Page 1: You Energy saving Tips p5 Features p6 Surface cooking p7 Oven tooting p13 Use andCare of model JBS28G Ouestions usetheProblem Solver p23 YourDirectLine to Geneml Electric The GEbwer Centef800 626 2000 ELECTRIC ...
Page 2: ...hing or needmorehelp write include yourphonenumber ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 ChecktheProblemSolveron page23 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself Writedom themodel andserialnmberse You ll findthemon a labelon the frontoftherangebehindthe storagedrawer Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthatcame...
Page 3: ...r flamable materiak accmtiate in or near the ra e m Do not use wateron gr e s fires Never pick up a fldng pm Smother fl hg pan on m sufiace utit by cove pm completelywithwell fittbg tid9 cootie sheetor flat tray Rtig greaseou ide a pan can be put out by covetig with batig soda or9f avaiiab1e9 a mtiti pur se y chetical or fem Do not touchheating elemenfi or hterior smface of oven These surfacesmay ...
Page 4: ...ntier wtil expose a portion of the heating element to direct contact could burst musbg a h v and may result in ignition of PP AI Use of deeomtivemebi coverson sudace elementsis tiot r omended If a covered element is ed on element burnout codd result men flAg f60dS de the hood tmn the fan oH The fm Hoperathg may spread the flame OO fO kg ShOUld be as as pssiblei Frost on frozen food or moisture on ...
Page 5: ...y surfaceunit watchtheindicatorlightandput Cookfreshvegetables witha minimumamountofwaterina foodinovenpromptl aftertie lightgoesout coveredpan AlwaysturnovenOFFbefore Watchfoodswhenbringingthem removingfood quicklyto cookingtemperatures at Duringbaking avoidfrequent HIGHheat Whenfoodreaches dooropenings Keepdooropenas cookingtemperature reduceheat shortatimeaspossiblewhenit is inlrne iately tolow...
Page 6: ...enCyclingLight 7 AutomaticOvenTimer Clock andMinuteTimer 8 SolidElementSurfaceUnit Explained onpage 2 7 7 13 13 13 12 7 9 Explained Fature hdex onpage 9 OvenLightSwitch 13 I 10 OvenLiner 1221 I 11 BroilUnit I 18 I IU BakeUnit Maybelifiedgently forwipingovenfloor 1221 I 13 OvenShelves 14 OvenShelfSupports 13 15 Brofler andMck 18 16 StorageDrawer 22 17 OvenVent 4 6 ...
Page 7: ...liar With bothtypesyouwillenjoythe cleadiness ofelectricityandthe benefitsofretainedheatinthe elements However thereare differences Solidelementsdo NOTglowred evenatHI setting Solidelementsreachtemperature alittleslower andholdheatlonger thanconventional tubularelements Solidelementshaveveryevenheat distribution Sincesolidelements holdheatlonger youmaywishto turntheelementoffsooner and takeadvanta...
Page 8: ...cabletocooking process asidentifiedearlierin thissection O eO e oa eeee e Don tusepanswithrounded bottoms Theydon thaveenough contactwiththesolidelementto cookproperly Exceptinpressurecookingwith waterandwaterbathcanning pot shouldnotextendmorethan1inch beyondthesurfaceofa solid elementandshouldhaveflat bottoms Whenpotsdonotmeet thisdescription theuseoftheHI heatsettingcausesexcessive heat buildup...
Page 9: ...ed However when canningwithwater bathor pressurecanner large diameter cookwaremaybe used Thisis becauseboilingwatertemperatures evenunderpressure arenot harmfulto cooktopsurfaces surroundingthecookingelement HOWEVER DONOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OR HER LARGEDIAMETER UTENSILSFORFRYINGOR BOILINGFOODS HER THANWATER Mostsyrupor saucemixtures and alltypesof f ing cookattemperaturesmuch higherthanboilin...
Page 10: ...iming according topackagedirections Cereals Cornmeal Grits Oatmeal HI cover bringwatertoaboil 7 8 finish cooking Meat Fish Poultry Bacon SausagePatties HI cook untiljust startingtosizzle 2 3 simmer untiltender covered HI melt fat then4 5tobrown Addliquid SwissSteak PotRoast braised 2 3 cook untiltender HI meltfat then4 5tobrownchic en cover HI heat oil Chicken fried 5toHI maintain temperature Chic...
Page 11: watertoboil adde s Poached WM finish cooking 3 4 finish cooking Sauces Soup Stews HI melt fat HI heat upliquid WM simmer Vegebbles Fresh HI cover bringsaltedwatertoaboil 3 4 cook 10 30minutes depending on tendernessofvegetable Frozen HI cover bringsaltedwaterandvegetables toaboil 3 4 cook accordingtotimeonpackage Fried HI preheat skilletandoilor fat 3 4 cook untildesiredtenderness isreached 5 ...
Page 12: ...ingoffat theStopTimesetor youcanset bothDELAYSTART andS P dialstoautomatically startandstop ovenata latertimeofday Ittakes theworryoutofnotbeinghome tostartor stoptheoven SettingthedialsforTIMEBAKE isexplainedindetailonpage14 12 Q HowcanI usemyMinute Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier A YourMinuteTimerwillhelp timetotalcookingwhichincludes timetoboilfoodandchange temperatures Donotjudgecooking tim...
