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Summary of Contents for JHP63GJ

Page 1: ...t iisethe T ...

Page 2: ...ranswerstoyour questions Ifyoudon tunderstand something orneedmorehelp write include yourphonenumber ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 write model ad seriai You ll findthemonalabellocated onthefrontoftherangebehindthe ovendoor Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registmtion Cardthatcamewith yourrange Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbe...

Page 3: ...eatingelements andmaycausesevere burns s only dry pfMNwm Moistordamppotholders onhot surfaces mayresultinburnsfrom steam Donotletpotholders touch hotheatingelements Donotuse atowelorotherbulkycloth N use yourappliance for w a o h t r S t i o o appliance Flammable materialsshouldnot bestoredinanovenornear surfaceunits o Keeph a g f c tomaintain goodventing andtoavoidgreasefires DOnot l c g o o f l ...

Page 4: ...nofclothing Properrelationship ofutensilto burnerwillalsoimproveeftlciency eve eaves u n a h h s e 130ilover causessmoking and greasyspillovers thatmaycatch onfire Besuredrippansandv d arenotcovered andareinplace Theirabsenceduringcooking coulddamagerangepartsand wiring 0 o t s a min m foilto l d p o anywhere inthe ovenexceptasdescribed inthis book Misusecouldresultina shock firehazard ordamage to...

Page 5: ...rlight aid put fgodintheovenfwomptly afkxthe cook freshWgf tabk witha lightgoqsout minimumamountofwaterina coveredpan Alwaysturn ovenIOH before removingfQod Watch foodswhenbrin irwthem quicklytocookingkxnp atfires at DU1 39 avO freq e Wlleri foodreaches dooropenings Keep dooropenas cooking temperature redtic heat shortatimeaspossible whenitis immedi elY tolowestsettingthat q ned willkeepit okirlg ...

Page 6: ...yberemoved forcleaningunderunits 26 Chrome Plated TrimRingsand PorcelainDripPans 26 15 x OvenVentDuct 26 27 Locatedunder rightrear surface l mit InteriorOvenLight Comesonautomatically when dooris opened OvenLightSwitch 13 BroilUnit 28 BakeUnit Maybe liftedgentlyforwiping ovenfloor 28 13 13 19 22 24 17 29 M J x3ss Door 2 OvenShelves OvenShelfSupports LettersA B C andD cmpage13 indicatecookingpositi...

Page 7: ...Step2 TWneitherclockwiseorcounter clockwisetodesiredheatsetting Contrdmurst bepushedintoset onlyfromOl l pcdiom When controlisinanypositionother thanOFF itmayberotated withoutpushingin BesureyouturncontroltoOFF when youfinish cooking An indicator lightwillglow wlien ANY heatonanysurface unitison Cook bg f using Heats m MED HI Mm L Quickstmtforcooking bringwatertoboil Fastfry gmnbmil maintain fastb...

Page 8: ...tsor edges Do notcutfoods onthegriddle Ifpreferred foods maybe cookedwithoutgreasing griddle Useasfoilows L Placegriddleon 3 in 1Unit moveit backandforthuntilit falls intoplaceoverunit Thegriddleis designedforeasypositioning it mustbe correctlyplacedtowork properly 2 Pushinsurface unitselector button marked GRIDDLE 3 lhrnsurfacecontrolknobto desiredheatsetting 4 Whencookingis finished turn surface...

Page 9: ...Only h surfacecookingoffoodsother thancanning theuseoflarge dia rneter utensils extending more thanl inchbeyondedgeoftrimring isnotrecommended However whencanningwithwater bathor pressurecanner large diameter utensilsmaybe used Thisis becauseboilingwatertemperatures evenunderpressure arenot harmfil to cooktopsurfaces surroundingheatingunit HOWEVER DO NOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OROTHERLARGEDIAMETE...

Page 10: ...butter add eggsandcoverskillet HI Meltbutter HI Incovered panbring watertoaboil HI Heatbutteruntillight goldenincolor HI Incoveredpanbring fruitandwatertoboil HI Meltfat thenaddmeat SwitchtoMEDHIto brownmeat Addwateror otherliquid I KPreheatskillet then greaselightly Setii g toCon_ cooking LOWorWM thenaddcereal Finishtimingaccording topackagedirections MED tocook1or2 minutes tocompletely blendingr...

Page 11: ...mooth Cook2 3minutes perside Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time l brnoverpancakeswhen bubblesriseto surface Pancakes or Frenchtoast Skilletor Griddle MEDHI Heatskillet8to 10minutes Greaselightly Noodlesorspaghetti Uselargeenoughkettleto preventboilover Pastadoubles insizewhencooked Covered Largekettle orPot HLIncoveredkettle bring saltedwatertoa boil uncover andaddpastaslowlyso boilingdoesnotstop...

