GE JGBP32GEL Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JGBP32GEL

Page 1: ...Instructions 5 Drip Pans 16 22 Leveling 5 FlameSize 7 Modeland SerialNumbers 2 LightBulbReplacement 18 Oven LightingInstructions 7 AirAdjustment 2 Warranty BackCover Baking BakingGuide 11 12 Broiling BroilingGuide 14 15 ControlSettings 9 10 DoorRemoval 17 Light BulbReplacement 8 17 OvenBottomRemoval 17 Preheating 11 12 Roastimz RoastirwGuide 13 Self Cleaning Instructions 19 21 Shelves 8 17 19 21 2...

Page 2: ...urrange Hym 1Imeived admaged range a Immediately contactthedealer or builder thatsoldyoutherange save time amdmoney Before youE wp3st service ChecktheProblemSolveron page2 5 Itlistscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself 2 2 TheCalifornia SakDrinking Water andToxic Enforcement Actrequiresthe Ch3wxnwof Xiliforniii publisha list of substancesknowntothe state to causeHncer andrequir...

Page 3: ...mage therange and even tipitovercausing severe personal injury WfJ MST cm w sHomD Nor BE Smm IN Cmmm mom AltAJ wE OR ON THE BACKSPLMH ail AWNG CHILDMN CIIVWNG ON THE RAN 3IJ m REACH ITEMS CXXJIZ9 BE S13NOUSLY n LmRED Let burner grates mdlother SUrfacw codbefore toucm themor Wving themwhim eMl en cm reach Wm New wear k14Wi fitihgOM hmghggwmemk WMW wing tk applimeee Becareful when reaching foritems ...

Page 4: ...areunstable oreasily tipped Select cookware large enough toproperly contain food toavoid boilovers andspillovers andwithbottoms large enough tocover burnergrates Thiswill bothsave cleaning andprevent hazardous accumulations offood since heavy spattering orspillovers leftonrange canignite Usepans withhandles thatcaneasily be grasped andwillremain COOL IS m UShfij gktw WOkWW 9 nx3ke sureitisdesigned...

Page 5: ...nthefloor coven 9tg ends atthe frontoftkerange theareathatthe rangewillrestonshouldbebuiltup withplywoodorsimilarmaterialto thesamelevelorhigherthanthe floorcovering Thiswillallowthe rangetobemovedforcleaningor servicing bveli the Rawe Levelinglegsarelocatedoneach comerofthebaseoftherange Remove thebottomdrawerandyou canleveltherangeonanuneven floor Toremovedrawer pulldrawer outalltheway tiltupthe...

Page 6: ...ontrol 9 I 1 I 6 PorcelainEnamelCooktop I 16 22 I 7 COOktop Burner I 8 SurfaceUnitControls 7 I 9 OvenDoor Latch m b 1 J FeatureIndex 10 OvenInteriorLight U OvenShelfSupports 12 OvenShelves 13 BroilerPanandRack Donot cleaninthe Self Cleanoven 14 OvenDoorGasket 15 Removable OvenDoor 16 Removable StorageDrawer 17 ModelandSerialNumber 18 Anti TipBracket Explained onpage 8 8 17 22 21 22 16 18 2 3 ...

Page 7: ...atthehandles When using aluminum or aluminum clad stainlesssteel potsandpans adjusttheflameso thecircleit makesis about1 2inch smallerthanthebottomofthe cookware Whenboiling usethissameflame size 1 2 inchsmallerthanthe bottomofthecookware no matter whatthecookware ismadeof Fbods cookjust asquicklyata gentleboil astheydoat a furiousrollingboil A highboilcreatessteamandcooks awaymoisture flavorandnu...

Page 8: ... locks curved extensionofshelf facingupand towardrearofoven Tiltupfront andpushshelftowardbackofoven untilit goespast stop onoven wall Thenlowerfrontofshelfand pushit allthewayback shelf Positions Theovenhasfourshelfsupports A bottom B C andD top Shelfpositionsforcookingare suggested onBakingandRoasting pages ovenLight Usetheswitchonthecontrolpanel toturnthelightonandoff OvenVent Yourovenisventedt...

