Ordering Options
The DMC-40x0 can be ordered in many different internal boards, the DMC, ICM, and CMB are required, and the
AMP/SMD are optional. See Part Numbers, pg 2 for a full explanation of the internal layout and the Integrated
Components, pg 211 for a description of the different board options. These individual boards have their own set of
options that can modify them. This section provides information regarding the different options available for these
different boards. For information on pricing and how to order a controller with these options, see our DMC-40x0
part number generator on our website.
DMC, “DMC-40X0(Y)” Controller Board Options
The following options are the “Y” configuration options that can be added to the DMC-40X0 part number. Multiple
Y-options can be ordered per board.
DIN – DIN Rail Mounting
The DIN option on the DMC-40x0 motion controller provides DIN rail mounts on the base of the controller. This will
allow the controller to be mounted to any standard DIN rail.
Part number ordering example:
12V – Power Controller with 12VDC
The 12V option allows the controller to be powered with a regulated 12V supply. The tolerance of the 12V input
must be within ±5%. If ordered with an internal amplifier, the 12V will automatically be upgraded to the ISCNTL
option, see ISCNTL – Isolate Controller Power, pg 186. In either case, the DMC controller board will be powered
through the 2-pin Molex connector on the side of the controller as shown in the Power Connections, pg 12. Molex
connector part numbers and power connector pin-outs can be found here: Power Connector Part Numbers, pg 192.
Part number ordering example:
TRES – Encoder Termination Resistors
The TRES option provides termination resistors on all of the main and auxiliary encoder inputs on the DMC-40x0
motion controller. The termination resistors are 120 Ω, and are placed between the positive and negative
differential inputs on the Main A, B, Index channels as well as the Auxiliary A and B channels as in Figure A.1.
Single ended encoders will not operate correctly with the termination resistors installed. If a combination of
differential encoder inputs with termination resistors and single ended encoders is required on the same
interconnect module, contact Galil directly.
Appendices ▫ 185
DMC-40x0 User Manual