GE JGP300EL Use, Care And Installation Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JGP300EL

Page 1: ...ic I ition 4 Care and Cleaning 6 Cleaning Guide 7 Controls 4 5 Cookware 5 Installation Instructions 8 10 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Problem Solver 7 Repair Service 11 Safety Instructions 2 3 Using Your Cooktop 4 5 Warranty Back Cover ...

Page 2: ...actthedealer or builder thatsoldyouthecooktop Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequest service ChecktheProblemSolveron page7 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself FOR YOUR SAFETY If ytiusmellgas 1 Openwindows 2 Don ttouch electricalswitches 3 Efiinguish any openflame 4 Immediatelycall yourgas sup lier Don tturnelectricswitches onoroff ecause spark may ignitethegas smTY msTRucT...

Page 3: ...attray Flaming grease outside apancanbeput outbycovering withbaking soda or ifavaflable amulti purpose drychemical orfoam type fire extinguisher Do e fl w b e materials nearthecooMope Do notstore orusegasoline orother flammable vapors andliquids in thevicinity ofthisoranyother appliance Donotletcootig greaseor other fimmablematerials accmtiateinornearthe cooMope ways use tie LITE sition when igtit...

Page 4: ...eextremecautionwhen lightingburnersthisway LightaBurner l Pushthecontrolknobinandturn it toLITE Youwillheara little clickingnoise thesoundofthe electricignitionsparkthatlights theburner Afiertheburnerignites turnthe knobtoadjusttheflamesize 4 Alwayshavea cookingutensilon thegratebeforeturningonaburner Thefinishonthegratemaychip withoutautensiltoabsorbtheheat Checktobe suretheburneryou turnedonisth...

Page 5: ... usepliers to opentheair shuttermore If theyblowawayfromtheburner closetheair shuttermore Besure to keepthegapinthe air shutter facingstraightup Becarefulnotto distorttheair shutterwhenmaking adjustmentswiththepliers inner Cone of Flame 11 16 Nowlookatthe innerconeofthe flame It shouldbe about3 4 long for all surfaceburners If theflame is notthe rightlength theorifice hoodmustbe adjusted Use a 1 2...

Page 6: ...intopositionovertheburners Dripmm Remove thegratesandlifioutthe chromedrippans Washtheminhot soapywater Rinsethemwithclean hotwaterandpolishthemdrywitha cloth Neveruseabrasivecleaneror steelwool they ll scratchthe surface Instead soakthedrippans forabout20minutesinslightly dilutedliquidcleanserormild solutionofammoniaandwater 1 2 cupofammoniatoonegallonof water Aftersoaking washthemin hot soapywat...

Page 7: ...lwitha cleancloth Avoid cleaningpowders orharshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel Ifacidsshould spillonthecooktopwhileitishot useadrypapertowelorclothtowipeuprightaway Whenthesurfacehascooled washandrinse Forotherspills suchas fatsmatterings etc washwithsoapandwaterwhencooledandthenrinse Polishwithdrycloth Liftoutwhencool Soak5to 10minutesifdesiredinwarmsolutionofdishwasher detergent Scourwithmater...

Page 8: ...wherea drafimayaffectitsuse Fig 2 III 13 II I IlL I I I w 3 Min V 3 Min to Cabinet Minimum Clearances to Adjacent Construction r 1111 Mitim Cle ces Itnpotint Toeliminatetherisk 0beMatitained ofburnsor firewhenreachingover surfaceburners cabinetstorage 1 betweencutoutrearedgeand spaceabovethe cooktop shourdbe wallbehindcooktop avoided If cabinetstoragespaceis 3M betweencutoutfrontedgeand tobeprovid...

Page 9: ...ed anew A G A certified fltible comector is recommended Neverreusean oldconnectorwheninstallinga newcooktop A manualshut off valve forthepurposeofturning onorshuttingoffthegassupply line mustbeinstalledinan accessiblelocationinthecabinet belowthecooktop _ If youdonothavea groundedthree holeoutlet haveanelectrician changeyouroldoutletorinstall anew one Werecommendthatyouuse 1 2 gassupplyline Totemp...

Page 10: ... testingofthegassupplysystemat testpressuresin excessof 1 2psig poundspersquareinchgauge Thecooktopmustbeisolated fromthegassupplypipingsystem byclosingik individudshutoff valveduringanypressuretesting ofthegassupplysystemattest pressuresequaltoorlws than 1 2psig Remotiq Stipp Screws Lifithecooktop graspatfront andremovethe shippingscrew fromeachofthefoursutiace burnerassemblies Thescrews canbe di...

Page 11: ...rviceyoureceive herearethree stepstofollowforfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentuc 40225 FINALLY if yourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActi...

Page 12: ...ripsto yourhometo teachyouhowto usethe product ReadyourU andCarematerial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealerorour ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow or call tollfree GEAnswerCente 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Improperinstallation Ifyouhaveaninstallationproblem contactyourdealeror installer Youareresponsible for providing adequate electrical g...
