keys simultaneously for 3 seconds
If there are no faults present in the system, then "nonE" will be displayed on the Time
"nonE" will also display if 1 or 2 key is pressed when no faults are present.
If Wingboards are not part of the system, display will blank out for respective key
presses for Wingboard Version Number.
Format of Fault in SSDs shall be:
Left Temperature Display: Number of occurrences.
Time Display: Fault number
Right Temperature Display: Status ("Act" for currently active, or "Clr" for not active)
The following defines RC15 key actions while in Fault Retrieval mode:
Previous Fault code in Diagnostic Fault Code Table
Next Fault code in Diagnostic Fault Code Table
Display RC15 Application version (Critical Major in the last two digits of the Upper
display "_XX", Critical Minor in the hours digits of the Time Display "XX_ _", Non-critical
Major in the minutes digits of the Time Display "_ _XX", Non-critical Minor in the first two
digits of the Lower temperature display "XX_") in decimal notation
Display RC15 Parametric version (Critical Major in the last two digits of the Upper
display "_XX", Critical Minor in the hours digits of the Time Display "XX_ _", Non-critical
Major in the minutes digits of the Time Display "_ _XX", Non-critical Minor in the first two
digits of the Lower temperature display "XX_") in decimal notation
Display Left Wingboard Application version (Critical Major in the last two digits of the
temperature display "_XX", Critical Minor in the hours digits of the Time Display "XX_ _",
Non-critical Major in the minutes digits of the Time Display "_ _XX", Non-critical Minor in
the first two digits of the Lower temperature display "XX_") in decimal notation. If not
present, will display "_nA_" in the Time Display.