OC-G-5646-2-ET OLED Lighting Controllers - User Manual
Webpage configuration
You can set up the OC-G-5646-2-ET thr ough its own inter nal web
pages. Click the
Open w ebpage...
button in Gar dasoftM aint to take
you dir ectly to the OC-G-5646-2-ET's webpages. You can also type the
contr oller ’s IP addr ess (displayed in Gar dasoftM aint) into your web
br owser , which will display the M ain scr een. Gar dasoftM aint softwar e
is available fr om
Main page
The m ain page (shown below) is the fir st to open when you access the
OC-G-5646-2-ET's webpages. This gives the contr oller 's har dwar e and
fir m war e r evision levels and the ser ial num ber . It also gives you an
estim ation of the power being dissipated and the OC-G-5646-2-ET's
inter nal tem per atur e.