Determine the setting value by measuring the time taken for a memory dump in the applicable partition. If
the measured time exceeds 6000 seconds (one hour and 40 minutes), specify 0 (Watchdog Timer disabled).
If the specified time is too short for a memory dump, the Watchdog Timer times out and triggers a Hard
Reset. In such cases, a memory dump cannot normally be acquired.
Setting the management LAN IP address
Set the partition management LAN IP address in PSA. For details on the management LAN, see 1.3 Management
LAN in the
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Administration Manual
Here, set the IP address on the partition instead of the IP address on the MMB.
Edit the
PSA installation folder
\etc\opt\FJSVpsa\usr\ipsetup.conf file.
Change the following IP address in an editor or similar application.
ManagementIP=<management LAN IP address>
Example of input
Restart PSA to reflect the new NIC settings for the management LAN.
Restarting PSA
1. Click [Start] - [Administrative Tools] - [Services].
2. Select [PRIMEQUEST Server Agent] in the right side of the window.
3. Select [Action] - [Restart] from the menu bar to restart PRIMEQUEST Server Agent.
Installing a PSA update
This section describes the PSA update installation procedure.
For details on how to acquire fix programs, contact the distributor where you purchased your product, or your sales
1. Save the fix program (fjpsaxxxx.exe) to your chosen folder.
"xxxx" indicates the PSA version.
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Installation Manual
CHAPTER 6 Work after Operating System Installation (PRIMEQUEST 1800E)