GE 49-4992 Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 49-4992

Page 1: ...p mktop 17 Burner Grates 16 Minute rimer 10 ontrol Settings 8 Model anti Serial Numbers 2 Cookware Tips 9 own 9 Drip Pans 17 Air Adjustment 24 Flame Size 8 Baking Baking uide 12 13 Lighting instructions 8 llroilcr Pan and Rack 15 19 Warranty Back Cover Broiling Broiling Guide 15 ontrol Settings 10 11 Door Removal 18 I ight Bulb Replacement 10 19 oven Bottom Removal 18 own Timer 10 11 Preheating 13...

Page 2: ...l your gassupplier D t turn electrlcswitches onoroffbecause sparksmay ignitethe gas FOR YOUR SAFETY IDo not storeoruse gasoline orother flammable vapors and liquidsinthevicinity ofthisoranyother appliance TheCalifornia SafeDrinking Water andToxic Enforcement Actrequires theGovernor of California topublish alistof substances known tothestate tocause cancer andrequires businesses towarn customers of...

Page 3: ...peration Theycould be seriously burned Don9t allowanyone todid standorhangontheovendoor storagedrawer orrangetop Theycould darnage therange and eventipitovercausing severe personal injury eCAUTION ITEMS M INTEmsT m cmLDmN SHOULD N YI BEsmmD INcABlmm ABOVE A MNGE ORONTm BACWPLMH OFAIMJ WX CHDJXENC LIMBBW ON THERANGE IX REACH ITEMS COULD BE SERIOUSLY N UR13D Letburnergratesandother surfacescoolbefor...

Page 4: ...nsilshavingflat bottoms largeenoughto properly containfoodavoidingboilovers and spillovers and largeenough to coverburner grate This will both savecleaningand prevent hazardousaccumulationsof food sinceheavyspatteringor spillovers lefton rangecan ignite Use pans with handlesthat can be easily grasped andremain cool Useonlyglasscookware that isrecommended foruseongas burners Keep all plastics awayf...

Page 5: Whentlzefloorcoveri ngends at the front ofthe range theareathatthe rangewillrestonshouidbebuiltup withplywoodor similarmaterialto thesamelevelorhigherthanthe floorcovering I his willallowthe rangetobemovedforcleaningor servicing Levelinglegsarelocatedoneach cornerofthebaseoftherange Removethebottomdrawerandyou canleveltherangeonanunevenfloor Toremovedrawer puildrawer outalltheway tilt up the f...

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Page 7: ...Lbutton pushit tocancelanyovenoperation 11 6 ElectronicDisplayPanel 10 7 Oven On Indicator 9 10 10 8 OvenVent 9 OvenInteriorLight 10 19 10 OvenLightSwitch letsyouturn interiorovenlighton andoff 10 9 19 11 OvenShelves easilyremovedor repositionedon shelfsupports 9 I 12 OvenShelfSupports 13 BroilerPanand Rack 15 19 14 Removable OvenDoor easilyremovedfor ovencleaning 18 15 Lift UpCooktop supportrodsh...

Page 8: ...ookwareon thegrate Thefinish onthegratemaychipwithout cookwaretoabsorbtheheat Besuretheburnersandgratesare coolbeforeyouplaceyourhand a potholder cleaningclothsor other materialson them HowtoSekt Fiamesize Theflamesizeona gasburner shouldmaichthecookwareyou areusing NEVERLETTHE FLAME EXTENDUPTHESIDESOFTHE COOKWARE Anyflamelargerthan thebottomofthecookwareiswasted andonlyservestoheatthehandles When...

Page 9: ...are usedwithmediumheatas the manufacturerrecommends A3 14Bk e Automatic Ignition I he ovenburnerandbroil burneronyourrangearelighted byelectricignition lb lighteitherburner pushthe buttonforthedesiredfunctionand turntheSETknobuntilthedesired temperatureisdisplayed Tim burnershouldignitewithin60 seconds Poweroutage Theovenandbroilerburnerson thisrangewillnotlightintheevent ofanelectricalpoweroutage...