Page 9: ...erate theoven YoucanusetheMinute Second Timerwhetheror nottheovenis beingused TheMinute Second Timerdoesnotinterferewithoven operations To cancel the m rner PushandholdTIMERbuttonfor threeseconds Thiswillclearthe Minute Second Timerfunction mBake L PushBAKEbutton 2 TurnSETknobuntildesired temperatureisdisp ayed A one secondbeepwillsound whentheovenhaspreheatedtoand stabilizedat selectedtemperature...

Page 10: ...ypushing the correspondingfunctionbutton Themessages inthedisplayshow youwhichfunctionis currently beingdisplayed Whilethe functionisdisplayed youcan changeit withthe SETknob Youcanchangeanyprogrammed fimctionat anytime mm End of Cycle I one 3longbeeps onesecondon onesecondoff showsthata timedovenoperation hasreachedSTOPTIMEor that theMinute Second Timerhas counteddown AttentionTone seriesofshort ...

Page 11: ...eIncorrectbakingtemperature B torn crustsoggy andunbaked IS MOW crestand orfillingtocool sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell 6Fwhg maybetoothinorjuky Fillingauowedtostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredients andpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique Makesuretherearenotinyholesor tearsinabottomcrust Patching apiecrustcouldcausesoaki...

Page 12: ...hinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Cakes without shortening Angelfood Aluminum Me Pan A 325 3750 30 55 ho piecepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 375 4000 1O I5 Linepanwithwaxed paper Sponge MetalorCeramicE A 325 3500 45 60 cakes Bundtcakes MetalorCeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 Cupcakes ShinyMetalMuffinPans B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemoremoistcrusts Fruitcakes MetalorGlassLoafor A B 275 30...

Page 13: ...temperature FhYM n Roasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbe star dwithout thawing butallow15to25minutes perpoundadditionaltime 15 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5 pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbecookedsuccessfully without thawing Followdirection given onpacker slabel Oven Appxwimate Roasting Time Internal...

Page 14: ...ldone Timefoodsfor aboutone halfthetotalcooking time turn food thencontinueto cooktopreferreddoneness 6 PushCANCELbutton Remove broilerpanfromovenandservef immediately Leavepanoutsidethe oventocool Quwtiom hsvvers Q Whenbroiling isit necessary to alwaysusea rackinthepan A Yes Usingtheracksuspends themeatoverthepan themeat co s thejuicesfallintothepan thuskeepingmeatdrier Juices areprotectedbythera...

Page 15: ... l lb 4patties HI c 8 10 5 7 WellDone to in thick HI l in thick B 7 9 5 1to 1 lbs B 10 12 5 7 WellDone B 13 8 9 1 in thick B 10 5 7 Medium 2tO 2 lbs B 12 15 7 9 WellDone B 20 12 14 Chicken 4507 i whole LO A 25 30 15 20 2to2 lbs splitlengthwise BakeryProducts HI Bread Toast or 2 4slices c 2 3 l l Twter Pastries 1pkg 2 EnglishMuffIns 2 split c 34 I ubster 1 hils 2 4 HI c 13 16 Donotturnover 6to8 oz ...

Page 16: ...water Drythemwitha cloth don t reassemblethemwet When replacingtheseparts besure they relockedintopositionover theburners Togetridofburned onfoodon thegrates soakthemina slightly dilutedliquidcleanser Althoughtheburnergratesare durable theywillgradually losetheir shine regardlessofthecareyou takeofthem Thisisduetotheir exposuretohightemperatures Topreservetheporcelainfinish aslongaspossible havea ...

Page 17: ...andliftthedoor straightupandoffthehinges Note Becarefulnottoplacehands betweenthespringhingeandthe ovendoorframeasthehingecould snapbackandpinchfingers Toreplacethedoor makesurethe hingesareinthe out position Positiontheslotsinthebottomof thedoorsquarelyoverthehinges Thenlowerthedoorslowlyand evenlyoverbothhingesatthesame time If hingessnapbackagainst theovenframe pullthembackout oven shdves Ovens...

