Figure 40. Calibrate supply
Fowler-nordheim field emission analysis (FEA)
Analyzing the emission current of an ion pump allows for more accurate
pressure readings. This analysis is done using the Fowler-Nordheim method.
Based on this calculation, the SPCe will recommend that a hi-pot be
conducted on the ion pump.
Figure 41. Emission analysis
High pot
This feature operates the ion pump in a high-pot mode where the pump
voltage can perform in the range of 10.5 kV for hi-pot cleaning of an ion
pump. The ion pump will attempt to reach a preset voltage up to 10.5 kV.
Figure 42. High pot
Supply Jump Start (Jump Mode)
Enabling Jump Start causes the SPCe to increase the voltage to the set value
when initially starting the ion pump. This causes the ion pump to potentially
arc from cathode to anode, which creates electrons within the ion pump.
These electrons start the initial electron charge within the pump. This
feature is useful when starting smaller pumps that are very low in pressure
when the pump is turned on (for example after a long turbo bake).
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