M a n u a l D a t a r u n P r e m i u m , v e r s i o n 1 . 7 0
Pagina 1
Main versions
This manual covers the 4 main versions of Datarun premium, varying in number of metrics on screen
from 4 to 7. It also covers the copy versions.
The location of the main versions in the Garmin app store:
4 metrics: https://apps.garmin.com/nl-NL/apps/76af5825-6594-4337-8a8e-82193a47ed12
5 metrics: https://apps.garmin.com/nl-NL/apps/a791fa75-714e-4679-9d8e-ffce09f8069e
6 metrics: https://apps.garmin.com/nl-NL/apps/665468ea-2f51-412b-be2f-9c1ea777901f
7 metrics: https://apps.garmin.com/nl-NL/apps/360a26c4-e2bb-45b7-8f97-2694ccf74eef#0
You need a license for each of these 4 main versions; see the last part of this manual.
Copy versions
Per main version I have also made copy versions. If you have a license for a main version of Datarun
premium with 4, 5, 6 or 7 metrics, you will be enabled to generate a license key for copy versions for
that specific main version (see the last part of this manual). The advantage of having copy versions is
that one can have more than one sets of setting. Also I have used the copy versions to deviate a bit in
Datarun Premium
manual version 1.7
Don’t forget to connect the Stryd footpod as a
powermeter for this datafield to work and to keep
the Stryd datafield, for recording power and the
other metrics, in the background on screen 2 or 3