Page 12: ...hedialsforTIMEBAKE isexplained indetail onpage14 s Theself cleaning functiononyour rangeusestheAutomaticTimerto setthelengthoftime neededto cleanwhetheryouwishtoclean immediately o delaythecleaning Bysettingthe Startand orStop Dialsyoumaychoosetobegin immediately orcleanatlowenergy timesdurhigthenight Full explanations ofsettingStartand StopDialsfor self cleaniiig are describedonpages24and25 Q How...

Page 13: ...s Preheat theovenonlywhennecessary Mostfoodswillcooksatisfactorily withoutpreheating If youfind preheatingisnecessary keepan eyeontheindicatorlightandput foodintheovenpromptlyafter thelightgoesout s Theshelvesaredesignedwithstop locks sowhenplacedcorrectly on theshelfsupports they a stop beforecomingcompletely outof theoven and b do not tilt when removing or placingfoodonthem REMOVEa shelff orn th...

Page 14: ...ngmake suretherangeclockshowsthe correcttimeofday ImmediateStartissimplysetting oventostartbakingnowandturning offatalatertimeautomatically Remember foodscontinuecooking aftercontrolsareoff Step 1 TOsetStopTime pushin knobonSTOPdialandturnpointer totimeyouwantoventoturnoff forexample6 00 TheStartDial shouldbeat thesamepositionas thetimeofdayonclock Step 2 TurnOVENSET knobto TIMEBAKE 11 um OVENTEMP...

Page 15: ...g or MuffinPans B A 350 375 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused cakes without shortening Angelfood Aluminum TubePan A 325 3750 30 55 Two piece panisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPaJJ B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan A 325 350 45 60 Cakes Bundtcakes Metalor CeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 Cupcakes ShinyMetalMuffinParIs B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproduce moremoist c...

Page 16: ...temperature on guideonpage18 NOTE YoumaywishtouseTIME BAKE asdescribedonprecedingpage toturnovenonandoffautomatically Also ifyourovenisequippedwith specia lmeatthermometer seepage17 forusage For RBa ts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow10to25minutes perpoundadditionaltime 10 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefor...

Page 17: ...Tknobto BAKEandOVENTEMPknobto recommended oventemperature forexample350 1 SeeRoasting Guideonpage18foroven temperature Step 5 RefertoguidenearMeat ThermometerDialtodetermine atwhatinternaltemperaturemeat willbe done Thenturnknobnext todialtomovepointertocorrect number internaltemperature SteP2 Insertprobeintomeatup ondial top oint markedoffwithfingers Pointshouldnottouchbone fator rist e Notmoreth...

Page 18: ...s 10minutes perpoundforroastsunder 5pounds Defrostpoultrybeforeroasting Oven Approximate RonSting Time Internal TYPe Temperature Doneness inMinutesperPound Temperature F Meat 3 to5 W 6 S k Tendercuts rib highqualitysirlointip 325 Rare 24 30 18 22 130 1400 rumportopround Medium 30 35 22 25 150 1600 WellDone 3545 28 33 170 1850 LambLegorbone inshoulder 325 Rare 21 25 20 23 130 1400 Medium 25 30 24 2...

Page 19: ...okeepdrippings coolduringbroiling Stopping fat andmeatjuicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpanpreventsrackfrom servingitspurpose andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONCJI placea sheetof aluminumfoilonshelf Todoso mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damagetoovenfinishand increaseinheatonoutsidesurfaces oftheoven 1 L Q whySlmdd I leavethe door dosed whenbroilingchicken A Chickenistheonlyfood recommen...

Page 20: ...ondialuntil buzzersounds Noteindicated temperatureandresetpointerto SIGNALOFF Pushprobefarther downintoroast hbout1inch then aftera fewminutesredetermine internaltemperatureasabove If newtemperatureislower theprobe wasprobablyoutofposition If so allowmeattocookto proper internaltemperature Letmeatthawenoughtoallow insertingprobe Theprobeis sturdybuttakecarenottoforceit toohardintoroast n disconnec...

Page 21: ...l lb 4patties Spaceevenly WellDone to in thick c 7 4 5 Upto 8pattiestakeaboutsametime Beefsteaks Rare l inchthick c 7 7 Steaks lessthan1inchcookthrough Medium 1to 1 lbs c 9 9 beforebrowning Panfryingis WellDone c 13 13 recommended Rare I in thick c 10 7 8 Slashfat Medium 2to2 lbs c 15 14 16 WellDone c 25 20 25 Chicken 1whole A 35 10 15 Reducetimesabout5 to 10minutesper 2to2 lbs sideforcut upchicke...

Page 22: ...d Temperature Guideatright Settings are300 400 F togetfoodsjuicy anddonewithoutowwbrowning 3 SwitchOVENSETknobto ROTISSERIE Thisstartsbroilunit androtisseriemotoroperating Spit canbeinsertedandremovedmore easilywhenmotorisoperating IWJTE Makecertainwhentouching spitthatnopartofbodyor pot holdertouchescoilsofbroilunit 4 Insertspitintomotor Grasp handleonspit Usingpointofspit movetoonesidethecoverov...

