Big Numbers Mode
You can change the size of the numbers on the hole information screen.
Hold MENU, select the activity settings, and select Big Numbers.
The distance to the back of the green
The distance to the middle of the green or selected pin position
The distance to the front of the green
The current hole number
The par for the current hole
The jumpmaster feature is for use by experienced skydivers only. The jumpmaster feature should not be used
as a primary skydiving altimeter. Failure to input the appropriate jump related information can lead to serious
personal injury or death.
The jumpmaster feature follows military guidelines for calculating the high altitude release point (HARP). The
device detects automatically when you have jumped to begin navigating toward the desired impact point (DIP)
using the barometer and electronic compass.
Customizing Activities and Apps
You can customize the activities and apps list, data screens, data fields, and other settings.
Activities and Apps