GE GSD400 Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for GSD400

Page 1: ...ystal Sterling 10 SafetyInstructions 3 Consumer Services 15 User MaintenanceInstructions 11 Detergent Detergent Guide 6 7 Warranty BackCover DispenserCups 7 WaterTemperature 6 Door Latch 4 WinterStorage 11 Energy Saving Tips 2 Features 4 Loading 8 9 GEAmwer C nter Modeland SerialNumbers 2 mM2 lw7 Built in Model Gsmoo P ...

Page 2: ...ionofthisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service Paraobtenerlaversi6nen Espaiioldeestemanual llarnea GEAnswerCenter serviciodeinformaci6n parael consumidor telifono800 626 2000 Energy saving tips eoperate dishwasher only when it s fuU Letthedishesaccumulate in dishwasher Besureto latchthe doorwhenwaitingfor a fullload Thishelpskeepsoilsmoist easier toremove If ym needs ni...

Page 3: ... risk of cut typeinjuries Donottouchtheheating elementduringorimmediately afteruse Donotoperate yourdishwasher unlessallenclosure panelsare properlyinplace 6Donottamper withcontrols oDonotabuse siton or standon thedoorordishrackofthe dishwasher Closesupervision isnecessary if thisappliance isusedbyor nearchildren Donotallow childrentoplayinside onorwith thisapplianceoranydiscarded appliance Dispos...

Page 4: ...sdrynaturallyovera longer periodsuchasovernight If youneedyourdishessooner openthe dishwasherdoorafterthe cycleis completetoreducethe dryingtime Useof thisoptionreducesthe electricalenergyusedbythis modelapproximately 9Y0 STEP 4 If Yourdishwasherdrains intoa foodwastedisposer operate thedisposeruntilit isemptybefore startingthedishwasher Toobtainthebenefitsof a completecycle be carefulthat youdo n...

Page 5: ...licking Themotorstopsduringdrying Watervaporcomesthroughthe shredding ventbythedoorlatchdufing dryingandwhenwaterisbeing Drainvalveopeningtopump pumpedout waterout Timercontrolas cycle progresses Detergent cupopening NORMAL WASH 1 Io i w ImmEll_ qRFl DRYINGHEAT ON Add 28 minutes ...

Page 6: ...dmakes dryingfaster too Forbestdishwashing performance useofarinse agentsuchasJET DRY brandis recommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher usesthesolidform If youcan tfind anyrinse agent write BENCKISER CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC JETDRY 411W PutnamAve Greenwich CI 06830 Howto hooseanduse the rigm ddmgente First useonly powderor liquid detergentspecificallymadefor use in dishwas...

Page 7: ...ovelargequantitiesof anyfood Yourdishwasherhas a built insoftfooddisposerthat pulverizessoftfoodbitsand flushesthemaway It canhandle small amountsof softfoods but largeamountswillbedifficultto handle 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasachanceto dryand becomehard Disheswithdried on soilaremoredifficultto washand mayrequireadditional preparation forgoodresults Note T he...

Page 8: ...ngthewashandrinseportionsofthecycle Don tblockit or loadtallthingsnextto it Also be carefulnottolet a portionofan itemsuchasa pot or dishhandleextendthroughthe bottomrack Thiscould blockthewasharm andcausepoor washingresults Thetoprackisbestforglasses cupsandsaucers Cups andglassesfitbestalongthesides Thisistheplacefor dishwasher safe plastics too Makesuresmallplastic itemsarelodgedintightlysothey...

Page 9: ...gether Distributeevenly Smallplastic items suchas measuringspoonsandlidsfromsmall containersarenotrecommendedforautomatic dishwashing If placedinthedishwasher theyshouldgo inthebottomofsilverware basketwithsilverware ontop I FIeavily soiledpots pansandcasserolesMUSTbe loadedinthebottomrack facingdown Propbroiler pansandracksalongtheedge Precaution Takeoutanythingthatmayfallor extendthroughthe bott...

Page 10: ...ediately Saltyoracidfoods canstainif lefton ISterlingsilver I YES andsilverplate Don tputin samesilverware Rinseif notwashingimmediately Saityor acidfoods basketwithstainlesssteel canstainif lefton Drydetergentcancause Contactbetweenmetalscan difficult to remove blackspots Placeinbacksectionof damagesilver silverwarebasketto avoidexposuretodetergentfromthe detergentcup Don twashcopperutensilsin th...

Page 11: ...haveone Notallplumbing codesrequireairgaps If youhaveanairgap checkit at leastonceamonth THEAIR GAPISNUI PART OFYOUR DISHWASHER ITISNOT COVERED INYOUR w Y I e air gap is easy to dean With mosttypes firstturnoffthe dishwasher thenliftoffthechrome cover Thenunscrewtheplasticcap andcheckforanybuild upofgrit A toothpickmakescleaningeasy Checkthe air gap anytimeyour dishwasherisn tdrainingweH Notwing y...

Page 12: ...E Totest seepage6 To obtain the benefits of a complete cycle kmcareful that youdo not turn the dialany further than necessary tostartthedishwasher Waterpressuremaybetemporarilylow Turnona faucet Iswatercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedairgap Seepage11 Improperrackloading Seepages8 and9 Aluminumdepositsoftenleavemarkswhentheyrubagainstotherth...

Page 13: ...oorandallowthedishwasherto completethecycle If vinegar rinse doesn t work Repeatas above exceptuse 1 4cup 60rnl of citric acidcrystalsinsteadof vinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours doesn t callGEFactoryService Usinga vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsemorethantwicea month Considera home watersoftener fvinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsedoesn twork the cloudinessis etching Thefik annotb...

Page 14: ... theentirebottomofthetubhaswater youmayhaveadrainproblem Cleantheair gap ifyouhaveone Seepage 11 Check the kitchen sink Is it drainingwell Youmayneed a plumber If dishwasher drainsintodisposer rundisposertoclear Besuredisposerisnotclogged Sudsingdetergents arenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAUTOMATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENTS IllAVOID SUDSING TOremovesudsfrom the tub Openthedishwasher Letsudsevaporate A...

Page 15: ...ontract while your war ranty is still in effect and you llreceive a substantial discount With a multiple year contract you re assured of future service at today sprices Telecommunication Devicefor the Deaf j _ 4 2 L Sccrlm ilk c LOJ0J 1 w m G c Individuals cpdifkd to m viux their om appknces can haveneeded parts or accessoriessent directlyto their home free of shippingcharge The GE parts systempro...

Page 16: ...Use and Me rnater aL if you then have any questions about operating the product please contactyour dealeror our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer You are responsible for providing adequate electrical plumbing and other con...
