Counter Setting Guide
The counter application counts the number of AI-detected objects. The count value can be
utilized by defining various actions.
3.1 Counter working process
By setting up a counter application, ZN-AIBOX-STD/PRO counts objects internally and archives
the counting data to internal storage at regular intervals.
The stored data can be retrieved directly from the edge through the API. Edge storage has
limitations in areas such as storage period, network configuration, and service delivery
3.2 Counter Setting Example (Occupancy Counting)
Utilize the Occupancy Counting application to count people in real-time not only in stores, but
also in buildings, specific areas of buildings, floors, or any other unit.
3.2.1 Counting Method
Occupancy counting operates according to the following methods.
Count the number of people entering from all possible entrances to the target space.
Count the number of people exiting at all possible exits from the target space.
Aggregate and store
the number of people entering
the number of people
for each data collection cycle.