Page 1: ... 32 Chanoing the Power i e_el 16 Con _enience Featt res _ _o Featm es of Yore 5 Microwave O en 12 1 Microwave Temps 3 1 Other Featm es _ 2 2 Time Features 17 22 Write the model and serial nmnbers hem Model Serial Find these mmfl ers on a label inside th o n 7 _mbleshooting Tips getbre You all For Service 33 34 Things That Are Nomml With Your Microwave yen 34 Combiner Support Consulner Support Back...
Page 2: ...elled Do NotPlace am ol iect between file oven i lH _hce and the door or allow soil or lem er residue to a umulatc on sealing S II tiIC S _ The Oven Should Not be a justed or rep_dred by m x ne except prol erly qualified service t ersonnel iiii i i X i i i i i ii iiiiiii SAFETY PRECAUtiONS When using electrical appfiances basic safety precautions should be followed including the following Read and...
Page 3: ...iffs product near watel_ tbr example ill a wet basement near a swimming pool near a sink or ill similar locauons Keep l ower cord away ti om heated S ll _ilC S I o not immerse power cord or plug ill water I o not let power cord hm_g l_ r edge of table or counter Ib reduce tile risk of tire ill fl_e oven cavity I o not overcook tbod Careihllv attend appliance when paper plastic or other COl bllsti ...
Page 4: ...Ilnless VOII ISe popcorn labeled r use in IIIiCFOW_IVe cwens So lie t ro hlctS s ich as whole eggs and sealed containers t_ r example dosed jars are able to exl lode and should not be heated in this microwave oven Such use of the IIliel OW_lt e ot en Cotlld resuh in in jm Do not boil eggs in a lIlic1 ow_t_e o_en Pl eSS ll e will build up inside egg y lk and will cause it to but st t ossibly result...
Page 5: ... is thoroughly cooked Siir t od to distribme tile heat e_t l e are ill to 1 l eVellt scaMing when wam ing rl lla The COlltail er IiiHv _ el cooler dlan tile t rmula really is Always test ihe _ rnmla be _ re t_ eding tile bat _ _ I on t de i ost mzen be emges ill llHrrow necked boules espe ially carbonated be_ rages Even if tile container is opened pl ess lre Call build up This call cause tile cont...
Page 6: ...ish is l icrow_l e sa L If x u use a nleal theru ometer while cooking n ake sure it is sat tot use in n icrowa e ovens Do not use recvcled 1 aper t x ducts ReQ cled t aper towels nat kins and waxed t al eF Call COl tail llletal flecks which nla ause arcing or igl ite Pal er t x ducts comaining nylon or n lon filaments should be avoided as thl v may also ig_lite Some styro omn trays like those that...
Page 7: ...k il cover and return tile trm to the box When using fi il in tile microwave oxen keep the toil at least 1 aw_g ti m the sides of tile o ell Plastic cook rare Plastic cookv4at e lesiglle t lot microwa e cooking is ve W use ul but should be used carelidlv E_cn microwa e sail plastic ma not be as tolerant of o ercooking onditions as It glass or eramic materials and may solien or hm if su jected to s...
Page 8: ...elec0Jcian or service technician if the g_ omlding inst_ uctions are not completely tmderstood or if doubt exists as to _hether the appliance is tm pe_t g_ om_ded I the outlet is a smndm d 2 1 tong wall outlet it is your personal responsibility and obligation to ha_e it replaced with a properly grom_ded 3 prong wall outlet Do not m_der any circmnstances cut or relno_e the third g_ om_d prong ti om...
Page 9: ... cover screw does not cround the appliance unless the cover screw is metal and not insulateo and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring 3bu should have the circuit checked b a qualitied electrician to make sm e the re eptacle is llrolledy grotmded When discom ecting the power cord i om the adatlter alwa _ _hold the adapter with one hm d If this is not done the adapter gromld term...
Page 10: ...l _ _ _ e_ _ _io ord _ o t _ e iii at least as great as the electlJcal mdng ot file appliance N _ he _ x _ io rd _ be vo di g _ _ ir_ rd d it must be plugged illlO a _ slot oullet The x e _ io _ ord H be rr ged o i i_l o drape o _er the Olllllerlop or tal letop wllere it all e pulled OH bv children or u ipped o_ r mfintentioHall If you use an ex ension cord the interior light m W flicker and file ...
