Setting and Following a Direct Course Using Go To
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings, and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
You can set and follow a direct course from your current location to a selected destination.
1 Select a destination (
2 Select Navigate To > Go To.
A magenta line appears. In the center of the magenta line is a thinner purple line that represents the
corrected course from your current location to the destination. The corrected course is dynamic, and it
moves with your boat when you are off course.
3 Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
4 If you are off course, follow the purple line (corrected course) to go to your destination, or steer back to the
magenta line (direct course).
You can also use the orange course-to-steer arrow, which shows a proposed turning radius to return your
boat to the course.
Review the path for obstacles before negotiating the turn. If the path is unsafe, reduce your boat speed and
determine a safe path back to the course.
Stopping Navigation
While navigating, from an applicable chart, select an option:
• Select Menu > Stop Navigation.
• When navigating with Auto Guidance, select Menu > Navigation Options > Stop Navigation.
• Select .
Waypoints are locations you record and store in the device. Waypoints can mark where you are, where you are
going, or where you have been. You can add details about the location, such as name, elevation, and depth.
Marking Your Present Location as a Waypoint
From any screen, select Mark.
Creating a Waypoint at a Different Location
1 Select Waypoints > New Waypoint.
2 Select an option:
• To create the waypoint by entering position coordinates, select Enter Coordinates, and enter the
• To create the waypoint using a chart, select Use Chart, select the location, and select Select.
• To create the waypoint using a range (distance) and bearing, select Enter Range/Bearing, and enter the
Marking an SOS Location
You can mark an SOS or MOB (man overboard) location.
1 Hold SOS for one second.
2 Select the SOS type.
3 If necessary, select OK to navigate to the man overboard location.
If you selected OK, the chartplotter sets a direct course back to the location. If you selected another type of
SOS, the call details are sent to the VHF radio. You must send the call using the radio.
Navigation with a Chartplotter