GE JP362BK Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JP362BK

Page 1: ...atures 6 FeatureIndex 7 GreaseCoUector Jar 6 18 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Modules 9 14 16 23 Cdrod Module 9 CookingGuide 10 11 Gridde Module 21 22 CookingGuide 23 GrillModule 18 19 Coohg Guide 20 SolidDiskModule u 13 CookingGuide 16 17 ProblemSolver 28 RepairService 29 Use andCare of modds JP3628N JP671BK Safetyhstructions 3 4 Warranty BackCover Your Direct LinetoGeneml Electric ...

Page 2: ...on Cardthat camewithyourcooktop Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere Mdel Number SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourcooktop Hyoureceived adam ed coohp Immediatelycontactthedealer or builder thatsoldyouthecooktop Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequest service ChecktheProblemSolveron page28 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyou cancorr...

Page 3: ...accumulate onthecooktop Donotme waterongrease fires Neverpickupafl g pm Smotherflamingpm on surfaceunitbycovering pan completely withwell fitting hd9 cookieshwt orflattray dng greaseoutsidea pan canbeputoutbycovering with bahg sodaor Havatiable a multi purpose drychemical orfoamty efiingtiher 3 h B Thesesurfaces my be ha enO to burn eve thoughtheyare dark in color During and ah use do not to ch or...

Page 4: ...FFbutleave thehoodfm ON Usea long handled utensflto carefilly remove the food from the gr These steps should control the flame untti it eventudy goes out If it does not cover the entire modde with a cookie sheetor the fid from a largeroastingpan Use a potholder to remove this later because it will be hot DonotMphcethegrease colimtor jw witha mayonnaise jar which could break when hot gmse drips int...

Page 5: ...en cookingeggsintheshell bring watertoboil thenturntoOFF positiontocompletethecooking AIways turnsurfaceunitOFF beforere noving cookware Usecorrectheatforcookingtask HIGH tostartcooking iftime allows do notuseHIGHheatto start MEDHIGH quick browning MED s1owfrying LOW finish cookingmost quantities WM double boilerheat finish cooking andspecialforsmall quantities Whenboilingwaterforteaor coffee heat...

Page 6: ... ModelW362 Model 671 6 ...

Page 7: ...dAluminumDripPan Removeforcleaning I 25 6 SolidDiskModule Castironsoliddiskelementsaresealedsothey I 12 areeasytoclean Optionalatextracost 7 SolidDiskAutomaticSurfaceUnitonmodelJP671 Sensesthe temperatureofthecookingcontainerandregulatesit accordingto thesettingselected I 8 AutomaticSurfaceUnitControl 9 GriddleModule Griddleplugsintothecooktopandcanbeeasily I 21 removedforcleaning Optionalatextrac...

Page 8: ...tmk Step1 Graspcontrolknoband pushin OFF FRONTIGRIDDLE Step2 rn eithercIockwise or counterclockwise todesiredheat setting Controlmustbepushedintoset onlyfromOFFposition When controlisinanypositionother thanOFF itmayberotated tithout pushingin forUsi gHeatSett HIGH Bringwatertoboil o mD HIGH Fastfry panbroil maintain fastboilonlargeamountof food mD WM Sauteandbrown maintain slowboilonlargeamount of...

Page 9: ...ncecanninggenerates largeamountsofsteam be carefil to avoidburnsfromsteamor heat Canningshouldonlybedoneon surfaceunits Q CanIcovermydrippanswith foil A No Cleanasrecommendedin CleaningGuide Q CanI usespecialcooking equipment likeanorientalwok onanysurfaceunits A Cookwarewithoutflatsurfaces isnotrecommended Thelifeof yoursurfaceunitcanbe shortend andtherangetopcanbedamaged fromthehighheatneededfor...

Page 10: ...overpan cook untilsang MEDHIGH Meltbutter add eggsandcoverskillet LOW Cookonly3to4 minutesforsoftcooked U minutesforhardCWM Continue cooking at MEDHIGHuntilwhitesare just aboutset about3to5 moreminutes LOW thenaddeggs When bottomsofeggshavejust set carefully turnovertocookother side LOW Carefullyaddeggs Cookuncovered about5 minu at MEDMGH MED Addeggfitum Cook stirringtodesired doneness Ifyoudonotc...

Page 11: ...wsurface ti2t03minutes Per Skillet or Griddle MEDWGH Heatskillet 8to 10minutes Greaselightly or French toast Uselargeenoughkettleto preventKllover Pastadoubles insiu whencooked MEDHIGH Cookuncoveti untiltender Forlarge amounts HIGHmaybe needd tokeepwaterat rollingboilthroughout entirecookingtime covered Large Wttle orPot HIGH Incoveti kettle bringsaltedwatertoa boil uncwerandaddpasta slowlysohilin...

