Chapter 2 How to Load Documents
Paper Size
The paper size that can be scanned is specified as follows.
A: 52 to 304.8 mm (2.0 to 12.0 in.)
B: 74 to 431.8 mm (2.9 to 17.0 in.)(*1)
*1: Long Page Scanning supports scanning of documents with a length up
to 3048 mm (120 in.) in feeding direction.
Paper Quality
Paper type
Recommended paper types for scanning are as follows:
Wood-free paper
Wood containing paper
When using paper types other than the above, make sure to test with the
same type of paper and see if it can be scanned before you start
scanning the actual document.
Paper weight
Paper weights supported for scanning are as follows:
A5 or larger, A4 or smaller: 20 to 209.3 g/m
(5.5 to 56.1 lb)
Smaller than A5, larger than A4: 40.7 to 209.3 g/m
(11.0 to 56.1 lb)
2.2 Documents for Scanning