GE JHP63V Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JHP63V

Page 1: ...rgy saving tips p5 p6 Surface tooting p7 Oven coo dng p13 How to use the self cleaning lower ovenp24 Questions Use theProblem Solver p31 YourDirectLine toQneml Electric TheGEhwer Centef 00 626 2000 Use andCare of model JHP63v ...

Page 2: ...tisintendedtohelpyouoperateand maintainyournewrangeproperly Keepithandyforanswerstoyour questions Ifyoudon tunderstand something orneedmorehelp write include yourphonenumber ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 write downthemodeI andserialnumbers You ll findthemonalabellocated onthefrontoftherangebehindthe ovendoor Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnershi...

Page 3: ... orhanging garments should neverbewornwhileusingthe appliance Flammable material couldbeignitedifbroughtin contactwithhotheatingelements andmaycausesevereburns euse onlydry potholders Moistordamppotholders onhot surfaces mayresultinburnsfrom steam Donotletpotholders touch hotheatingelements Donotuse atowelorotherbulkycloth Neveruseyourappliancefor Warming or heatingtheroom e Storigein or onappliaM...

Page 4: ...stions Tonlinimizeburns ignitionof flammable materials and spillage thehandleofacontainer shouldbepositioned sothatitis turnedtoward thecenterofthe rangewithoutextending over nearbysurfaceunits eDan9t imlllerseor soak removablesurfaceunits Don9t putthemin a dislR Yashere Aiways turn surface unit to ofiFbefore removing utensil Keepa eyeonfoodsbeing friedatHIGHorMEDIU ti HIGHheats Toavoidthepossibil...

Page 5: ...ngthat willkeepit cooking Useresidualheatwithsurface cookingwheneverpossible For example whencookingeggsinthe shell bringwatertoboil thenturn toOFFposition to completethe cooking Usecorrectheatforcookingtask HIGH tos rt coobg iftirne allows donotuseHIGHheatto st2rt MEDIUMHI quick browning MEDIUM slow frying LOW finish cookingmost quantities simmer double boiler hwt andspecialforsm quantities Whenb...

Page 6: ... 1 8 2 6 units Maybe removed forcleaningunderunits chrome PlatedTrimRingsand PorcelainDrip Pans OvenVentDuct Locatedunder rightrear surface unit InteriorOvenLight Comesonautomatically when doorisopened OvenLightSwitch BroilUnit BakeUnit Maybeliftedgentlyforwiping ovenfloor OvenShelves OvenShelfSupports Letters A B CandD on page13 indicatecookingpositionsfor shelvesasrecommendedon cookingguides Rot...

Page 7: ...p2 cookingGuide Quickstartforcooking bringwatertoboil MED HI MED WM Fastfry panbroil maintain fastboilonlargeamountof food Sauteandbrown maintain slowboilonlargeamount offood CookafierstartingatHIGH cookwithlittlewaterin covered pan Steamrice cereal maintain servingtemperature ofmost foods N E 1 AtHIGH MEDHI neverleave foodunattended Boilovers cause smoking greasyspillovers may catchfire 2 AtWARM ...

Page 8: ...okingsurface Avoid mustbe correctlyplacedtowork usingutensilswithsharporrough properly pointsor edges Donotcutfoods onthegriddle Ifpreferred foods maybe cookedwithoutgreasing griddle Useasfollows 1 Placegriddleon3 in 1Unit 2 Pushin surfaceunitselector buttonmarkedGNDDLE 3 Turnsurfacecontrolknobto desiredheatsetting moveit b ckandforthuntilit falls 4 Whencookingis finished turn intoplaceoverunit Th...

Page 9: inchbeyond edgeoftrimring isnotrecommended However whencanningwithwater bathor pressurecanner large diameter utensilsmaybeused Thisis becauseboilingwatertemperatures evenunderpressure arenot harmfulto cooktopsurfaces surroundingheatingunit HOWEVER DONOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OROTHERLARGEDIAMETER UTENSILSFORFRYINGOR BOILINGFOODSOTHER THANWATER Mostsyrupor saucemixtures and alltypesof ing cook ...

Page 10: ...ntilsteaming MEDHI Meltbutter add eggsandcoverskillet LOW Cookonly3to4 minutesforsoftcooked 15minutesforhardcooked Ifyoudonotcoverskillet baste eggswithfattocooktopsevenly Covered Skillet Continue cooking at MEDHI untilwhitesarejustset about 3to5 moreminutes Friedsunny side up Uncovered Skillet HI Meltbutter LOW thenaddeggs When bottomsofeggshavejustset carefullyturnovertocook otherside Friedovere...

Page 11: marshmallows Mncakes or Frenchtoast MEDHI Heatskillet8to 10minutes Greaselightly Cook2 to3minutes perside Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time Turnoverpancakes when bubblesrisetosurface Skilletor Griddle Sta Noodles orspaghetti MEDHI Cookuncovered untiltender Forlarge amounts HImaybe neededtokeepwaterat rollingboilthroughout entirecookingtime Uselargeenoughkettleto preventboilover Pastadoubles i...

