gbo Medizintechnik AG 2004
Version 1.3
4.3 Contraindications
An exact diagnosis must be made before starting therapy. The diagnosis determines which treatment with
ultrasound is indicated at all.
Regardless of the low dosage and the relatively wide field of application, distinct contraindications have
become evident. The “harmfulness” frequently discussed in the literature is of secondary importance,
because no organic damage can be caused with the stated low dose, provided when static exposure to
ultrasound is avoided.
Ultrasound should not be used in case of:
Changes to the skin, particularly with infectious diseases and birthmarks
Tumorous diseases in all stages
Feverish conditions
Poor general condition and general atrophy
Active tuberculosis, regardless of stage and localization
Acute inflammations
Stomach ulcers
Following recent Thoriam-X treatment, X-ray depth treatment
Diabetes mellitus
Vascular diseases of the extremities (thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicosis)
Disorders of coagulation of blood
Acute join rheumatism.
Near these disease groups one should be troubled to expel certain organs of a direct treatment.
The following organs must not be treated directly:
Eyes, brain and spinal marrow
Laminectomy-related spinal incisions
Anaesthetised areas
Heart and lungs
Do no expose
of heart segments with functional heart complaints.
Do no expose
of the epiphysis zones of children.
This list raises no claim to completeness. In the individual case the doctor always decides on
contraindications and criteria of treatment.