GE 26700 User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 26700

Page 1: ...25 Channel Cordless Telephone User s Guide 26700 We bring good things to life ...

Page 2: ...5 oftheFCC Rules Oporal_on issubject tothefohwing twoconditions 1 This device may nct cause harmful interference and 2 This device must accept any interference received induinginterforenne thatmay cause undesired eperatiorL This equipment hasbeen tested and found tocemp_ withthe limits foraClass B6gital devfoe pursuant toPart 15 o f theFCC Rules These limits aredesigned toprovide reasonable p_ecti...

Page 3: ...ketheonepicturedhere Ifyoudon thavea modular jack callyourlocalphonecompany tofindouthowtogetone installed INSTALLATION NOTE Somecordlesstelephonesoperateat frequendes that may causeinterferencetonearby INsandVCIls Tominimizeorpreventsuchinterference thebaseofthe cordlesstelephoneshouldnot beplacednear oron top ofa TVorVCK If interferencecontinues movingthe cordlesstelephonefarther awayfromthe IVo...

Page 4: ...toa modular jack 3 Plug thepowersupply cordintoanAC outlet 4 Raise thebaseantenna 5 Turnonthe RINGER switchsothe handsetringsfor incoming calls 6 Placehandsetinthebaseto chargefor 12hours TheCHARGE INUSElight comesonindicating that the batteryis charging NOTE The phone automatically defaultsto touch tone dialing To change to pulse rotary dialing see Tone Pulse Dialing Ifyou don t knowwhich typeof ...

Page 5: ...4 Slipthe mounting holesoverthewall plate posts andslidethe unitdownfirmly intoplace Wallplate notincluded 5 Turn ontheRINGER switch sothehandset rings forincoming calls 6 Placehandsetinthe baseto chargefor 12 hours TheCHAROF JIN USElightcomeson indicating that the batteryis charging NOTE The ea estvraytofitthe telephoneline cordinto thebaseplateistoleaveitvwapped up Just unwrapenoughcord toreacht...

Page 6: ...s theREDIAL button toredial thelastnumber youcalled Ifyougeta busy signal and wanttokeep dialing thenumber justpressREDIAL again you don t have toturnthephone offandback on RECFJV NGA CALL Toanswer a callyoumustpressthe PHONEbuttononthe handsetbeforeyoucantalk FLASHBUTTON Usethe FLASHbutton to activatecustomercallingservicessuchas callwaitingor call transfer which are availablethroughyourlocalphon...

Page 7: ...E HANDSEl Pressthe PAGF JFINO buttononthe baseto locatea misplaced handsetorto getthe attention ofa personnearthehandset Pressing the PAGE FIND button for 2 seconds enablesthehandsettosignalfor 15seconds oruntilyoufind the handset andpress the PHONE button ThePage findfeatureonlyworkswhenthe PHONE buttonisoff ADVANCED F XU S CHANNEL BUTI ON Whiletalking youmightneedtomanually changethe channelinor...

Page 8: ... forthatmemorylocation IMPORTANT Ifyoumaketestcallsto emergencynumbers stol_l in memory remain on theline andbrieflyexplainthe reasonforthe call to the dispatcher It sa good idea to make these callsduringoff peakhours suchasearlymorningorlateevening CHAIN DIAt G FROM MEMORY Usethisfeatureto makecallswhichrequirea sequence ofnumbers for instance ifyou usea callingcardfor a frequentlycalledlongdista...

Page 9: ...ourcallisanswered 3 Follow thevoiceinstructions tocomplete yourtransaction 4 Hangupwhenfinished Thephonereturns toPulse rotary service CHANGING THE BATFERY II Thehandset runsona consumer replaceable nickel cadmium batterypack If you experience anyofthefollowing problems youmayneedtoreplacethebatterypack Shorttalktime Poorsound quality Limited range CHARGF JIN USElightfails tolight MakesurephoneisO...

Page 10: ... collectandre de Nickel Cadmium batteriesthroughout the UnitedStates Pleasecall 1 800 8 _Y for informationor contactyour local recyclingcenter GENES PRODUCT CARE IIII I II IIII Tokeepyourtelephone working andlooking good follow theseguidelines Avoidputtingthe phone nearheating appliances anddevices thatgenerate electrical noise forexample motors or fluorescentlamps DONOTexpose todirectsunlight orm...

Page 11: ...ervice Problem o u_on i ii No dial tone Check installation Is the base power cord connected to a working outlet Is the Phone in Use light on Is the telephone line cord connected to the wall jack Disconnect the base from the wall jack and connect another phone to the same jack If there is no dial tone in the second phone the problem might be your wiring or local service Is the handset out of range ...

Page 12: Doesthe base need to be relocated Charge battery Make sure base is not plugged into an outlet with another household appliance Place handset in basefor 20 secondsto resetthe security code If that doesn t work charge battery for 12 hours Clean charging contactson handset and basewith a soft cloth or an eraser See solutions for No dial tone Replace battery Memory Dialing Did you program the memor...

Page 13: ...rangeofthe base SERVICE TheFCC requiresthisproduct tobeserviced only bythemanufacturer oritsauthorized serviceagents Inaccordance withFCC requirements changes ormodifications not expressly approved byThomson Consumer Electronics could voidtheuser s authoriW tooperatethisproduct Forinstructions onhowtoobtainservice refertothewarranty included inthisGuideor callConsumer Information 1 800 448 0329 At...

Page 14: ...orservicenotcovered bythe warranty Insureyourshipment for lossordamage Thomson acceptsnoliabilityin caseof damage orloss Aneworrefurbished unitwill beshipped toyouprepaidfreight What your wan anty does not cover Customer instruction Your Owner s Manualprovides information regarding operating instructions andusercontrols Foradditional information askyour dealer Installation andset upserviceadjustme...

Page 15: ......

Page 16: ...Model 26700 15432950 Rev 0 F S 99 06 Printed in the U S A 1999 Thomson Consumer Electronics Inc P O Box1976 Indianapolis IN46206 Trademark s Registered ...