Page 12: ...AKE isexplainedindetailonpage14 Self Clean Uses Automatic mer Theself cleaning functiononyour rangeusestheAutomatic Timerto setthelengthoftimeneededto cleanwhetheryouwishtoclean immediately ordelaythecleaning BysettingtheStartand orStop Dialsyoumaychoosetobegin immediately or cleanatlowenergy timesduringthenight Full explanations ofsettingStartand StopDialsforself cleaning are describedonpages24an...

Page 13: ...eheat theovenofiywhennecessary Mostfoodswillcooksatisfactorily withoutpreheating If youfind preheatingisnecessary keepan eyeontheindicatorlightandput foodintheovenpromptlyafter thelightgoesout oven shelves Theshelvesaredesignedwithstop locks sowhenplacedcorrectlyon theshelfsupports they a stop beforecomingcompletely outof theoven and b donottiltwhen removingor placingfoodonthem TOREMOVEa shelffrom...

Page 14: ...Beforebeginningmake suretherangeclockshowsthe correcttimeofday ImmediateStartis simplysetting ovento startbakingnowandturning offata latertimeautomatically Remember foodscontinuecooking afiercontrolsareoff Step 1 TosetStopTime pushin knobonSTOPdialandturnpointer totimeyol I wantoventoturnoffi forexample6 00 TheStartDial shouldbeatthesamepositionas thetimeofdayonclock Step2 TurnOVENSETknobto TIMEBA...

Page 15: ...g or MuffinPans B A 350 3750 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Cakes withoutshortening Angelfood Aluminum be Pan A 325 375 30 55 Two piece panisconvenient Jellyroll Me I JellyRollPan B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxed paper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan A 325 3500 45 60 Cakes Bundtcakes MetalorCeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 Cupcakes ShinyMetalMuffinPans B 350 375 20 25 Paperlinersproduce moremoist crust...

Page 16: ...ywishtouseTIME BAKE asdescribedon preceding page toturnovenonandoffautomatically Also ifyourovenisequippedwith special meatthermometer seepage17 forusage Por Rozen Roasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow10to25minutes perpoundadditional time 10 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness...

Page 17: ...cableintoreceptacle onovenwall Theprongsare especiallydesignedto onlyplugin oneway Becertainto insertplug intoreceptaclealltheway Close ovendoor Step4 TurnOVENSETknobto BAKEandOVENTEMPknobto recommended oventemperature forexample350 F SeeRoasting Guideonpage18foroven temperature Step6 Wheninternaltemperature ofroastreachesnumberyouhave set a buzzersounds Tostop buzzer turnpointertoSIGNAL OFF Inter...

Page 18: ...droasts 10minutes perpoundforroastsunder5pounds Defrostpoultrybeforeroasting Oven ApproximateRoasting Time Internal Type Temperature Doneness in Minutes per Wund Temperature F Met 3 to 5 lbs 6 to lbs Tendercuts rib highqualitysirlointip 325 Rre 24 30 18 22 130 140 rumportopround Medium 30 35 22 25 150 160 WellDone 35 45 28 33 1700 185 Lambhg orbone inshoulder 325 Rare 21 25 20 23 130 1400 Medium 2...

Page 19: ...rippings coolduringbroiling Stopping fat andmeatjuicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpanpreventsrackfrom servingitspurpose andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONOTplaceasheetof aluminumfoilonshelf Todoso mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damagetoovenfinishand increaseinheatonoutsidesurfaces oftheoven 19 Questiom Answers Q WhyshouldI leavethedoor closedwhenbroilingchicken A Chickenistheonlyfood re...

Page 20: ...until buzzersounds Noteindicated temperatureandresetpointerto SIGNALOFF Pushprobefarther downintoroast about1inch then afiera fewminutesredetermine internaltemperatureas above If newtemperatureislower theprobe wasprobablyoutofposition If so allowmeattocookto proper internaltemperature Letmeatthawenoughtoallow insertingprobe Theprobeis sturdybuttakecarenottoforceit toohardintoroast Do notdisconnect...

Page 21: ... I Arrangeinsinglelayer I GroundBeef WellDone 1l lb 4 patties 1 2 to in thick c 7 Spaceevenly Upto 8pattiestakeaboutsametime 4 5 inch thick 1to 1 lbs l li 7 9 13 7 8 14 16 20 25 Steakslessthan1inchcookthrough beforebrowning Panfryingis recommended Slashfat Medium WellDone Wre Medium WellDone Chicken llA in thick 2to2 lbs 1 1 1whole A 35 2to2 lbs splitlengthwise 10 15 Reducetimesabout5 to 10minutes...

