To test aviation fuels for undissolved (free) water, use the Aqua-Glo III
ultraviolet detector kit as shown in (Figures E-1A and E-1B). The standard
test method for undissolved water is ASTM D 3240-86a. The following
equipment is required to perform this test:
Aqua-Glow series III Free Water Detector Unit
The Aqua-Glo series III determines the degree of undissolved water content.
The ultraviolet lamp assembly has a single, permanent fluorescing standard,
positioned under a photographic-type iris diaphragm that can be opened or
closed to increase or decrease the amount of ultraviolet light. The water
content is determined by adjusting the diaphragm lever arm until the
fluorescing standard and the test pad shows equal brightness in the ultraviolet
light. The balance is reached when the zero-centering ammeter reads ZERO.
The amount of water is read in parts per million (PPM) on the diaphragm
lever arm scale that has been precalibrated in the factory.
Test Pads
The fuel sample passes through a uranine dye-treated filter pad. Free water in
the fuel reacts with the uranine dye. When the pad is illuminated by ultraviolet
light, the dye contacted by the free water will fluoresce a bright yellow. The
pad is packaged in a hermetically sealed packet. The test pads are packaged 50
to a box.
Test Pad Holder and Sample Line
A test pad holder and sample line are used to draw the fuel sample through the
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