Page 23: ...ken crosswiseonspit Letrevolve towithin 1 2hourofdoneness time thenbrush every10minuteswithbarbecuesauce CornishHen 1lb 400 About1hr toraltime Brushwithbutter orbutterandlemon juicemixed Threadhensonspiteither lengthwise orcrosswise Duckling 4 51bs 350 31 35 185 190 Donotbrushwithfat Turkey 8 12 Ibs 350 17 27 180 185 Cookwithoutbmshingwithfat orbrush withbutterormargarine asdesired When cooked swi...

Page 24: ...lf Caution Chrometrimrings aroundthesurfaceunitsshould neverbecleanedintheself cleaningoven Neithershould reflectorpansoffoilor shiny chrome H Y V to for stepk rumOVEN SET mdOVEN 1 ENIP knobsto CLEAN Controls willsnapintofinalpositionwhen theCLEANlocationisreached step2 Pusha h h LATCH R13LEA E BUTTONwhile sIidingLATCHHANDLEtothe rightasfar asit willgo step3 s t a o t Makesureboththerange CIOC and...

Page 25: ... onandI couldnotmovethe LAT42H mmut why A Afterseveralcontinuous high temperaturebakingsor broilingsj theLOCKEDlightmaycomeon Theovendoorcan tbelatchedfor self cleaning whiletheLOCKED lightison If thishappens letthe ovencooluntiltheLOCKEDlight goesoff Thentheovendoorcan be latchedfor self cleaning Q WhatshouldI doWexcessive smokingWcu rs duringcleaning A Thisis causedbyexcessivesoil andyoushouldsw...

Page 26: ...ion Be surethecoilsarecoolbefore removinga C ah od unit Afterremovingtheplug in surfaceunit liftthetrimringand drippanto cleanundertheunit T replace Placethedrippaninthesurface unitopeningintherangetop Line upthedrippansotheunitreceptacle canbe seen Putthetrim ringin placeoverthedrippan Insetitheterminalsofthephg in unitthroughtheopeninginthepan andintothereceptacle Guidethe surfaceunitintoplace s...

Page 27: stops o upper oven b I I 0 h remove Discomectelectric powertotherangeatthemainfuse orcircuitbreakerpanel When completely cool holdglasscover andremovescrew Pullglasscover forward thendown andremove Screwinnew40 watt appliance bulb Toreplace Tbckextensionon glasscoverintobackoflamp opening Fitcoveroveropening andreplacewasherandscrew JVhen removingandreplacing cover iftherrnostattubeshouldbe mov...

Page 28: ...Water T rimRings e Stiff Brist ed B sh SOap Fi led Scouring Pad Non Nletallic Porcelain Drip P9ns Thermometer sheh es See Self Cleaning Oven Directions and Water Soap Filled Scouring Pad o Plastic Scouring Pad Dishwasher Soapand Water Soap Filled Scouring Pad Soap and Water clean the bake unit or broil unit Any soil will burn off when the unit is heated NOTE The bake unit is hinged and can be lift...

Page 29: ...he serviceyoureceive herearethree stepsto foHow forfbrtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthe details including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblemis still notresolved write MajorApp...

Page 30: ...ease ladensurfaces adjacenttothefilters Todean agitateinhotdetergent solution Lightbrushingmaybe usedtohelpremoveimbeddedsoil anddust Withcarefuluseand handling filterswilllastforyears However if replacement becomes necessary obtaina filterfrom yourdealer R id Rephace I ihrs L Cookingtop Placefingerin recessatfrontedgeoffilter push filtertorearuntilfrontedgeclears theexhaustopening lowerthe fronta...

Page 31: ...uides ven he fis fio le e W pg ookwa e beingtised kieri rqisting panis tobsmall i foiltent was notusedi en tiee 4t6sl w n Iywwhing dtiiingroasting CA LRoD SURFACE Surfaceunitsarenotpluggedirisolidly r r UNTI S Nm Trimringsanddrippans arepgt s tsetiurelyintherangtitop Surface unit controlsarenotproperly e PR OPERLY OVENWILLNOT Automatictimerdialsnotsetor otsetproperly TheSl13Pdialmustbe setand SELF...

Page 32: ...y h A w a r s e w b p b o F a S e C o b o a u t C u C s e r d u n o w h o L i t W o Y P o y t e i d i f G E E L C O l G E E L F A S E R G E E L 1 H O T F A S o G E E L C U 1 Ill s C A S E Servicetrips to your hometo I I I Warrantor General Eiectric Chrnpany 11X I H further help is needed concerning this warranty contact 11 5 M a n a g e r C o n s Affairs wwrailElectric Company Appliance Park l xmk...
