Page 9
Camera / Port Cover Alignment
Visually Check
the Nikonos RS Mount and Port Cover mate.
The Nikonos RS
Mount flange ( the innermost ring shown in
– should be ~ 0.5 to 1mm
(0.02 to 0.04 in) forward of the next step on the Bulkhead Cover (shown in
color). It should also be an even step around the perimeter.
If you see more then 0.5 to 1mm difference or uneven step, stop and loosen the
four corner screws of the Port Cover and adjust the position until the Nikonos RS
Mount Flange is even around the perimeter with the Port Cover.
The Nikonos RS Mount
flange (RED color) should
be 0.5 to 1mm (0.02 to
0.04 in) forward of the next
outward step (BLACK