Reset the EMERGENCY STOP button by turning it clockwise.
Restart the control software.
If ÄKTA ready XL fails to restart correctly following an emergency
shutdown or power failure, contact GE Healthcare for further ad-
vice and assistance.
Power failure
Power failure. During a power failure, or if the EMERGENCY
STOP button is pressed, the system may remain pressurized.
Opening a line or vessel at this point could result in the release of
potentially hazardous process or cleaning fluid, and cause bodily
When recovering from a power failure or emergency shutdown,
make sure all lines and vessels are depressurized before opening.
The system power is lost if the Power switch on the electrical cabinet is turned off,
the mains cable is disconnected, or if the power supply fails.
All pumps stop if the electrical power to the system is lost. All valves will immediately
revert to their default positions.
If UNICORN is used as the control software, a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) bat-
tery for the onboard computer is integrated in ÄKTA ready XL. The UPS provides
power for a limited time after a power failure to allow for an automatically controlled
shutdown of the computer to prevent loss of data.
2 Safety instructions
2.3 Emergency procedures
ÄKTA ready XL Operating Instructions 29281616 AE
*** TeDIS Valid on Date Printed Printed on: 15-09-2023 11:27:35 ***