Page 11: ...vvvvvv GEAppliance_com READ ANDFOLLOW THIS SAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS il i_ii_ iiiii iii_iiii l 11 ...
Page 12: ...About the features of yourmicrowave oven Throughout this manual features and appearance may vary from your modeL 1100 Watts i I _ I I _ 12 ...
Page 13: ...ned in the o _en Convenience Guide TouchControl Panel Display Door Latch Release Press lat h release t open t_ Removable Turntable _mm_ble and support must be ill t la wh l Isil _ t le o_el T I ttll llt_l le l _lv be ren oxed for leanh_g NOTE Rating plate oven vent s and oven light are located on the inside walls of the microwave oven iiiiii ii iiii ...
Page 14: ... and appearance may vary from your model Youcan microwave by time or with the convenience features Time Features Convenience Features I I TiME COOl _ 66 _3 POPCORN BEVERAGE REKEA _ D riME DEFROST I __ COOK J POWER LEVEL J I AUT_ DEFROST iiii ili_i_ Xiqii i i_ ii _ _iiiiiii ...
Page 15: ...ESS COOK Startsimmediately POWERLEVEL Powerlevel1 10 Convenience Features Press Enter Option POPCORN Startsimmediately 3 5oz 3 oz Press once twice or1 75oz orthreetimes more less time BEVERAGE Startsimmediately 4 oz 8 oz Press once twice or12oz orthreetimes REHEAT Foodtype1 6 Serving size COOK Food type1 9 weight AUTODEFROST Food weight iiii iiHiHilil iii i iii ii iill iii i I_ _ i ii iiii _iiii i...
Page 16: ...ut tbod mm need more ti equent stin ing rotating or turning vet A loweF setting will ook more e enlv mid need h ss sdrdng or tx ating of he tood SoIlle DO IS Ill IV l _ better Jl_x t texttlre or al tlearan e if one of tile h wer seuings is used lse a lower l ower h _el when cooking bods dla_ have a tendency to boil o_vr such as scalloped t omtoes P est perio ts when he microwm e energ F Q_cles oIt...
Page 17: ...You ma open die door during 7Jme Cook to he k the food Close the door and press STARTto resume king iiii iiHiHilil ii iii ii iill Time Cook H I ets you chang power h v ls automaucally dm ing cooking Here s how t do it Press TIME COOK E It F the _l St ook till e _hall_e the pOW F l F_el i otl 0011 I want _ ll powei_ Press POWERLEVEL Sele t a desired pOW l h 1 1 10 Press TIME COOK again Enter th se ...
Page 18: ...ln 1 to 1_ 2lbs fresh spoors 1 bunch 7 to 11 rain 1 to 1_ 2lbs frozen lO oz package 4 to 7 nlhl chopped frozen spears O oz package 4 to 7 nfi_ Cabbage fresh wedges 1 medium head 6 to 10 nlh_ about 2 lbs 5 to 9 nlh_ Carrots fresh Sliced 1 lb 4 to 8 nlh_ frozen lO oz package 3 to 7 nfin Cauliflower flowerets 1 medlunl head 7 to 11 nlln fresh whole 1 medimn head 7 to 15 mill frozen lO oz package 3 to...
Page 19: ...age 2 to 6 nfin In 1 qL asserole tlla e 2 al lest OOllS wa er Potatoes fresh Cubed 4 potatoes white 6 to 8 oz each 9 to 12 mhlt 1 6 to 8 oz 2 to 4 nfin fresh whole sweet or white Peel and cut imo 1 cubes Place ill 2 qt casserole with 1 2 CUll water Stir a ier half of time Pierce with cooking t_ rk Place ill center of the oven Iet stand 5 mimnes Spinach fresh 10 to 16 oz frozen chopped andleaf Squa...
Page 20: High ix we iiii ili_i_ iiiii i i_ ii _ _iiiiiii 20 Defrosting _Tps Foods i ozen in paper or plastic can be deti osted in the package Closed packages should be slit pierced or _ented AI_IT R tood has partially de i osted Plastic storage containers should be t m tial m_co_ered F_mdlv size 1 repackagcd i ozcn dinners an be deti osted and microw_vcd ff the tood is in a toil con _lil el I _tllSt I i...
