Page 1: ...16 BurnerGrates 15 18 MinuteTimer 9 ControlSettings 7 Modeland SerialNumbers 2 Cookware Tips 7 Oven 8 DripPans 15 18 Air Adjustment 19 FlameSize 7 Baking BakingGuide 10 11 LightingInstructions 7 BroilerPanand Rack 16 18 Warranty BackCover Broiling BroilingGuide 13 Continuous Cleaning 14 ControlSettings 8 DoorRemoval 16 Light BulbReplacement 8 17 OvenBottomRemoval 17 OvenTimer 9 Preheating 10 11 Ro...
Page 2: ...Immediatelycall your gas supplier Don tturn electric switches on or offbecausesparks may ignitethegas FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not Stem or use gasoline or other fl mm bl v pom and liquidsinthe vicinity of thisor any other appliance I he CalifbmiaWk llrifiking water atd ToxicEnfOrumxmt ActrequirestheGovcrmwof Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the state to causecancerand requires businessesto...
Page 3: the appliance Flammable materialcould be ignitedif broughtin contactwith flameor hot ovensurfacesand maycause severeburns Never use yourappliancefor warmingor heatingtheroom Prolonged useoftherange withoutadequate ventilation can behazardous Donot usewaterongrease fires Neverpickupa flaming pan Turnoffburner then smotherflamingpanbycovering pancompletely withwellfitting lid cookiesheetor flattr...
Page 4: ...angecanignite Usepans withhandlesthatcanbeeasily grasped andremaincool Weonlyglasscookwarethat isrecommendedforuseongas burners Keepall plasticsawayfrom topburners TO avoidthe possibility ofa burn alwaysbecertainthat the controlsforallburners are at OFFpositionandallgratesare coolbeforeattemptingto removethe grate When flamingfoodsunder thehood turn thefanoff The fan ifoperating mayspread theflame...
Page 5: ...ting Wkn movingtherange onthistype0 llooring usec irc Do Iht install the range over kitchen carpeting unlessyou placeaninsulatingpador sheetof l 4 inch thick plywoodbetween thermgcandcarpeting Whenthefloor cwerhg ends at thefront of the range theareathat therangewillrestonshouldlx builtupwithplywoodor similar materialtothesamelevelor higher thanthefloorcovering Thiswill allowtherangetobe movedfor ...
Page 6: ...Timer 6 Automatic Oven Timer for LowerOven 7 oven Set Control for Lower Oven 8 Cooktop Light 9 Surface Burners Gates and Chrome Drip Fans N oven Vents Il Lift Up Cooktop 12 Surface Burner Controls 13 Cooktop Light Switch 14 Men Light Switch Letsyou turnupperandlowerinterioroven lightson andoff 15 16 17 18 D 20 Oven Shelves Oven Shelf Supports Oven Interior Lights Removable oven Bottom Removable Ov...
Page 7: ...ookware ismadeof Foods cookjust asquicklyata gentleboil astheydoatafuriousrollingboil A highboilcreatessteamandcooks aw ay moisture flavorandnutrition Avoiditexceptforthe fewcooking processeswhichneeda vigorous boil When frying or warming foods in stainless steel cast iron or enamelware keepthe flamedown lower to about1 2thediameter ofthepan When frying in glass or ceramic cookware lowertheflameev...
Page 8: canreferto it especially during thefirstfewweeksofgetting acquaintedwithyouroven oven Wmpemturecontrol TheOVENTEMPcontrolsfor eachovenare locatedontheupper ovencontrolpanel UpperOven LowerOvm Simplyturn theknobtothedesired cookingtemperatures whichare markedin25 F incrementsonthe dial Aftertheovenreachestheselected temperature theovenburnercycles offcompletely thenon witha full flame to keepth...
Page 9: ...tions Thisdialalsochanges thedigitalclock Tosetthe Minute Timer turnthe centerknobclockwise thout pushingin untilthepointerreaches thenumberofminutes youwantto time upto60 At the end of the set time a buzzer sounds to tell you time is up Turn theknob without pushingin until thepointerreachesOFFandthe buzzerstops AutomaticOvenTimer forlowerovenonly ThisTimerwillautomatically start andstopyourlowero...
Page 10: ...ges Oventoofill avoidovercrowding eEdgesofcrusttoothin Incorrectbakingtemperature Bottom crust soggyand unbaked AHOW crustand cw fillingtoCOO1 sufficiently beforetillingpieshell o Fillingmaybetoothinorjuicy Filling allowed tostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredientsandpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique Makesuretherearenotiny...
Page 11: ...25 3750 30 55 Twopieeepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper sponge MetalorCeramicPan A 325 3500 45 60 cakes Bundt cakes MetalorCeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 Cupcakes ShinyMetalMuffinPans B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemoremoistcrusts Fruitcakes MctaIorGkuss Loafor A B 275 3000 2 4hrs Use300 F andShcl Bforsmallor TubePm individual cakes Layer ShinyMc...