Page 12: ...DENED HELP PR E THE ELEMENT OVERITS LIFE ne Information About SolidDisk ements a Usinga soliddiskelementisquite similarto usinganelectriccoil withwhichyouprobablyare fimiliar Withbothtypesofsurface unitsyouwillenjoythecleanliness ofelectricityandthebenefitsof retainedheatintheelements However therearedifferences e Soliddiskelementsdo N glow red evenat HIGHsetting Soliddiskelementsreach temperature...

Page 13: ...nlydrypansonthe solid diskelement Donotplacelidson theelement particulwlywetlids Usepansofthecorrectdiameter only Theyshouldbeslightlylarger thanthesoliddiskelementso spilloverswillflowontothe cooktopandnotbakeontothe element Adampclothissufficient to removethespill Pansshouldnot overhangmorethan 1inchbeyond theelement OSpmialcookingproceduresthat requirespecificcookwaresuchas pressurecookers deep...

Page 14: ...nthecooktop In eithercase however thecooktop temperaturewillnotcausedamage tothecabinets countertops or cookware Q WhyamI overcooking my food A Thesoliddiskelementsare veryenergy fflcient andretainheat muchlongerthancoilelements ww boflorfry firktofive minutes r thecontrolsareturned off Werecommendthatyoubegin cookingatlowersettingsthanyou havein thepastandgradually increaseor decreaseheatasdesire...

Page 15: ...elementarea Soliddiskelementcookingtakes youa stepclosertoeasiercleanup becausethecookingsurfaceis sealedagainstspillsandthereare nodrippansor burnerboxtocl Automatic SurfaceUnit Control BOIL OFF PUSH TO TURN i FRY AUTOMATIC SURFACE UNIT I Thiscontrolallowsyoutopre select thedesiredtemperature Toturn theelementON pushinandturn clockwiseto fry counterclockwise toboil AttheOFF settingthereis a sligh...

Page 16: ...en switch to 175to 200 simmeruntiltender Chicken frid Brownchickenon400 switchto200to finishcooking e WMtoLOW cook until tender Chicken Shrimp Deep fried LambChops Hamburgers LinkSausage PanFried ThinSteaks HIGH heat oil MEDtoHIGH maintain temperature 425or450 toheatandmaintain temperature HIGH preheat skillet then greaselightly MEDtoMEDHIGH brownmeatandcookto desireddoneness Preheatskilletandcook...

Page 17: ... cook3 to5 minutes Poached Sauces LOW finish cooking MeltfatandcookonSIM HIGH meltfit _ T m HeatandsimmeronSIM Soup Stews Vegetables Fresh HIGH heat upliquid WM simmer HIGH cover bringsalted watertoa boil LOW cook 10 30 minutes depending ontendernessof vegetable Placefreshvegetables inpanwithwater cover andcookonLO LOW cook accordingto timeonpackage Placefrozenvegetablesinpanwithwater coverandcook...

Page 18: ...the grillmoduletoclean besureall switchesareintheOFFposition andunitiscool Removethegrill grateandthenslidetheheating unittothesideuntilunplugged Removereflectorpan Empty greasecollectorjar whencool Besuretoreplacejar HowtO SetGrillControk Thecontrolknobmustbepushed into turn thispreventsheatingunit frombeingturnedonaccidentally Pushtheknobinonlywhenit is in theOFFposition Men theknob isinanyother...

Page 19: ...r voltage foodsmay be lighterbrownthanexpected A longerpreheatingandgrilltime maybenwessarytoachievethe desiredresults o UsethegrillmoduleO Y with a highair flowventedhoodtocarry awaysmokeandfumes Hood modelsJV674andJV474 are recommended mat h doifa flame up wcurs Grillingfatorjuicyfoodsmay causeflame ups Youshouldnever leavethekitchenwhileusingthe grill It simportanttocontrol flame upssotheydonot...

Page 20: ...D 45 60minutes total 1hr to 1hr 10minutes toti 1hr to 1hr 25minutes toM firn overfrequently andifdesiredbastewith saucelast 10to U minutes Breakjointbones Placeskinsidedown rn overevery15minutesandbastefrequentlyas desired Wing breast quarterstakelongerthan thigh legquarters Breakjointbones Placeskinsidedownon preheated grill m overandbastefrequently asdesired HamSlices I MED I 10minutesperside Pr...