Page 10: ...othecorrecttimeof dayforaccurateautomaticoven timingoperations ToSetthe Minute Second mer 1 PushTIMERbutton 2 TurnSETknobtodesired amountoftime upto9 hoursand 59 minutes TheMinute Second Timerwillimmediatelybeginto countdown 3 Whentimeisup theEnd of Cycle Tone 3 longbeeps willsoundand thedisplaywillagainshowthetime ofday Note The Minute Second Timeris a reminderonlyandwillnotoperate theoven Youcan...

Page 11: ...g thecorrespondingfunction button The messagesinthe displayshowyouwhichfimction iscurrentlybeiggdisplayed Whilethe functionis display youcanchange it with the SET bob YoucanchangeNY programmed fimction atanytime End of Cycle Tone 3 long eeps onesecondon onesecondoff showsthata timedovenoperation hasreachedSTOPTU vlE or that the Minute Second Timerhas counteddown Attention Tone seriesofshort beeps ...

Page 12: ...Edgesofcrusttoothin oIncorrectbaking temperature Bottomcrustsoggyandunbaked oAllowcrustand or fillingto COO1 sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell Filling maybe toothinorjuicy Fillingallowedtostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredients and proper measuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique Makesuretherearenotinyholesor tearsinabottomcrust Patchi...

Page 13: ...5minutes Darkmetalor glassgivesdeepest browning Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused U smu _ A Ktrm 30 55 10 15 45 60 Twopiecepanisconvenient Linepanwithwaxedpaper Aluminum TubePin MetalJcliyRollPm MetalorCeramicPdn MetalorCeramicPdn ShinyMet ilMuffinPdns MetalorGlassLoafor TubePdn ShinyMetalPdnwith satin finish bottom ShinyMetalPdnwith satin finish bottom MetalorGlassLoafPans...

Page 14: ...suggestedtemperature FrozenRoasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc can bestartedwithout thawing butallow15to25 minutes per poundadditionaltime 15 minutesper poundforroastsunder 5 pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry can becookedsuccessfullywithout thawing Followdirectionsgiven on packer slabel Oven Approximate Roasting...

Page 15: ...chsidewithmelted butter Broilwithskinside downfirstandbroilwith doorclosed 28 30 Chicken 450 1whole 2to2k lbs splitlengthwise 2 4slices 1pkg 2 2 split LO HI HI B BakeryProducts Bread Toast or ToasterPastries EnglishMuffins Spaceevenly Place English muffms cut side up andbrushwithbutterif desired D D 2 3 3 4 3 16 2 1 3 Closeth ovendoor 4 Pressthe BROILbuttonandturn theSETknobuntilyourchoice ofI HBR...

Page 16: ...rposehouseholdcleanerand immediatelydry itwitha clean softcloth Takecaretodry the surfacefollowingthe grain To helppreventfingermarksafter cleaning spreada thinfilmofbaby oilonthesurface Wipeaway excessoilwitha clean softcloth Agoodappliancewaxwillhelp protectthisfinish Bwner GE 3tes Porcelainenameledburnergrates shouldbe washedregularlyand of course afterspiliovers Washthem inhot soapywaterandrin...

Page 17: ...ace Instead soakthedrip pansforabout20 minutesinslightlydilutedliquid cleanseror mildsolutionof ammoniaandwater 1 2cupof ammoniatoonegallonofwater Aftersoaking washtheminhot soapywater Rinsewithcleanwater andpolishwitha clean softcloth Do notattempttocleanthedrip pansintheself cleaningoven Whenreplacingdrip pans the notchon the rearpanandthenotch onthe frontpanshouldmeetin the middle Lift UpCookto...

Page 18: ...gerthanthebakingdish or a smallcookiesheeton a lower shelfor underthebakingdishto catchanyboilovers It should not completelycovertheshelfas this wouldcauseunevenheat inthe oven Aluminumfoilshouldnotbe placedon theovenbottom If a spilloverdoesoccuron the ovenbottomallowtheoventocool first Youcan cleanthebottomwith soapandwater a mildabrasive cleanser soap filledabrasive pads or usethe self cleancyc...

