Page 1: ...p4 p5 Use and gas Care of models Care and p6 ip7 A QualityPrOdUCtOfGENERALELECT COMP ANY ...
Page 2: ...p Thesenumbersarealsoon the ConsumerProductOwnership egjstrationCardthatcamewith yourcooktop Beforesendingin thiscard pleasewritethese numbershere Model Number Serial Number Usethesenumbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyourcooktop M ymlireceivd 3 e Immediatelycontactthedealer or builder thatsoldyouthe cooktop Save time andmoney IEkfbI w you l equest service e Checkthe ProblemSolve...
Page 3: panbycovering pan completely withwellfitting lid cookie sheetorflattray Flaming grease outside apancanbeputout bycovering withbaking sodaor ifavailable amulti purpose dry chemical orfoam type extinguisher Donotstorefl able maferia inanovenornearthecooktop Donotletcooking greaseor otherflammable materials accumulate inornearthecooktop Always use theLIGHTposition whenignitingtopburnersand makesur...
Page 4: ...isway ToLightaBurner JUsh thecontrolknobinandturn it toLIGHT Youwillheara little clickingnoise the soundofthe burnerlighting ModelJGI 310EH StainlessSteel e Alwayshaveacookingutensil on thegratebeforeturningonaburner Thefinishonthegratemaychip withouta utensiltoabsorbtheheat e Checktobesuretheburneryou turnedonistheoneyouwanttouse Besuretheburnersandgratesare coolbeforeyouplaceyourhand a potholder...
Page 5: ...ndinglikeablowtorch Withnotenoughair youwon t seeanysharpblueconesinthe flame youmayseeyellowtips and sootmayaccumulate oncookware Ai adjustment shutter Toadjusttheflowof airtothe burners loosenthePhillipshead screwsandrotatetheshuttersto allowmoreor lessair intothe burnertubesasneeded 5 Murninurn Medium weight cookwareis recommended because ithea quicklyandcveniy Most foodsbrownevenlyinan aluminu...
Page 6: ... as longaspossible haveapan onthegratebeforeyouturnon the burner andlowertheflamewhen foodreachesthedesiredtemperature I MS onmodelsoequipped Remove thegratesandliftoutthe chromedrippans Washthemin hot soapywater Rinsethemwith clean hotwaterandpolishthemdry witha cloth Neveruseabrasive cleaneror steelwool they llscratch thesurface Instead soakthedrip pansforabout20 minutesinslightly dilutedliquidc...
Page 7: ...iic o Soapand Water Stiff Bristled Brush o Soap Fiiied Scouring Pad Non metaiiic Lift out when cooi Soak 5 to 10minutes if desired in warm solution of dishwasher detergent Scour with materiais mentioned hereto removeburned on food particles DO NOT CLEAN IN SELF CLEANING OVEN Washafter each cooking so unnoticed spatter wiii not bum on next time youcook Toremoveburned on spatters use any or ail clea...
Page 8: ...o use the product resetting of circuit breakers ReadyourUseandCarematerial If you then have any questions Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose about operating the product please contact your dealer or our or used comrnercialbj Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free The GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consumer information service OImproper in...