Fulton Boiler FBS Series
19 FBS 01/05
Boiler starting
Stop! Make sure you have read any followed all previous safety information.
Check with local authorities where approval for start-up is required. In some
localities, final inspection of services may be required.
In general, ensure that the boiler area is in conformance with established boiler
room requirement. Review national and local codes.
Carry out the following procedure on the initial start up of the boiler and on every subsequent
occasion when restarting the boiler after a shut down.
A) Ensure the following valves are OPEN.
i) Main steam valve
ii) Steam pressure gauge isolating valve.
iii) All valves in the water feed line.
iv) Water gauge isolating valves.
v) Air release valve.
B) Ensure the following valves are SHUT.
i) Main blowdown valve
ii) Water gauge blowdown valves.
iii) All valves in the gas/oil train to the burner.
C) Ensure that the Burner On/Off/Reset Switch is set to OFF.
D) Ensure that the Pump On/Off Switch is in the PUMP OFF position, and that the Manual/Off/Auto
Switch is in the Off position.
E) Turn the door isolator to the ON position.
F) Place the Pump On/Off Switch to the PUMP ON position.
G) Place the Pump Only/Off/Burner & Pump Switch to the PUMP ONLY position.
H) The feed pump should start and fill the boiler to the pump off level and then switch off.
If the 2
Low Water and High Pressure Alarm/Reset switch illuminate and the alarms sound,
check that the burner mounted Burner On/Off/Reset Switch is in the OFF position, and then
reset both alarms by pressing the switches.
It may be necessary to vent the feed water pump by bleeding air from the plug mounted in the
top casting below the pump motor to pump body connection.
(a) Fill the boiler as described in Section 5.1.
(b) SHUT the main steam valve.
(c) Open all the valves in the gas train/oil supply. It is assured that the fuel supply lines have been
purged prior to attempting to start the boiler/burner.
(d) Turn the Pump Only/Off/Pump & Burner On Switch to the Pump & Burner On position.
(e) Switch the Burner On/Off/Reset Switch to the ON position. The 2
Low Water and High Pressure
Alarm/Reset switches will illuminate and alarms will sound due to the power restoration interlock,
(refer to Section 3.3-Pump Only/Off/Pump & Burner On switch description).
(f) Reset the alarm by pressing both switches. If the 2
Low Water alarm cannot be cancelled, check
the water level in the sight glass.
(g) The burner motor will start and, after going through post purge/ pre purge interlock checks, should
fire after approximately 45 seconds.