GE GSD580L Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for GSD580L

Page 1: ... CvcleFeatures 5 Warranty Back Cover fi tergent DetergentGuide 6 7 WaterT nperature 6 DispenserCups 7 Winter Storage 14 Energy SavingTips 2 Front PanelColor Change Loading 8 Modeland SerialNumbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 5 CycleSelection 4 5 Dr inE Options 4 5 Pots and Pans 4 5 GEAmwer Jw Problem Solver 11 13 8fl f126208fl Model GSD580 GEAppBaIzc s ___ 9 J y p C ...

Page 2: ... It listscauses of minor operatingproblemsthat you can correct yourself Toobtaina Spanishlanguage version of this book call GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer informationservice Para obtener la versi6nen espaiiolde este manual name a GE Answer Center servicio de informaci6n para el consumidor teldfono800 626 2000 ModelNumber SerialNumber Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls...

Page 3: ...likelytodamage the door seal and B Load sharp kniveswiththe handlesup to reducethe risk ofcut typeinjuries Do not touchtheheating elementduring or immediately after use Do not operateyourdishwasher unlessall enclosurepanelsare properly in place Do not tamper with controls Do not abuse siton or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher Close supervisionis necessary if thisapplianceisusedbyor...

Page 4: ...d start the dishwasher SeeCycleSelection Hints on the nextpage If yourdishwasherdrains into a foodwastedisposer operatethe disposeruntil it is empty before startingthe dishwasher ForPOTS PAl NS and PdOR MALWASHcycles POTS NCJ MML PANS D a Push selected cyclebutton b Latch the door oFFaeoN iB LIGHT WASH DRYING I RINSE ONLY USE ORYING I hr WASHCyCk a Be sure door is unlatched b Push NORMAL WASHbutto...

Page 5: ...foreloading RINSE ONLY Forrinsingpartial loads which will be washedlater Donotusedetergent what happens ineach cycle You llhear occasional clicking During the drying period sounds Themotor stops Softfood disposer shredding Watervapor comes through the action vent by the door latch during Drain valveopening topump dryingandwhenwaterisbeing water out Timercontrol as cycle progresses Detergentcup ope...

Page 6: ...hard watermaterialsfrom forming spotsor filmon yourdishes If your water is hard 7 grainsor more yourdetergenthas to work harder Detergentswith a higherphosphate levelwill probably workbetter If the phosphatecontentis low 8 7 useofa rinseagentsfi hasJET DRY or less you llhaveto useextra detergentwith hard water brand is reco ended Rinse agentscome in either liquid or solid form Yourdishwasher s dis...

Page 7: ...hance to dry and become hard Dishes with dried on soil are more difficult to wash and may not come clean in the NORMAL WASHcycle Remember to use your RINSE ONLY cyclefor small holding loads Note I hefoodsmentionedhere are for examplesonly Other foods notmentionedmayalso need to be removedfrom yourdishes You mayalso wantto considerremoving foodssuch as mustard mayonnaise vinegar lemonjuice andother...

Page 8: ...ext to it Also be careful not to let a portion of an item such as a pot or dish handle extend throughthebottomrack Thiscould bIockthewasharm andcausepoor washingresults HowtokxldtheTOPRACK The top rack is best for glasses cups and saucers Cups and glasses fit best along the sides This is the place for dishwasher safeplastics too Make sure smallplastic itemsare lodgedin tightly so they can tfall on...

Page 9: ...ems such as m asuring spoons and lid from small A Load platters pots pans and bowlsalongthe sides in corners or in the back All large items such as pitchers saladbowlsand mixingbowls shouldbe washed in the lowerrack Heavily soiled pots pans and casseroles MUST be 7 y m loaded in the bottom rack facing down Prop broi er pans and racks along the edge Don t let any item extend through bottom containe...

Page 10: ...iniflefton SterlingSilver YES Don tputinsamesilverware Rinseifnotwashing immediately Saltyoracidfoodscan andSilverpIate basketwithstainlesssteel stainiflefton Drydetergent cancausedifficult to remove Contactbetweenmetalscan blackspots Placeinbacksectionofsilverware basketto damagesilver avoidexposure todetergentfromthedetergent cup Don twashcopperutensilsin thesameload Silvermaygeta brownfilm Adhe...

Page 11: using your dishwasher Plugged air gap See page 14 Improper rack loading Seepages 8 and 9 Aluminum deposits often leavemarks when they rub againstother things Remove marks with a mild abrasive cleanser Watermay not be reaching the detergentcups Move dishes that maybe blocking detergent cup The dispenser cover may not be opening or may be blocked by improperly loaded items If you used a powder de...

Page 12: wash Then open the door and pour 2 cups 500 ml of white vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher Close the door and allowto complete the cycle If vinegar rinse doesn twork Repeatas above except use 1 4cup 60 ml of citric acid crystals instead of vinegar Most drugstores carry citric acid crystals If yours doesn t call GE Factory Service Using a vinegar or citric acid crystal rinse more than twi...

Page 13: ...UB Sudsingdetergentsare not meant for dishwashers USE ONLYAUTOMATIC DISHWASHERDETERGENTS lD AVOIDSUDSING Toremovesuds from the tub Open the dishwasher Let sudsevaporate Add 1gallon of cold water to the tub Close and latchthe dishwasher Pump out waterby slowly turningthe controldial until a drain period is reached Repeatif necessary DISHWASHERLEAKS Sudscan cause unit to overflow That swhy it sso im...

Page 14: ...ou maynot evenhaveone Not all plumbing codes require air gaps If you havean air gap check it at least once a month IT 1SN OT PARTOF YOUR DISHWASHER IT IS NOT COVERED IN YOUR WARRANTY The air gap is easy to clean With most types first turn off the dishwasher then lift off the chrome cover Then unscrew the plastic cap and check for any build up of grit A toothpick makes cleaning easy Check the air g...

Page 15: ...o match kitchen wantyouto be pleased If for some cabinets The kitis an optionat reasonyouare not happywith the extracost and is availablefrom serviceyoureceive here are three yourGE dealer SpecifyGPF40 stepsto followfor further help FIRST contactthe peoplewho servicedyour appliance Explain why youare not pleased In most cases this will solvethe problem NEXT if youare stillnot pleased write all the...

Page 16: ...LECTRIC HCITPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHAT1SNOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Readyour Ike and Ca material If you then haveany questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improp...