Page 13: ...etely fromtheoven and b willnottilt whenremovingfoodfromor placingfoodonthem 4 Keepthisbookhandysoyoucan refertoit especiallyduringthe firstweeksofgettingacquainted withyourrange ovenLi t oven Controk I Toremoveshelffromtheoven lift uprearofshelf pullforwardwith stop locks curvedextensionunder shelf alongtopofshelfsupports Becertainthatshelfis coolbefore touching Toreplaceshelfinoven insert shelfw...
Page 14: ...ingstoptime thattime bakedfoodswillcontinue cookingaftertheoventurnsoff Howtoset memate S rtandAutomatic Stop Beforebeginning makesurethe rangeclockshowsthecorrecttime ofday 1 TosetStopTime pushin knob on S P dialandturnpointerto timeyouwantovento turnoffifor example 6 00 TheDELAYSTWT dialshouldbeat thesameposition asthetimeofdayonclock Howto mme Bake 2 m OVENSETknobto TIMEBAKE TurnOVENTEMP knobto...
Page 15: ... Angel food Aluminum be Pan 325 3750 30 55 We piece panisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan 325 350 45 60 Cakes Bundt cakes MetalorCeramicPan 325 3500 45 65 Oupcakes ShinyMetalMuff nPans 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemoremoistcrusts Fruitcakes MetalorGlassLoafor be Pan 275 3000 2 4hrs Use300 F forsmallor individual cakes Layer Sh...
Page 16: ...thehotovenandtherefore shotidberemoved whenthedesired internaltemperature hasbeen reached For mozen Ross Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow10to25minutes perpoundadditiondtime 10 minutesperpoundforroastiunder 5pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbecookedsuccessfully without thawing...
Page 17: ...stsunder5pounds Defrostpoultrybeforeroasting Oven Appro ate Roasting Time Interd NW Termpemture Wnen inMinutes per fiund Tempemture F Meat 3 to 5 lbs 6 to 8 lbs Tendercuts rib highquali sirlointip 325 W 24 30 18 22 130 1400 rumportopround Medium 30 35 22 25 150 1600 WellDone 35 45 28 33 170 1850 Mb g orbone inshouldefi 325 w 21 25 20 23 130 1400 Medium 25 30 24 28 150 1600 WellDone 30 35 28 33 170...
Page 18: ...andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONOTplaceasheetof aluminumfoilonshelf Todoso mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damagetoovenfinishand increaseinheatonoutsidesurfaces oftheoven 3 Asheetofaluminumfoilmaybe usedonflooroftheovenunderthe bakeunit ifdesired BECERTAIN FOILDOESN UCH BAKE UNIT Aluminumfoilusedinthis waymayslightlyaffectthebrowning ofsomefoods Changefoilwhenit becomessoiled Q my s...
Page 19: ...e Beef Steaks Rare l inchthick c 7 8 7 8 Steakslessthan1inchcookthrough Medium WellDone 1to 1 lbs c 9 1o 9 1o beforebrowning Panfryingis c 13 14 13 14 recommended Rare I in thick c 9 1o 7 8 Slashfat Medium 2to2 lbs c 15 16 14 16 WellDone B 25 26 20 25 Ckicken 1whole A 30 35 10 15 Reducetimesabout5to 10minutesper 2to2M lbs sideforcut upchicken Brusheachside splitlengthwise withmeltedbutter Broilwit...
Page 20: ...ressdownlightlyon doorandslidehingekeepersforward oneachhingetolockthedooropen Graspthedooronbothsidesmidway betweenthetopandbottom Close thedoorhalfway 45 andliftuntil thehingesdisengage fromthe rangebody Toreplace graspdooratsides W th thedooratanangleasshown locate oven Lamp v CAUTION Beforereplacingyour ovenbulb disconnecttheelectrical powerforyourrangeatthemain fuseor circuitbreakerpanel Be s...
Page 21: ...nt onhighforseveralminutestobake thepolishtotheelement Whenthe elementis cooled rublightlywith a clothorpapertoweltoremove anyexcesspolish Beforenextuse burnofftheelementbymeansofa shortpreheatingperiod A slight amount ofsmokeandodorWNoccur Cookingat homeandpre delivery factorytestingwillpermanently changethestainlesssteelelement trimringto a goldcolor Thisisa normalcharacteristicofstaidess steela...
Page 22: ... locatetheupperhingesinthetwoupperslotsonthefrontfaceoftheoven Lowerthedoortothehorizontal positionallowing thelowerhingetoengage Pressdown lightlyondoor returnthehingekeeperstonormalpositionandclosethedoor Coolbeforecleaning FORLIGHTSOIL Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwater especially aftercooking meat willprolongthetimebetweenmajorcleaning Rinsethoroughly NOTE Soapleft onlinercausesadditional stai...
Page 23: ...e nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive herearethree stepstofollowforfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem 23 NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblemis still notresolved writ...
Page 24: ...ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC tiOTPOiN T FAcToRy SERVICE or GENERAL ELE RIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATIs Nm COVERED ewice trips 0your ome 0 Replacement ofhouse fuses or teach you how to use the product resetting of circuit breakers Read your Use and Cam material If you then have any questions Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpos...