LRI - Long-range interrogation
OSD - Own ship data
RMC - Recommended minimum specific GPS/TRANSIT data
ROT - Rate of turn
SPW - Security password sentence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Sequence number (0 to 9)
2. Control flag
3. MMSI of requestor
4. MMSI of destination
5. Latitude - N/S for north-east corner (0000.0000 to 9000.0000, NULL)
6. Longitude - E/W for north-east corner (0000.0000 to 18000.0000, NULL)
7. Latitude - N/S for south-west corner (0000.0000 to 9000.0000, NULL)
8. Longitude - E/W for south-west corner (0000.0000 to 18000.0000, NULL)
$**OSD, x.x, A, x.x, a, x.x, a, x.x, x.x, a *hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Heading, degrees true (0.00 to 359.99)
2. Heading status (A=data valid)
3. Vessel course, degrees true (0.00 to 359.99)
4. Course reference (B=Bottom tracking log, R=Radar tracking (of fixed target),
P=Positioning system ground reference)
5. Vessel speed (0.00 to 999.999)
6. Speed refereence, (B/R/P) (See 4.)
7. Vessel set, degrees true, manually entered (Not used)
8. Vessel drift (speed), manually entered (Not used)
9. Speed units (K=km/h N=Knots S=statute miles/h)
$**RMC,, A, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a, x.x, x.x, ddmmyy, x.x, a, a, a *hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. UTC of position fix (0.00 to 235959.99)
2. Status (A=data valid)
3. Latitude (0000.0000 to 9000.0000)
4. N/S
5. Longitude (0000.0000 to 18000.0000)
6. E/W
7. Speed over ground, knots (0.00 to 999.99)
8. Course over ground, degrees true (0.00 to 359.99)
9. Date (010100 to 311299)
10. Magnetic variation, degrees E/W (Not used)
11. E/W (Not used)
12. Mode indicator (A= Autonomous, D= Differential, F=Float RTK, P=Precise, R=Real time
13. Navigational status indication (S=Safe; C=Caution; U=Unsafe; V=Navigational status not
valid, equipment is not providing navigational status indication, NULL)
1 2
1. Rate of turn, deg/min, "-"=bow turns to port (-9999.99 to 9999.99)
2. Status (A=data valid)
$ **SPW,ccc,c--c,x,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4
1. Password protected sentence
2. Unique identifier (MMSI=000000000 to 999999999, NULL)
3. Password level (1=User defined,2=Administator)
4. Password (Maximum 32 characters, text only)
Summary of Contents for FA-170
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