Installing VMware 4.x Bundled Software
The bundled software is stored in ServerView Suite DVD1. Copy the files from ServerView SuiteDVD1 and use
Installing ServerView Agent
Install ServerView Agent by referring to the following manuals:
- ServerView Suite
ServerView Operations Manager V4.92
Installation ServerView Agents for Linux
Installation ServerView Agents (SuSE, Red Hat and VMware 4.x)
Installation ServerView Update Agent
Note the following points during the installation.
- Even if ServerView Suite DVD1 is inserted into the drive, the media is not mounted automatically. Execute
the mount command.
# mount -t udf /dev/cdrom /MNT
* MNT is the mount point.
- Use the files for V4.92, which are stored in the following directory:
* MNT is the mount point.
Installing ServerView RAID
This section describes how to install ServerView RAID.
1. Start the terminal with root privileges.
2. Mount ServerView Suite DVD1.
3. Execute the following command.
# rpm -ivh /MNT/SVSSoftware \
* MNT is the mount point.
\: This indicates that there is no line feed.
XXX depends on the version or operating system distribution.
Installing RAS Support Service (PRIMEQUEST)
This section describes hot to install the RAS Support Service (PRIMEQUEST).
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Installation Manual
APPENDIX E Notes on VMware Installation