Major BOS 2a2
Major BOS 2a2 is a desktop radio controller intended to control radio systems with up to 4 radio circuits.
Operating parameters can be prgrammed from a computer using the configuration software.
Regarding functionality and connector pin assignment, Major BOS 2a2 compatible to Major BOS
Of course, there are several changes and new features:
- electrical, programmable potentiometers have replaced the analogous potentiometers
- programmable registers instead of jumpers
- programmable headset volume
- programmable amplification of the audio inputs from radio
- noise suppression for the inputs from radio
- tunable minimum volume for single radio circuits and tunable minimum overall volume
- AF settings (mute, listening, max. volume) can be adjusted separately for earpiece, loudspeaker,
and tape
- software option "NF-Squelch" (AF squelch)
- software option "Encoder/Decoder" permitted for up to four radio circuits
- flashing squelch LED and alarm tone on decoding of a call (call 1, call 2)
The Major BOS 2a2 can be configured using the Major BOS 2a2/2b2 programming software (download
at www.funktronic.de -> Service). Alternatively, the functions can be programmed directly in the
respective registers using a terminal program (e.g. hyper terminal).
The adjustment of the potentiometers, in general, is done using the terminal program.
The Major BOS 2a2 is connected to a 12V DC power supply unit. The control set is connected to a
junction box (MBOS2AB1/6), to which up to four radios can be connected. For each of the radios a
squelch input, a PTT output, a busy line as well as AF in- and output are available.
Depending on the version, up to 6 Major BOS 2a2 or Commander BOS2 can be connected to the
junction box.
Via a 25-pin D-Sub connector a headset or a FMS hand set can be connected.
For the recording of conversations a 6-pin DIN socket is available. As the AF outputs are only cut in
during transmission, i.e. are disconnected in idle or receiving mode, it is possible to operate several
Major BOS 2a2 in parallel circuit.
The keypad consists of four selection keys for the different radio circuits, two tone call keys and the
red PTT key.