Page 18: ...otstoreplasticsand flammablematerialinthedrawer Donotoverloadthestoragedrawer If thedraweristooheavy it may slipoffthetrackwhenopened To openthedrawer graspthecenter ofthehandleandpullstraightout Thestoragedrawermayberemoved forcleaningundertherange TOremove pullthedrawerstraight outandlifiovertheguidestops Toreplace liftovertheguidestops andslidethedrawerintoplace Thepressureregulator onthe range...

Page 19: ...ecoming worn fkayed or damagedinany wayor if it hasbecomedisplaced onthedoor youshouldreplaceit Makesuretheovenlightbulbcover D is inplace m A B c D o B Oven FrontFrame OpeningsinDoor oven DoorGasket OvenLightBulbCover Step4 Closetheovendoorandmake suretheovenlightisoff Chromedrippansfromthetop of yourrangeshouldneverbe cleanedintheself cleaning oven Ovenshelvesmaybecleanedinthe self cleaningoven ...

Page 20: ... inthedisplay Note Duringadelayedself clean operationyoucanfindoutwhen theoventurnsonbypushingand holdingthe CLEANbutton 113 ti 1 C e 1 PresstheCANCELbutton 2 Waituntiltheovenhascooled belowlockingtemperature about 20 30minutes andtheword LOCK is offinthedisplay 3 SlidethedoorLA H HANDLE A Youwillnotbeabletoopenthe doorrightawayunlesstheoven temperatureis ata safelevel If youcannotoRentheovendoor ...

Page 21: ...kingoccursduringcleaning A Thisiscausedbyexcessive soil PresstheCANCELbutton Open windows toridroomofsmoke Wait untiltheovenhascooled about 20 30minutes andthewordLOCK isoffinthedisplay Wipeupthe excesssoilandresetthecleancycle Q Is the 66crackling sound1 hearduringcleaningnormal A Yw Thisisthe soundofthemetal heatingandcoolingduringboththe cookingandcleaningfunctions Q Shouldtherebeanyodor during...

Page 22: ...utionofsoapandwater Donotuseanyharshabrasivesor cleaningpowders whichmayscratchormarsurface OvenGasket Hydrogen Peroxide Soakwithhydrogen peroxide I quentsoakinghelpspreventsoilbuild up Do notrub Seeself clean sectionformoreinformation Oven Liner SoapandWater Coolbeforecleaning Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwaterwillprolong thetimebetweenmajorcleanings Besuretorinsethoroughly Shelvescanbesoakedindi...

Page 23: ... burner loosenthePhillipshead screwandrotatetheshutterto allowmoreor lessair intothe burnertubeasneeded Theflameforthetop broil burnershouldbesteadywith approximatelyl inchbluecones andshouldnotextendoutoverthe baffleedges Todetermineif thebottom oven burnerflameisproper remove theovenbottom seepage17 and theburnerbaffle Theflameshould have1 2 to 3 4 blueconeswithno yellowtipping Whenthebaffleis b...

Page 24: ...ed h s temperature 1 PushtheBAKEbutton 2 Sekctatemperature between 500 F and550 F withtheSET knob 3 Quickly withintwoseconds beforetheBAKEfhnction energks pushandholdtheBAKEbuttonfor about5 seconds Thedisplaywill showaplusnumber aminus number or00 4 IhmtheSETknobtoadjustthe temperaturein5 F steps Youcan raiseituntil 35 F showson displayorlowerituntil 35 F showsondisplay Ifthecontrol beepsandflashe...

Page 25: ... T _ ___ s _ e s S L _ _ ra Questiolw s useTti c _ ___ _ M__ fiob em idver _ J Qi FRoBLEbI PossmLE CAUSE AND oR mm mDo ...

Page 26: ...NG ODOR continued POSSIBLECAUSEAND QR WHAT Irom T i S3 DP rH m3 must bemorethan3 4km s km thanSTART TIME hnproperairfgas ratio in own Adjust oven burnerairshu ters see page23 Ifyw IM ed mm ehelp Cau toll free GEA MSw er center 8m 62 2m consumer infomlation service 26 ...

Page 27: ...rtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestiHnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 i s6w _ FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illin...

Page 28: ...service triPsto Yourhometo o Replacement ofhousefusesor 1 teachyouhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers ReadyourUseandCammaterial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions o Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactyourdealerorour or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe e Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tollfree byaccident ...