Page 21: ...nldge ofthe COOhOp tub N Before itsfirstuse condition or season yourgridde Applyathinlayeroftooting ofl tothetopsufice andheaton GH settingfor 10minutes Griddleis readytouse Beforeeveryuse besuregriddle componentsareclean HowtoSetGrid eControl Thecontrolbob mustbepushed into turn thispreventssurface heatingunitsfrombeingturnedon accidentiy Pushtheknobinwhen it isintheOFFposition Whenthe hob is ina...

Page 22: ...smaybe warmedfor30to60minutes Hors d oeuvres willstayhotforserving upto 1or 1 hours Rearrange or stirfoodsoccasiontiy ifpossible If yourcooktopisbeingoperated onlowpower voltage foodsmay belighterbrownthanexpected A longerpreheatingandgriddletime maybenecessarytoachievethe desiredresults Avoid usingmeti utensilswith sharppointsor roughor sharp edgeswhichmightdamagethe nonstickcoatedgriddlesurface ...

Page 23: ...ifdesired Greaselightiyifdesid Greaselightiyifdesired Switchto MEDHIGHstir 8 minutes FrenchToast HamSlices MEDHIGH I 6 minutesat HIGH 2 3minuteseachside 7 minuteseachside MEDHIGH I 10minutesatHIGH MEDHIGH 5 minutesatHIGH HIGH 10minutesat HIGH Hamburgers Mncakes 9 10 minuteseachside GreaseIightiyifdesired 21A minutes first side 1 2minutes second side MEDHIGH HIGH 5 minutesatHIGH Browneachside e Swe...

Page 24: ...sBdl andKerr andtheUnitedStates DepartmentofAgriculture ExtensionService 4 Rememberthatcanningisa processthatgenerateslarge amountsofsteam Toavoidburns fromsteamor heat be carefil whencanning N E If yourcooktopisbeing operatedonlowpower voltage canning may takelongerthan expected eventhoughdirections havebeencarefullyfollowed The processtimewillbe shortenedby 1 usinga pressurecanner and 2 starting...

Page 25: ... reflectorpanoutof thecooktoptub Cleanin sink or dishwasher oWipeouttubwithhotsoapy waterthenrinsewithadampcloth Toreplace Placethereflectorpaninthe cooktoptubwiththeholeforthe plug intowardstheoutsideofthe Cooktop pluginthegrillheatingunit Placethegrillgrateontopofthe reflectorpan Calrod Module Calrod Unit TrimRing o Drip Tab Cleantheareaunderthedrippans often Buflt upsoil especially grease mayca...

Page 26: ...disk elementswitha littlecleaning powder suchas Comet cleanser or witha scouringpad Thematteblacksurfacecanbe maintained bytr ting itperiodic y withCelloElectrol polish Use theapplicatortoapplya verythin coatingoftie polishto theentire elementsurface m theelement onhighfor severalminutestobake thepolishtotheelement Whenthe elementis cooled rublightiywith a clothor papertowelto remove anyexcesspoli...

Page 27: ...Cooktop Surface HotSoapyWater e Stiff Bristled Brush gSoap Filled ScouringPad gDishwasher Safe Wipealldrippansafiereachcookingsospatterwillnot burnon nexttimeyou cook Toremove burned on sFatters useanyorallcleaningmaterials mentioned Rublightly withscouringpadtopreventscratchingofthesurface Canbecleanedinthedishwasher Willdiscolorifcleand inself cleaning oven Aluminum SurfaceUnit DripWns e HotSoap...

Page 28: ...letotheothersideofcoo op If it operatesonthatside thei switchmaybeat ult If it doesnotheat indicationsare thatthereisa malfunctioning componentinthemodule Surfaceunitsarenotpluggedin solidly Reflectorpansarenotsetsecurelyintherangetop Surfaceunitcontrolsarenotproperlysetor wrongsurfaceunitcontrolsetforunit youareusing GrillHeatingUnitisnotpluggedinsolidly Grillor Griddleunitcontrolsare notproperly...

Page 29: ...rtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvethe problem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleasd writeallthedetai s including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric Appliance rk Louisville Kentucky40225 F ALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionRnel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois6060...

Page 30: ...PANY GENERALELECTRIC FA RY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC H POINT FA RY SERVICE or GENERALELE RIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE MAT IS C E e Sewicetripstoyour hometo teachyouhowto usethe product ReadyourUseandCammaterial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdeaieror our ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow or call tollfree TheGEAnswerCente 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice...
