#10 Can Opener
Thank you for your purchase
of a Garde Heavy-Duty #10
Can Opener!
This manual outlines cleaning, proper use,
and replacing wearable parts. The Garde
Heavy-Duty #10 Can Opener is made of
durable cast iron construction with a rust-
resistant coating. It can be used to open
cans of all sizes including #10 Cans.
Can openers are available with and without bases.
A new or existing base is requred for proper
leverage when opening cans.
Using Your New Can Opener
Position the can you are opening on the counter
on top of the base with the lip of the can touching
the can opener.
Line up the knife on the inside lip of the can.
With the handle upright punch down so the knife
punctures the can’s lid.
Push the handle down so it is parallel with the
counter and begin turning the handle to open
the can.
Once the lid is separated, safely remove it from
the can. Avoid touching the sharp edges of the lid
created while opening the can.
Pull the can opener up and move the can away
from the opener.
See reverse for cleaning, maintenance,
replacement parts, and warranty information.