Encoder Position Drifts
Significant noise can be seen
on MA+ and / or MB+ encoder
1. Noise
Shield encoder cables
Avoid placing power cables near
encoder cables
Avoid Ground Loops
Use differential encoders
Use ±12V encoders
Servo motor runs away when
the loop is closed.
Reversed Motor Type corrects
situation (MT -1)
Wrong feedback
Reverse Motor or Encoder Wiring
(remember to set Motor Type back to
default value: MT 1)
Motor oscillates.
Too high gain or too
little damping.
Decrease KI and KP. Increase KD.
Controller rejects commands.
Response of controller from
TC1 diagnoses error.
Correct problem reported by TC1
Motor Doesn’t Move
Response of controller from TC1
diagnoses error.
Correct problem reported by SC
Error Light (Red LED)
The red error LED has multiple meanings for Galil controllers. Here is a list of reasons the error light will come on
and possible solutions:
Under Voltage
If the controller is not receiving enough voltage to power up.
Under Current
If the power supply does not have enough current, the red LED will cycle on and off along with the green power
Position Error
If any axis that is set up as a servo (MT command) has a position error value (TE) that exceeds the error limit (ER) -
the error light will come on to signify there is an axis that has exceeded the position error limit. Use a DP*=0 to set
all encoder positions to zero or a SH (Servo Here) command to eliminate position error.
Invalid Firmware
If the controller is interrupted during a firmware update or an incorrect version of firmware is installed - the error
light will come on. The prompt will show up as a greater than sign “>” instead of the standard colon “:” prompt.
Use GalilTools software to install the correct version of firmware to fix this problem.
Self Test
During the first few seconds of power up, it is normal for the red LED to turn on while it is performing a self test. If
the self test detects a problem such as corrupted memory or damaged hardware - the error light will stay on to
signal a problem with the board. To fix this problem, a Master Reset may be required. The Master Reset will set
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting ▫ 168
DMC-40x0 User Manual