4. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click the [OK] button to continue processing or the [Cancel] button to
cancel processing.
- If the power to the partition is already on or if thespecified control fails because the power is currently
off, a warning messageappears.
- If the power to all partitions is off, the partitions cannot be powered on for some time.
Powering off a partition
The procedure for powering off the partition is as follows.
In Windows, ServerView Agent is required to execute a shutdown from the MMB Web-UI.
For details on setting ServerView Agent, see the explanation regarding the [System Shutdown] tab in the
Operations Manager Installation ServerView Agents for Windows.
If the following problems occur, check for details on the problem in 11.2.11 Problems with partition operations in
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Administration Manual
- The MMB Web-UI displays [Error] for [Status] (information area) because either of the following was
- [Power Off], [Reset], or [Force Power Off] of the partition
- Shutdown from the operating system
- The [MMB Web-UI] window displays "Read Error" for [Part Number] or [Serial Number] to indicate the
component status.
1. Log in to the MMB Web-UI.
The [MMB Web-UI] window appears.
2. Click [Partition] - [Power Control] from the MMB menu.
The [Power Control] window appears. The number in the [#] column is the partition number.
For details on the [Power Control] window, see 1.3.1 [Power Control] window in the
Series Tool Reference
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Installation Manual
CHAPTER 8 Powering On and Off a Partition