1. Remove the antenna end cap and gently pull the antenna
tube from the antenna mount on top of the receiver housing.
Be careful not to damage the receiver antenna wire.
2. Remove the three body clips from the receiver box cover
and remove the receiver cover from the chassis.
3. Disconnect the battery plug and three servo plugs from
the stock receiver. Hint: This would be a good time to
mark each servo connector so that you know what
servo it controls (i.e. steering servo is #1, throttle servo
is #2). Remove the receiver from the receiver mount. Clean
off any excess servo tape left behind on the receiver mount.
Hint: Use lighter fluid to clean the excess servo tape
and adhesive from the receiver mount.
4. Install the Futaba R303FS receiver onto the receiver
mount using new (not included) double sided tape.
5. Plug the receiver battery connector into the slot on the
receiver marked “B/C.”
6. Plug the steering servo connector into the slot on the
receiver marked channel 1.
7. Plug the throttle servo connector into the slot on the
receiver marked channel 2.
Installing and Setting Up the Futaba
3PM in the HPI Savage
Before installing the radio system, read the Futaba 3PM instruction manual completely.