GPS 10x Technical Specifications
Rev. A
Page 6
1.5.5 Interfaces GPS 10x Electrical Characteristics
Communicate with Host Platform via Bluetooth Serial Profile
Typical Range: up to 32 feet (10 meters) Garmin Interface
Refer to the
Garmin Device Interface Specification
for specific information about the Garmin
Protocol. The document is located on the Garmin Web site at
See also Appendix A: Binary Phase Output Format
for additional information
concerning access to raw pseudo-range and carrier phase data from the GPS 10x. GPS 10x Protocol
NMEA 0183 Version 2.0 or NMEA 0183 Version 2.30 (Version 2.0 is factory default,
programmable by data field 1 of the PGRMC1 sentence described in Section 3.1.1
Sensor Configuration Information (PGRMC1). To determine the specific sentences supported by
SiRF, refer to the SiRF website.
Available NMEA 0183 output sentences include GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, GPVTG,
GPGLL, and PGRMT (Garmin proprietary sentences). See Section 3.2
Sentences for format descriptions.
Configuration and initialization is accomplished with NMEA 0183 input sentences. Allows
initialization of information such as expected position, date, time, earth datum, and differential
mode. See Section
3.1 Received NMEA 0183 Sentences
for format descriptions.
Configurable for binary data output including GPS carrier phase data.