GE GSD2800L-20 Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for GSD2800L-20

Page 1: ...ycleFeatures 11 UserMaintenanceInstructions 21 Detergent Detergent Guide 12 13 Warranty BackCover Dispenser cups 13 WaterTemperature 12 Energy SavingTips 2 Winter Storage Z1 Front Panel Color Change 22 Loading 14 16 Lock Controls Feature 6 Modeland Serial IVurnbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 6 CvcleSelection 4 shwashing Shortcut 6 Drying Options 5 x lnswt l ce tt r SoilLevel 4 8i7 t126 2illUJ Mode...

Page 2: ...hat uses the least amount of water that wiDremove the soil from the load See page11 Selectthe SOILLEVELthatwill removesoilfromload If youdon tneedyourdishesright away useyour N GY SA DRYINGfeature thatturnsthe drying heater off automatically Dishes dry naturally over a longer period such as overnight Watch the SYSTEMS MONITOR for more ideas See page 7 Toobtainservice seethe Consumer Services pagei...

Page 3: ...her uniess all enclosure panelsare properly in place Do not tamper with controls DOnot abuse sit on or stand on the door or dish rack ofthe dishwasher Close supervision is necessary ifthis applianceisusedbyor near children Do not allowchildren to play inside on or with this appliance or any discarded appliance Dispose of discarded appliances and shippingor packing material properly Beforediscardin...

Page 4: ...nd crystal The wash action is softened bypumping air along with the water to protect your delicate items Pre rinsedishware before loading Followloading instructions on pages14through 16 iRINSE HOLD isforrinsing partialloadswhichwillbe washed later Do not use detergent Donot useDELAYSTART withthiscycle Tochange a setting justtouch desiredpad Your dishwasher isnowautomatically programmedincludinga S...

Page 5: ...othearany washactionrightaway Dishwasher willproceedthroughyourentire programandturnoffautomatically Todelay the start touchDELAY START pad TheSYSTEMS MOIWTOR willread 1 hrsdelay Touchpadonceagainforeach hourdesiredupto9 hours The machinewillcountdownandstart automatically atthecorrecttime Note Don tforgettoputdetergent in cupandclosecup Donotuse DELAYSTARTwiththeRINSE HOLDcycle h dwge a cycle aft...

Page 6: ...s desired and touch START Howtobck dkhwasher Controk toprevent useby Children Yourdishwasherhas a hidden controlpad When this pad is touchedtwice within 3 seconds all padsbecomeinoperative andno newselectionscanbe madeuntil thelockisreleased Theword LOCKEDappearsintheSYSTEMS T I SYSTEMS MONITOR L Lowm daa HI 10CKED MONITOR Childrencannot accidentally startdishwasher by touchingpads Theonlycontrol ...

Page 7: ...SHORTWASH LIGHT SOILor ENERGYSAVER UNHEATED DRYING Displayedduring Pre wash Pre rinse and Main Washperiods Displayed duringRinseperiodsfollowing theMainWash IndicatesHEATEDDRYING hasbeenselected Indicatescompletion ofRINSE HOLDcycle Remainsonuntildoorisunlatched Indicateswaterisbeingheated in washorrinseperiod to temperature necessary for goodwashability Theminutescountdown isonholdforuptoamaximum...

Page 8: ...close the cup Relatchthe door and touch S I ARTJ then immediately touch CLEAR RESETl Thiswill pump anyremaining waterout of the machine Selectthe desired cycleand re run the load DISHWASHERWAS0 07 IN USE Latchdoor Selectdesired cycle Run cyclewhen desired 1 Unlatch door 2 Check the lowerrack for any itemthat could block the wash arm and reposition it 3 Relatchdoor NOTE If the wash arm is not block...

Page 9: ...hwasheris designedto automaticallypump out extra water as long as the door is latched When youhear the motor stop running 1 Unlatch the door and see if all the water is gone Ris normal for a small amountof water to remain in the bottomof tub to keep the water seal lubricated 2 If you see water entering the dishwasher close and latch the door Shutoff the water supply to the dishwasher 3 If water is...

Page 10: call for service r i Lf The temperaturesensorin the Thetemperaturesensorneedstobe replaced Callfor service dishwasheris not functioning NOTE properly Dishwashermaycontinue Youmaycontinueto use yourdishwasher For best results to be used but it willnot heat adjustyourhouseholdwaterheater thermostatto MO F waterautomatically Before youcall for service Try the cycleagainto seeif the Code reappears ...

Page 11: ...h n Rinse Fn l 61 46 33 40 5 j 41 28 35 P CRUBBER OIZ ALWASH SHORT WASH CWNACRYSTAL 11 11 10 2 7 7 10 3 10 3 8 9 6 4 Pre Rinse I I I I F 3 EqFl 50 IPre Rinse I I J El Main Wash rzz7 38 H I i i m 45 l ii I IPre RinseI I I I I 1 Unextended times Thesecycletimesmaybeincreased upto20minutesifnecessary foryourdishwasher toheatthewatertopropertemperature forgoodwashability IfSANIOPTIONisselectedtimemayb...

Page 12: ...nt How tome a rime ent A rinseagentmakeswaterflow offdishesquickerthanusual This lessenswaterspottingandmakes dryingfaster too Forbestdishwashing performance useofa rinseagentsuchasJET DRYbrandisrecommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher s dispenserusestheliquidform Howto fillthe rinseagent dispenser Unscrewthecap Add theliquidrinseagentuntilitjust reachesthebottomofthel...

