Valves and ports
Outlet valve V9-Os or
Waste port:
The waste ports on Out-
let valve V9-O and
V9H-O are also labelled
If the configuration of the ÄKTA pure instrument includes a pH valve (V9-pH
or V9H-pH), there will be an additional waste port labelled W3.
Prepare the waste tubing
Make sure that the waste tubing is prepared according to the instructions in
Install waste tubing, on page 80
Prepare the outlet tubing
Connect tubing to the outlet ports of the outlet valve that are to be used during the run.
If no fraction collector is used, immerse the outlet tubing in suitable tubes or flasks.
If a fraction collector is used, make sure that tubing is connected between the fraction
collector and the Frac port on the outlet valve, and prepare the fraction collector for a
Plug unused valve ports
It is recommended to plug all unused valve ports with stop plugs before starting a run.
See ÄKTA pure User Manual for information about connectors.
ÄKTA pure Operating Instructions 29022997 AF
5 Prepare the system for a run
5.2 Prepare the flow path