Cunning fiends like the Wraith King
that use their keen instincts to outwit
Arran, avoiding his magic until they
have the chance to strike with powerful
hexes and spells.
B osses
Great brooding giants like
Bale, the Fire Dragon, are the
Nightcaster’s sovereigns of
evil. They are few, but so
powerful they are
uncontested in
their reign.
The Nightcaster’s M inions
The Nightcaster’s minions are vile creatures, enlisted to stave off
Arran’s magic and stop his advance. They are born from the four
essences of magic from which Arran draws his power—Fire, Water,
Light, and Dark.
Spells are most effective against creatures of the opposite magic.
Light spells work best against Dark creatures and Fire spells work best
against Water creatures, and vice versa. Conversely, spells from the
same magic, like Light against Light, do no damage. Light creatures
are yellow, Dark are purple, Fire are red, and Water are blue.
Here is but a sampling of what Arran may encounter…
Small, despicable creatures like the
Rock Hopper that inhabit every corner
of the world. Alone, its assault is painful
but does little damage. However when
they attack as a hoard, they can be
quite menacing.
Spawn ers
Hidden nests of Beasties. The only
way to stop an attack is to find their
nest and destroy it.
Big dumb monsters like the Ice Ogre
that rarely venture out to find Arran.
Instead, they wait for him to wander
near before attacking—sometimes
with brawn, sometimes with magic.