Page 21: ...d I et stand 5 mimttes if nece_ ary to coml lete defl osting Turn meat o er atier first h_df of time Use power level 1 Place mlwmpl ed meat in cooking dish Turn over after first half of time and shieM warm areas with toil Alier second h_df of time sel aram pieces with tal le kni e I et stand to comt lete te i osting lace wrapped chicken in dish Unwm t and mrn _r a ier first half of time Mier secon...
Page 22: ...ut s ot king at power level I0 For cxamt le ross the 21 _1 1 L r 2 niuttt s ot king time The pow r h v l an t c chang cd as time is counting down Press POWERLEVEL and cuter 1 10 30 Seconds You can use this feature two ways It will _ l 30 sc onds to the time otn ting t _r_ _ch time the t _ is pr sscd cooking time iiii ili_i_ Xiiii i i_ ii _ _iiiiiii ...
Page 23: ...diawlv How toAdjustthePopcornProgramto Providea Shorter orLongerCookTime If you find that tile brand of popcorn you use lndel OpS o17 o_vrcooks consistent y l C_tll add or subtra t 20 seconds to the automatic popping time Toadd time Afler pressing POPCORN press 9 immediamlv after the o en starts Jbr an extra 20 seconds To subtract time tier pressing POPCORN press 1 immediaml after the oven starts ...
Page 24: ...added after pressing START Press number pad 1 2 or 3 Servingsize for food type 6 cannot be changed Reheat Guide 1 Pasta 2 Meats casseroles pinta 3 Fruitsandvegetables 4 Beverages 8 I0 oz 5 Saucesandgravies 6 Plateofleftovers 2to3 foods 4 oz each Collllllents 77_ t 1 with lid or vented plastic WI _I Co_ t r with lid or vented plastic wrap Co_ r with lid or vcnted plastic wrap Use wide mouth mug Cov...
Page 25: ...r Co r with lid cq v Ht d plastic Wl_ Ip 3 Fresh Vegetables 4 to 16 oz Use l i l O _r l S lJ ISM I F _rt Add 2 lal h sl oolis walt r t r each serving c r wil i lid c r il d t lasd WI _II 4 Potatoes 8 to 40 oz Pierce ski wi Fk t _l t t lt b 1111 tile ltII_III21M 5 Fish 4 to 16 oz l I_e obhmg sqt m c or rotmd di qL Coxer wi h xc ued pIasd_wnqx Chicken Pieces 4 to 40 oz l Ise obhmg sqmm or round di q...
Page 26: ...n the inside front of the oven Remoxe meat ti om package and place m microwa _e saJ _dish l _rJce during teIi ost the oven sig_als TUI n Ai ea h TUI n si_ qml tm n the toed oxer Remoxe defrosted meat or shield wal lll areas wJt l small pieces of tbil AIter deIi osting mos_ meats need _o stand 5 minmes _o omt lete teJi osting I atge roasts should stand tDr about 30 minutes iliili iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
Page 27: ... CLOCK or to he k the time o_ H I i i_ii iii_ii Iili DELAY Delay Delay _llows y u to set the mi row_v to del_y ooking tt I to 2 t t_ s _ OEL_V _ lJ_llt_l th tiltl_P _ Otl W_tllt th_ OVOll to St O t t B_ Sttl e the n i l OX _r tv clo k S _ x_rs the corre t tht_e ot k_ l The OeNytime will be displ_ _ d The o_ n will auiomaficallv start ai the del_ved th_e The lime of d_v m_w be displ_ _d b_ pt essin...
Page 28: ...k tl e COl trol paIlel to 1 F ell lie IlliCl O_ _ l ti om b ing accid_ ntal started or used b children Ii lock or mflock th comrols imss and hold CLEAR OFF 6r Jbom tin seconds _ hcn th control p_mcl is lock d an will b diN layed iii ili_ iiii i i_ ii iiiiiii _ 2_ ...
