Chapter 5. Diagnostics
March 2019
Genius Status Data
For the Genius Status Data, status bits are arranged in ascending order of the Genius Serial Bus Addresses
(SBAs), beginning at the first %I status reference assigned to this bank of 32.
Figure 25: Genius Status Data
Bit Condition Meaning of Genius Status Bit
No device has logged onto the Genius Bus at this SBA, or
a device has not been configured for this SBA, or
there is a mismatch between the PME hardware configuration and the device that
is installed, or
the device is not able to communicate.
Device is configured, has logged-in and is communicating at the corresponding SBA.
Fault Status Data
For the Fault Status Data, the bits are arranged in ascending order of the Genius Serial Bus Addresses (SBAs),
beginning at the first %I status reference assigned to this bank of 32.
Figure 26: Fault Status Data
Bit Condition Meaning of Fault Status Bit
No fault is present on this device
No device is configured at this SBA, or
the device at this SBA is configured but is offline, or
the device at this SBA is configured and online but has one or more diagnostic faults
Module LED Indicators
Refer to Section 2.4.4 above for a description of LED indications.