Carrier Indication (Squelch)
Every one of the four radio circuits provides its own carrier indicator (Squelch), which is located above
the corresponding selection key. If using junction box MBOS2AB1, for activation the squelch input
needs a voltage between 5V and 14V. If MBOS2AB6 is used, the logic of the carrier indication is
configurable. The polarity of the carrier indication and the AF muting when no carrier is present can
be programmed.
Transmitter Indication (PTT)
Every radio circuit has its own transmitter indication, which is lit when the transmitter is activated.
This happens upon pushing the PTT button or one of the two tone call buttons. The LED blinks if a
parallel Major BOS 2a2 is on transmission.
Selection Indication
The selection indicator is permanentely luminous if the corresponding radio circiut is selected and
active. If it is in blinking state this circuit is busy and cannot be selected.
Selection of Base Stations / Radio Circuits
To connect to one of the four radio circuits the corresponding selection key is to be pressed. A
subsequent button press sets the circuit to inactive. To activate more than one channel hold the first
pressed button down and select further circuits. Programming the Major BOS2a2 can disable this
feature. Acitve circuits are indicated by a luminous selection indication LED. A busy radio cuircuit is
idicated by a blinking LED. Radio circuits can be disabled, active radio circuits on power on can be
Loudspeaker and Volume Control
On transmission the loudspeaker is turned off automatically. If it is off, when the handset ist lifted, can
be programmed. Loudspeaker volume can be adjusted with the master volume control.
Microphone Selection
The Major BOS2a2 has three microphone routings available. The PTT button in the handset turns
on the handset's microphone. The red PTT button and the headset's PTT input can be configured
independently. Possible associations are gooseneck microphone, headset microphone or automatic
selection. If automatic selection is on, the headset microphone is used if a headset is detected
otherwise the gooseneck microphone is used.
Tone Call Decoder
The optional software "Encoder/Decoder" allows the Major BOS2b2 to decode Tone Call1 and Tone
Call2 on any radio circuit and to activate the corresponding circuit automatically.
Tone Call Encoder