Page 13: ...s softfoodbitsandflushes themaway Itcahhandlesmallamounts of softfoods butlargeamounts will bedifficulttohandle 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasachancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay notcomecleanintheNORMAL WASH cycle Remember touse yourRINSE HOLDcyclefor small holding loads Note Thefoodsmentioned above areforexamples only Ot...

Page 14: Make sure to place tall items to the outside so the upper washarm is not blocked WATCH OUTFOR THIS The washer towerrises through the center of the bottom rack during the wash and rinse portions of the cycle Don tblock it or load tall thingsnext to it Also be carefulnot to let a portion of an item such as a pot or dish handle extendthrough the bottom rack This could block the wash arm and cause ...

Page 15: ...r washarm is longutensilson two levels Load the lowerlevelfirst not blocked then fold the shelfdown Howtoload theBOTmM MCK a Fit plates and saucers between the pins Load platters As shown here this plate is being placed with the soiled potsand bowls along the sides in corners or in the back from was arm can reach soiled surfaces sidefacingthecenteroftheracksowateranddetergent E ...

Page 16: ...ebbttom rack facingdown Propbroiler Pansandracksalongtheedge Shallow itemsmaybe ngledprovided thelowersidedoesnotshieldthesoiled su face inside fromthewater Putflatwareintheremovable basketwithhandlesupto protectyourhands Mixknives forksandspoonsso theydon tnesttogether Distributeevenly Thesecuritycellcover hingedinthehandle canbe loweredto ithersideto sec relight weight itemsfrom theeffectsofthev...

Page 17: ...foods canstainiflefton Rinseifnotwashing immediately Saltyor acidfoodscan stainiflefton Drydetergentcancausedifficult to remove blackspots PIaceinbacksectionofsilverware basketto avoidexposur todetergentfromthedetergent cup Plastics YES IStainless steel I YES Don tputinsamesilverware basketwithstainlesssteel I Sterling Silver j YES I and Silver pkde r Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Don twash...

Page 18: ...ure is correct See page 12 Unload the bottomrack first Waterfrom dishes in the top rack maybe spillingontothe bottomrack Check for improper loading Dishes shouldn tnesttogether Avoidoverloading Check the rinse agentdispenser to see that it snot empty Checkinletwatertemperature Itshouldbe atleast1200 Totest seepage12 Waterpressuremaybetemporarilylow Turnona faucet Is watercomingoutslower thanusual ...

Page 19: ...layed Thenopenthedoorandpour2 cups 500rnl ofwhitevinegarintothebottomof thedishwasher Closethedoorandallowthedishwasher tocompletethecycle M vinegar rinse doesn twork Repeat as above exceptuse 1 4cup 60ml ofcitric acidcrystalsinsteadofvinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours doesn t callGeneralElectricFactoryService Usinga vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsemorethantwicea month Consider...

Page 20: ...eadrainproblem Cleantheair gap ifyouhaveone Seepage21 Checkthekitchensink 1sit drainingwell Youmayneeda plumber Ifdishwasher drainsintoadisposer runthedisposertoclear 13e surethedisposeris notclogged SeetheSYSTEMS MONITOR pages8 10 Sudsingdetergents arenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAUTOMATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENTS AVOID SUDSING Toremovesudsfrom the tub Openthedishwasher Letsudsevaporate Add1gallon ...

Page 21: ...nhaveone Not all plumbing codes require air gaps If youhaveanairgap checkit atleastoncea month IT ISNOT PARTOF YOURDISHWASHER ITISNOTCOVERED IN YOUR WARRANTY The air gap is easy to clean With most types first turn off the dishwasher hen liftoffthechrome cover Thel unscrewtheplasticcap andcheckforanybuildupofgrit A toothpickmakescleaningeasy Checktheair gap any time your dishwasher isn tdraining we...

Page 22: ... panels sidetrim and screws HO tochangeknw paneliwwfs 1 Removefourpanelattachment screws Twoabovethe panel two belowthe panel 2 Removethe entirepanel 3 Takeoutthree screwsand removethe top trim 4 Slideout both insertpanels together 5 Put the color youwantin front 6 Replaceinsertpanels top trim and screws 7 Replacethe entirepanel and four attachmentscrews Color insert panels for both door and panel...

Page 23: ...teveryourquestionaboutanyGE majorappliance GEAnswerCentefl informationsetiice isavailable to help Yourcall and yourquestion willbe answeredpromptlyand courteously And youcan callany time GEAnswerCente serviceis open 24hoursa day 7daysa week serviceat today s prices Telecommunication Deviceforthelleti Pafls andAccesories 80 6z6 2 02 hbichds cpdi fid to servicetheir own appliances can haveneeded par...

Page 24: ...or by our authorized Customer Care servicersduring normai working hours Look in the White or YeiiowPages of your teiephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRiCC0fvli 4NY GENERAL ELECTRiC FACTOF Y SERViCE GENERAL ELECTRiC HOTPOiNT FACT 2RY SERViCEor GENERAL ELECTRiC CUSKNMER CARE SERViCE WHAT S NOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to usethe product Read your Useand Care material if you ...
