is only 995, implying that X has a position error of 5 counts, which will be eliminated once the motor settles. This
implies that the correction needs to be only 15 counts, since 5 counts out of the 20 would be corrected by the X-
axis. Accordingly, the motion correction should be:
Correction = Load Position Error - Rotary Position Error
The correction can be performed a few times until the error drops below ±2 counts. Often, this is performed in one
correction cycle.
Define starting positions as zero
PR 1000
Required distance
Start motion
Wait for completion
WT 50
Wait 50 msec
Read linear position
Find the correction
Exit if error is small
Command correction
Repeat the process
Using the DMC Editor to Enter Programs
The GalilTools software package provides an editor and utilities that allow the upload and download of DMC
programs to the motion controller.
Application programs for the DMC-40x0 may also be created and edited locally using the DMC-40x0.
The DMC-40x0 provides a line Editor for entering and modifying programs. The Edit mode is entered with the ED
instruction. (Note: The ED command can only be given when the controller is in the non-edit mode, which is
signified by a colon prompt).
In the Edit Mode, each program line is automatically numbered sequentially starting with 000. If no parameter
follows the ED command, the editor prompter will default to the last line of the last program in memory. If desired,
the user can edit a specific line number or label by specifying a line number or label following ED.
Puts Editor at end of last program
:ED 5
Puts Editor at line 5
Puts Editor at label #BEGIN
Line numbers appear as 000,001,002 and so on. Program commands are entered following the line numbers.
Multiple commands may be given on a single line as long as the total number of characters doesn’t exceed 80
characters per line.
While in the Edit Mode, the programmer has access to special instructions for saving, inserting and deleting
program lines. These special instructions are listed below:
Edit Mode Commands
Chapter 7 Application Programming ▫ 160
DMC-40x0 User Manual