Page 19: ...rned on foodswillsoakloosewhilethe mealisbeingserved Donotstorea soiledbroilerpan andrackintheoven Do not clean inself cleaningoven oven LightBulb Thelightbulbislocatedinthe upperrightcorneroftheoven Beforereplacingthebulb disconnectelectricpowertothe rangeatthemainfuseorcircuit breakerpanelor unplugtherange fromtheelectricoutlet Letthe bulbcoolcompletelybefore removingit Donottoucha hot bulbwitha...

Page 20: ...tionandgoodbakingresults Ifyounoticethegasketbecoming worn frayedor damagedinany wayor if it hasbecomedisplaced onthedoor youshouldreplaceit Makesuretheovenlightbulbcover D isinplace m cP A 1 p 1 II A IF C w A OvenFrontFrame B OpeningsinDoor C OvenDoorGasket D OvenLightBulbCover Step4 Closethe ovendoorandmake suretheovenlightisoff 20 CM mmdrippansfromthetop d yourrangeshouldmwr be cleanedin thesel...

Page 21: ...nyoucanfindoutwhen theoventurnsonbypushingand hoMing heCLEANbutton lb stop a clean Cyck 1 PresstheCANCELbutton 2 Waituntiltheovenhascooled belowlockingtemperature about 20 30minutes andtheword LOCK isoff inthedisplay Youwillnotbe ableto openthe doorrightawayunlesstheoven temperatureisat a safelevel If youcannotopentheovendoor immediatelyaftertheword LOCK goesoff waitone minuteandtry again te SeIf ...

Page 22: ...eancycle Q Is the crackling soundI hearduringcleaningnormal A Yes s isthesoundofthemetal heatingand coolingduringboththe cookingand cleaningfhnctions Q Shouldtherebe anyodor duringthecleaning A Yes theremaybe a slightodor duringthefirstfewcleanings Failuretowipeoutexcessivesoil mightalsocausea strongodor whencleaning Q Whatcausesthehair like lineson theenameledsurface of myoven A Thisisa normalcon...

Page 23: ...chas fatsmatterings etc wmhwithsoapandwaterwhen cooledandthenrinse Polishwithadrycloth Soakwithhydrogen peroxide Frequentsoakinghelpspreventsoilbuild up Donotrub Seeself cleansectionformoreinformation Coolbeforecleaning Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwaterwillprolong thetimebetweenmajorcleanings Besureto rinsethoroughly Shelvescanbe soakedindishwasher or cleanedbyhand usingsoapandwater Rinsethorough...

Page 24: ...rewdriveragainstthe friction fit shuttersandpushto rotatethe shutters allowingmoreor lessair intotheburnertubesas needed Broilandoven Burner AirAdjustment Shutters Airadjustmentshuttersforthe broilandovenburnersregulatethe flowofair tothe flame Theair adjustmentshutterforthe top broil burneris inthecenterof the rear walloftheoven shutter II I Theshutterforthebottom oven burneris nearthe backwallbe...

Page 25: ...temper aturc hasnever been adjusted thedisplay will read 00 Zws m 4 Turn theSET knob toadjust the tcrnpcraturc in5 F steps Youcan raise it35 F or lowerit 35 F A minussign beforethe number means that the ovenwill be cooler bythe displayedamount ofdegrees Ifthecontrol beepsand flashes push the CANCEL buttonand start over 5 When you havemade thedesired adjustment push the CLOCK buttontogo back tothe ...

Page 26: ...edimproperlyinoven Ovenventblockedontopofrange ncorrect eaokwarebeingused Checkeachcooking sectionforcookwaretips Oven bottomnotsecurelyseatedinposition ElectronicControlssetincorrectly Reviewpages10and 11 Checkcommonbaking roastingandbroilingproblemsonpages12 15 a Make sure theelectrical ph qg is plugged intoalive properi ygroundedpoweroutlet Check forpoweroutage Bulbmaybelooseor burnedout Electr...

Page 27: ... all hedetails incluciing your phone nunlbcr t Manager Consunler Relations GE Appliances Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyour problenl is still not resolved write Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel o NC rth t cker Drive Chicago Illinois 60606 27 ...

Page 28: ...e the product Read your Use and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer Youare responsible for providing adequate electr...