Page 29: ...o Use to Delay the Start of Cooking You an set the IIIi FOVvr_Ix tO dela ooking up to 9mimltes and 9se onds Press TIMECOOK and enter theamoum of king til e Press TIMER and enter the amount of ime u delay the start of ooking th ss START Th timer afillb gin counting do an to z m and cooking illthen lx gin Howte Use to Set a Holding 7_me You m set a holding time t etweeH Defrost and Time Cook ti om o...
Page 30: ... Shielding In a regular oxen _ou shield hi ken breasts or baked foods to prexent ox er l rovvr_j ilJ g V_ t telJ HJ J rovvrax_F_g yOil liSe small strips of foil to shield thin parts such as the tips of wings and legs on poultry x_r li lWoilld cook 1 el_ relarger parts Standing Time When youcook with regula_ oxens foods su h as roasts or akes are allowed to stand to finish cooking or to set Standin...
Page 31: ...use abrasive h _m r or shensi utensils on oven walls Todean the surface of the door and the surfaceof the oven that come together upon dosing use on _ mild nonabrasivesoaps or detergents using a spongeor soft cloth Rinse with a damp cloth and d_ Never use a commercial oven cleaner on anypart of your microwave Removable Turntable and Turntable Support o prexent breakage do J ot pla e the turiJqat l...
Page 32: ...p ok jects on the panel tht v can damage it Some paper towels cm_ also scratch the control t m_el Door Surface It s imt ortallt to kee t the area clean where the door seals ag_dnst the mictx _l e Else Olfly mild non abrasive detergents apt lied with a clean sl onge or soft cloth Rinse well Stainless Steel on some models Do not usea steel wood pad it will scratch the surface To lean the st_dnh ss s...
Page 33: ...urelM Controlpanellighted yetovenwill notstart Door not securely dosed pen the door and close securely STARTpad not pressed Press START after enterhlg cooking selection Another selection entered Press CLEAR OFF already hi oven mid CLEAR OFF pad not pressed to cancel it Cooking time not entered Make sure you have after pressh _g TIMECOOK entered cooking time alter pressing TIME COOK CLEAR OFF was p...
Page 34: ...loweF SOllnd itt_ _sr _ levels other than high Dull tlmmping som_d while oven is operating TV mdio inter fence might be noticed while using the microwave Similar to the interl_ rence aused by other small appliances it does not indicate a lm_blem with the mic_x wm e Plug the microwave into a dills rent electrical ci_xuit mo_ the radio or TV as Ira aw_v i om the microwave as t ossible or check the p...
Page 35: ...Notes_ i_iii _iiiii_iiiiiiiii i i_iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiii_li_iiiii iii_ il_iiilli iiiiiiiiiii_iii _iiii ii 35 ...
Page 36: ... iii iil iiiilii iili Xiiii ili iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ ...
Page 37: ...relilainillg vahle of VOtlr Olltra t No l iestions asked It s that sililple Protect your refl igerator dishwasher washer and dryer range TV VCR and much more aW brand Plus there s no extra harge for emergency service and low monthly financing is a_ailable E_en icemaker coverage and hod spoilage protection is otti red _im can rest easy knowing that all your valuable household products are protected...
Page 38: ... form below to ensure that your product is registered or register online at www Gl_ppliances com Consumer Product Ownership Registration Model Number Serial Number I I I I Ml_ Ms Mrs Miss _ ir_ I I _ _ I I Name I I I I I I I I I Name I I I I I I I I I I I I I Str t I tess I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Aim I I E mail Address I I I I _il I I City I I I I I I I I I I I I I State...
Page 39: ...are_ servicer and pick it up following service in home serviceis also available but you must pal for the service technician s travel costs to our home Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product hnproper hlstallafion delivery or lllaintenance Failure of the product if it is abused nffsused_ or used for other than the hltended purpose or used conunerclally Replacement of house fu...
Page 40: ...d learn about six ial discoum s that are avuilable while vollr warraI tV is still ill ettb_ t _ t_ an pur hase it on line an lime or all 800 626 2224 during normal business hours E Consumer Itome Sel J es will still be fl ere after your warramy expires PartsandAccessories vvvvw GEAppliances com Indhiduals qualified to service their own appliances can hm arts or accessories sent directly m th ir ho...