GE JBP22P Use And Care And Installation Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JBP22P

Page 1: ...s 8 ConsumerServices 31 Cookware Tips 10 11 Energy Saving Tips 5 warranty BackCover Featies 6 7 Ins tion hstructions 27 29 Levehg 5 ModelandSerialNmbers 2 men 13 23 Baking BakingGtide 14 15 Brohg Bro...

Page 2: ...n thebackof thisbook We reproudof ourserviceand wantyouto be pleased If for some reasonyouwe nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive herearethree stepsto followforfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servi...

Page 3: ...drypot holders moistor ampjot holdersonhot surfacesmayresultinburnsfrom steam Donotletpotholders touch hotheatingelements Donotuse atowelorotherbulkycloth eDoNOTSTOW OR JSE COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS GASO...

Page 4: ...pansoranywhere in theovenexceptasdescribed in thisbook Misusecouldresultin a shock firehazardordamageto therange eonly certain typesofglass9 glas eeramic9 earthenware or otherg azed containers are su...

Page 5: ...covers andflatbottomswhich completelycovertheheated portionof the surfaceunit eCookfreshvegetableswith a minimumamountof waterin a coveredpan Watchfoodswhenbringingthem quicklyto cookingtemperaturesa...

Page 6: ...FeaturesofYour Range d Note not all doorshave windows BP22P JBP22GP JBP26GP JBP26AP JBP26WP JBP24GP JBP25GP 6...

Page 7: ...Unit TrimRings DripPans 22 23 onmodelssoequipped 11 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 12 OvenInteriorLight onmodelsso equipped 22 Comeson automaticallywhendooris opened 13 Oven ShelfSupports 13 14 OvenLightSwit...

Page 8: ...eontro is anypositionotherthan OFF it maybe rotatedwithout pushingin Be sureyouturncontiolto OFFwhenyoufinishcooking An indicatorlightwillglowwhen heatonanysurfaceunitison cooking Guide forUsiig Heat...

Page 9: ...unik ody Potsthatextendbeyondoneinch ofcookingelement strimringare notrecommendedfor mostsurface cooking However whencanning withwater bathor pressure canner larger diameterpotsmay beused Thisis becau...

Page 10: ...ool water Coverpan cook untilsteaming MEDHI Meltbutter add eggsandcoverskillet minutesforsoficooked 15minutesforhardcooked If youdonotcoverskillet baste eggswithfat tocooktopsevenly Covered Skillet Co...

Page 11: ...utesperside Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time Turnpancakesoverwhen bubblesriseto surface Pasta Noodlesorspaghetti CoveredLarge KettleorPot HI In coveredkettle bring saltedwatertoa boil uncover andad...

Page 12: ...rstoptheoven SettingthedialsforT E BAKE is explainedin detailin theBaking sectionof thisbook Seu cleanuses AutomaticTher Theself cleaningfunctiononyour rangeusesthe AutomaticTimerto setthelengthof tim...

Page 13: ...eattheovenonly whennecessary Mostfoodswill cooksatisfactorily without preheatig If youfindpreheating is necessary keepan eyeonthe indicatorlightandputfoodin the ovenpromptlyafterlightgoesout 01 enonLi...

Page 14: ...mber foodscontinuecooking aftercontrolsareoff Step 1 TosetStopTime pushin knobon STOP dialandturn pointerto timeyouwantovento tum off forexample6 00 The DELAYST T dialshouldbe at the samepositionasthe...

Page 15: ...pest browning Forthinrolls Shelf Bmaybe used Forthinrolls Shelf Bmaybe used Plainrolls Sweetrolls Cakes without shortening Angel food Jelly roll Sponge Aluminum Tube Pan Metal Jelly Roll Pan Metal orC...

Page 16: ...venand thereforeshouldbe removedwhen the desiredinternaltemperature hasbeenreached For Frozen Roasb o Frozenroastsof beef pork lamb etc canbe startedwithout thawing butallow 10to 25 minutesperpoundadd...

Page 17: ...ore timethangivenin guidefor roastsis 10to 20minutes This allowsroaststo firmup andmakes refrigeratedroasts 10minutesper themeasiertocarve Internal poundforroastsunder5 pounds temperaturewillriseabout...

Page 18: ...BroilingGuide Withoutthe slits thefoilwill preventfat andmeatjuicesfrom drainingto thebroilerpan The juices couldbecomehotenoughto catchon fire If youdo notcutthe slits youare ing notbroiling Questio...

Page 19: ...5 ISpaceevenly Upto 8 pattiestakeaboutsametime 1lb 4patties c 7 Xto in thick t I BeefSteaks Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone 7 9 13 7 8 14 16 20 25 Steakslessthan1inchthickcook throughbeforeb...

Page 20: ...Controls willsnapintofinalpositionwhen theCLEANlocationisreached step 3 0 Settheautomaticoventimer Step 2 0Slidethelatchhandleto theright as far as it willgo Theovenwfilsmokethe fwsttime youusethe sel...

Page 21: ...thelatch handle Why A Afterseveralcontinuous high temperature bakingsorbroilings thedoorcannotbelatched Ifthis happens lettheovencoolby openingtheovendoor Afterthe ovenhascooled youwillbeableto latcht...

Page 22: ...rectpositionso moistureand vaporsfromthe ovencanbe releasedduringovenuse NOTE Nevercovertheholein the oven ventductwithaluminumfoilor anyothermaterial Thisprevents the ovenventfromworking properlyduri...

Page 23: ...receptacle 0Guidethe surfaceunitintoplace so it restsevenly Note Thedrippanmustbe under the trimring CAUTEON Do not attemptto cleanplug in surfaceunitsin an automatic dishwasher Do not immerseplug ins...

Page 24: ...oled washand rinse Porcelain Enamel and Painted Surfaces ePaperTowel Dry Cloth eSoapandWater DO NOTUSEovencleaners cl nsing powdersor harsh abrasives Thesemightscratch the surface For otherspills such...

Page 25: ...Thandlethe unitbeforecompletelycooled DONOTattemptto cleanplug inunitsin theself cleaning oven DONOTimmerseplug inunitsinanykindofliquid For cleaning removedrawerby pullingit all the way open tilt upt...

Page 26: ...nded gOVENSETknobnot setonBA OVENTEMPknobnot setcorrectly Shelfpositionis incorrect CheckRoastingor 13aking Guides o Ovenshelfis notlevel Incorrebtcookwareor cookwareof impropersizeisbeingused eA foil...

Page 27: ...eterrnindsarenotaccessible after rangeisinposition fletibleservicecondtitorcord mustbeused STEP 1 PREMRE HE OPENBMG 1Y211 spacingisrecommendedfromthe rangeto adjacentverticalwallsabovecooktopsurface N...

Page 28: Brackets provided are used to support the flexiblecord strain relief which must be securely a ched to the cord set R 3wiRESYSTEM Power COrd lnshflation Insert screws through power cord terminals so...

Page 29: ...c mplet the installation Read the lMPORT T SN 1NSTRUCTIONS L andthe instructionsthatfitvoursituationbefore z eg ififiiugs installation WABNSHG 1 Rangemustbe securedbyANTI TIPbracket supplied 2 See in...

Page 30: after your warrantyexpires Pur chase a GE con ct while your war ranty is still in efiect and you llreceive a substantialdiscount With a mdtiple year contract you reassuredof fiture service at tod...

Page 31: ...e product resettingof circuitbreakers Read your Use and Care material oF lure of the productif it is used Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions for otherthan its intendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe Productplease or...