Page 12: ...en Roasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow15to25minutes perpoundadditionaltime 15 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5 pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbecookedsuccessfully without thawing Followdirectionsgiven onpacker slabel Oven ApproximateRoastingTime Internal Npe Temperature ...
Page 13: ...referreddoneness 6 TurnOVENTEMPknobto OFF Removebroilerpan from compartmentandservefood immediately Leavepanoutside Food 2ndSide llme Minutes Quantity andlor Thickness IstSide llme Minutes Broil Pbsition Comments Atmngeinsinglelayer Bacon h lb about8 thinslices l lb 4patties to34 in thick l in thick 1 l lbs 1 in thick 2 2 Ibs B 3 GroundBeef WellDone Spaceevenly Upto8patties takeaboutsametime 9 1o ...
Page 14: ...ent in appearanceis apparent REmmt DURING THE OPERATION OFTHE OVEN THE DOOR WINDOW AND OTHER RANGE SURFACES WILL GET HOT ENOUGH 113 CAUSE 13 URNS DONOT KXN2H 4 If a spilloveror heavysoiling occursontheporoussurface as soonaspracticalafiertheovenhas cooled removeasmuchofthesoil aspossibleusinga smallamountof wateranda stiffbristlenylon brush Whenusingwater useit sparinglyandchangeit frequently keep...
Page 15: ...nd is level BurnerGrates Gratesshouldbewashedregularly and ofcourse afterspillovers Washtheminhot soapywaterand rinsewithcleanwater Drythe grateswitha cloth don t putthem backontherangewet Togetridofburned onfood soak thegratesina slightlydiluted liquidcleanser Althoughthey redurable the grateswillgraduallylosetheir shine regardlessofthebestcare youcangivethem Thisisdueto theircontinualexposuretoh...
Page 16: ...leanedwith amildabmsivecleanserfollowing manufwturer s directions After cleaning rinsetheshelveswith cleanwateranddrywithaclean cloth Toremoveheavy burned on soil soapymetalpadsmaybeused following manufacturer s directions Afterscrubbing washwithsoapy water rinseanddry RemovableUpperOven SMfslqlpom Shelfsupportsintheupperoven areremovable forcleaningoutside thecontinuous cleaning oven Remove theov...
Page 17: ... any light bulb disconnect electric powerto the range at the main fuse or circuit breaker panel Letthebulbcool completelybeforeremovingit Do nottoucha hotbulbwithadamp cloth the bulbwillbreak Replacea burned outbulbwitha high temperature appliancebulbof thesamewattage LowerOven Thelightbulbis locatedintheupperleftcornerof theoven Removing theovendoor seepage16 willmakeiteasierfor ofoven ymJtoremov...
Page 18: ...scan changeit frequently keepingitas cleanaspossible andbesure 0 biotitupwithpaper becomewarmenoughto towels cloths orsponges Do not rub or scrub withpapertowels clothsorsponges since breakiftouchedwith theywillleaveunsightly lintontheovenfinish If waterleavesa whiteringonthefinishas moistclothortowel itdries applywateragainandbh it withacleansponge startingattheedgeofthering Whencleaning avoid an...
Page 19: ... behindthebroilerdrawer Toreach the shutter remove theovenbottom page17 andthe burnerbaffle Toadjust the flow of air to the burner loosenthePhillipshead screwandrotatetheshutterto allowmoreor lessair intothe burnertubeasneeded Loosenscrew and rotateshutter I II U f Todetermine if the burner flame is proper lighttheburner The flameshouldhave1 2 to3 4 blue coneswithnoyellowtipping When thebaffleisba...
Page 20: ...ea pointer I Note position of pointerto marks before adjustment Loosenonly the locking screws Note to whichmarkthepointeris pointing Tomakeanadjustment carefullyloosen approximately oneturn butdonotcompletely removethetwoscrewsthatholdthe skirttotheknob Holdtheknob bladeinonehandandtheouter skirtintheotherhand Toraisetheoventemperature movethepointerinthedirectionof thearrowforRAISE Tolowerthe tem...
Page 21: ...otsetonAUTOMATIC whenusingAutomatic Oven ORBAKEPROPERLY Timer OVENTEMPknobnotsetcorrectly Shelfpositionis incorrect Checkroasting bakingandbroilingpages km shelf isnotlevel Wrongcookwareis beingused Whenroasting panistoosmall Foiltentnotusedwhenneededtoslowdownbrowningduringroasting MOEH URE INSIDEAND Besureovenventductisnotblockedor covered OUTSIDEOVEN TOPBURNERSDO lMake sureelectricalplugis phlg...
Page 22: ...followfor further help FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chica...
Page 23: ...teach you how to use the product Read your UseandCare material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer Youare responsible for providin...