Page 22: ...eTimeand Temperature Guideatright Settings are300 400 F togetfoodsjuicy anddonewithoutoverbrowning 3 SwitchOVENSETknobto ROTISSEWE Thisstartsbroilunit androtisseriemotoroperating Spit canbe insertedandremovedmore easilywhenmotorisoperating N E Makecertainwhentouching spitthatnopartofbodyorpot holdertouchescoilsofbroilunit 4 Insertspitintomotor Grasp handleon spit Usingpointofspit movetoonesidethec...

Page 23: ...ofthisSk chicken crosswiseonspit Letrevolve towithin 1 2hourofdonenesstime thenbrush every10minuteswithbarbecuesauce CornishHen 1 b 400 About1hr totaltime t Brushwithbutter or butterandlemon juicemixed Threadhensonspiteither lengthwise orcrosswise Duckling 4 5lbs 350 31 35 185 190 Donotbrushwithfat rkey 8 12 Ibs 350 17 27 180 185 Cookwithoutbrushing withfat or brush withbutterormargarine asdesired...

Page 24: ...leaningTime ModerateSoil 2hours y thinspillsandlightspatter HeavySoii 3hours Step2 Slide theLATCHHANDLEtothe rightasfaras itwillgo heav greasy spillsandspatter e Addthesehourstopresenttime ofday thenpushinandturnS P dialclockwisetothisdesiredstop time CLEANINGlightglows showingcleaningis starting A OvenFrontFrame B OvenDoorGasket C OpeningsinDoor TheLOCKEDlightwillglow indicatingovenishotanddoor c...

Page 25: ...akingsor broilings theLOCKEDlightmaycomeon Theovendoorcan tbe latchedfor self cleaning whiletheLOCKED lightison Ifthishappens letthe ovencooluntiltheLOCKEDlight goesoff Thentheovendoorcan be latchedforself cleaning IQ What should I do if excessive smokingoccurs during cleaning A Thisiscausedbyexcessive soil andyoushouldswitchtheOVEN SETknobtoOFF Open windows torid roomofsmoke Allowthe 25 oventocoo...

Page 26: Calrod unit hwer Oven Placeshelffromupperovenona shelfoftheself cleanoven The shelfmayhavetobe shiftedslightly soshelfstopsdonotinterferewith placementofpanels Toremove Afier removingtheplug in surfaceunit liftthetrimringand drippanto cleanundertheunit Makesureunitiscool Liftuprightrear surfaceunit Remove trimringanddrippan Liftoutovenventduct Slideoutovenbottom liftingbake unitslightlymakesthi...

Page 27: ...yinbothhandsand lowerituntilit isremoved Whencompletely cool remove lampandreplacewithbulbofthe samewattage Liftglasspanel assemblyintoplaceandreplace screwsintopofassemblytohold it inplace Reconnect electricpowertothe range OV a pper Oven Toremove Disconnectelectric powertotherangeatthemainfise or circuitbreakerpanel When completelycool holdglasscover andremovescrew Pullglasscover forward thendow...

Page 28: ...ieaningpowders orharshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel Ifacidsshouldspiiiontherangewhiieit ishot usea drypapertoweior cioth towipethemuprightaway Whenthesurfacehascooied washandrinse Forotherspiils suchasfatsmatterings etc washwithsoapandwaterwhen cooledandthenrinse Poiishwitha drycloth Onseif cleaning oven cieanONLYthedooriineroutsidethegasket Thedoor isautomatically cieanediftheovenisintheseif ...

Page 29: ...rawerout Wipewithadampclothor sponge andreplace thedrawer Neveruseharshabrasives orscouringpads I BroilReflector Takeremovable itemsfromupperoven PlacethemintheSelf Cleaning lower oveninthismanner 1 Companion OvenShelves invert andplaceoneachoftheSelf Cleaning ovenshelveswiththeirstopsfacingforward 2 BroilReflector placesoiledsidedownonlowershelf 3 Bottomovenpanelandbackpanels placeback to back wi...

Page 30: ...djacenttothefilters Toclean agitateinhotdetergent solution Lightbrushingmaybe usedtohelpremoveimbeddedsoil anddust Withcarefuluseand handling filterswilllastforyears However if replacement becomes necessary obtaina filterfrom yourdealer Removeand ReplaceFilters 1 Cookingtop Placefingerin recessatfrontedgeoffilter push filtertorear untilfrontedgeclears theexhaustopening lowerthe frontandremove When...

Page 31: ...snotcompletelyinsertedin theelectricaloutlet Thecircuitbreakerinyourhousehasbeentripped or a fusehasbeenblown Ovencontrolsnotproperlyset Doorleftin lockedpositionaftercleaning TurnOVENSETknobto CLEAN Glowi g Lock d Light afterknobisturned indicatesovenistoohot fromprevioususeanddoorwon tlatch Tocooloven opendoorwide thenLatchcanbe moved OVENSETknobmustbeat CLEANor OFF beforeLatchcapbemoved Tlie GE...

Page 32: use the product Readyour Useand Cam material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free The GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consumer information service ReD1acementof house fuses or rese tingof circuit breakers e Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose o...
